Following this front page article about
10 Z80 calculator games you should check out, here comes a list of 10 other games that you might either have missed or that came out recently. This time, it covers games for three color screen calculator models: The TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition, the Casio PRIZM (FX-cg10 & cg20) and the TI-Nspire CX series.
TI-84 Plus C Silver EditionScarth 2.0 (84+CSE)
Scarth is a clone of Scorched Earth games. You control a tank and must destroy the enemy tank, controlled by AI. Projectiles also destroys the terrain around you and the enemy. KermMartian had released Obliterate for the Casio PRIZM and TI-84 Plus a while ago, the latter which even supported online play, but Scarth v2.0 is actually a port of his older TI-84 Plus game called Scarth v1.0. This new clone of the popular shooting game is notorious for being one of (if not the) first ever TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition game to not use ASCII art for graphics.
CMonster (84+CSE)
CMonster is a Breakout or Arkanoid clone for the TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition calculatore. It is the first ever ASM game to be publicly released for this model and the second one of this language to be created for the new color machine (behind the
unreleased Centipede clone by Pat Milheron). It is also quite fun to play, so you should check it out as well!
Casio PRIZM seriesFalldown Colors (PRIZM)
Now for the Casio PRIZM calculators, don't worry, development for this platform isn't dead! Falldown Colors is obviously a Falldown clone, but with very great graphics and smooth gameplay. Make sure, however, to not play in the emulator because the game is much slower in it. It is available in add-in format.
Aspirin (PRIZM)
Another nice classic, Aspirin, was ported to the PRIZM a few months ago. Popular on TI calculators, in this game you have to dodge lines that crosses the screen, as more and more of them appear at once over time. Good luck! A
game video and
discussion topic are available.
TI-Nspire seriesnAspirin (Nspire)
This is another Aspirin clone, released earlier, but for the TI-Nspire CX. Also has nice graphics. The original topic about it can be found
nPuzzleFrenzy (Nspire) 
Ajorians, who recently joined Omnimaga after over a decade in the TI community, has been quite active in the TI-Nspire scene. Of of his game includes a port of Puzzle Frenzy, which you might remember from the TI-83 Plus application PuzzPack, from Detacheds Solutions. You can discuss about the game
Anagramarama (Nspire) 
This is another puzzle game by Ajorians, where you have to find words from a set of letters. Here is the
discussion thread.
nTileWorld: Chips Challenge (Nspire)
TI-8x users had to wait years before they can play Chips Challenge on their favorite school machine, but it seems that the wait for TI-Nspire users is now over too, thanks to Ajorians, who has now ported it to that platform! Of course, this game isn't finished yet so there might be bugs, but it is currently in
playable state, so enjoy!
Dodgin' Diamond 2X (Nspire)
Ported by Hoffa using nSDL for the TI-Nspire over a year ago, Dodgin' Diamond 2X is a shoot-em-up game featuring amazing graphics, a single and multi-player mode and multiple enemies. Those who liked Super Nintendo space shooters will most likely like this. You can discuss about the game
RPG Legend of Sword and Fairy (Nspire) 
This is the first ever graphical RPG to be ported to the TI-Nspire series. Until now, the only way to play a graphical RPG on this calculator platform was via the NES, GBC, GBA or TI-84 Plus emulators. Graphics are amazing and it looks very complex. Unfortunately, it's only available in Chinese language. Here is the
original article about the game on TI-Planet.
If you have one of the calculator models mentionned above, be sure to check these games out!