As far as calc re-designs go, I think it goes this way excluding language changes such as STATS->Stats.Fr:
-83 Plus style->73 Explorer->84 Plus style
-81 style->83 style->Parcus style
-83 style->83+ style->Parcus style->82 Stats->Black redesign
TI-84 Plus/Silver:
-84+ style->Pocket style
TI-89 Titanium:
-84+ style->Black redesign
So why, after 14 years, is the TI-83 Plus still using the same design despite still being sold?
Although I like the old design, I would have thought that TI would have tried to keep its designs more consistent and make the 83+ look like the 84+
Or like the TI-83 Parcus like in this TI-Planet pic (see link)
Or maybe the 84 Pocket.Fr?
And of course the Voyage 200 had no re-design too, but we all know that the entire 68K line seems to be going down the drain so that isn't as surprising.