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LV0 - Newcomer - 0 posts - After you make 1 post, you can edit your signature, avatar and profile info.LV1 - Newcomer - 5 posts - Can send private messages to other members (assuming they have their inbox turned ON).LV2 - Member - 20 posts - Can rate posts and vote in polls.LV3 - Member - 40 posts - Can use OmnomIRC and upload files to the downloads section (Attach file to post then upload link).LV4 - Regular - 100 postsLV5 - Advanced - 200 postsLV6 - Super Member - 300 postsLV7 - Elite - 500 posts LV8 - Addict - 700 postsLV9 - Veteran - 1000 posts - File uploads are approved automatically (providing you follow the rules). Can add custom title below your nickname (staff can do so at any level).LV10 - 31337 u53r - 1337 postsLV11 - Super Veteran - 2000 postsLV12 - Extreme Poster - 3000 postsLV13 - Extreme Addict - 5000 postsLV14 - Eater of Nethams - 9001 postsLV15 - Omnimagician - 31337 posts
There was another small forum update last night involving member groups. Now, as you can see when reading topics, each forum member are ranked by a level from 0 to 10. Those are simply post count rank groups and here they are below. First, the LV, secondly, the title, third, the required post count and finally, if applicable, the special privilege you earn with this user group:LV0 - Newcomer - 0 posts - Initial group. Can post on the forums. At 1 post, you can edit your personal profile info such as website links and signature (spambot protection)LV1 - Newcomer - 5 posts - Can send private messages to other membersLV2 - Member - 20 posts - Can use OmnomIRCLV3 - Member - 50 posts - Can use the arcadeLV4 - Regular - 100 posts - Can upload files to the TI game/tools download section and wait for a manager to approve them (coming soon)LV5 - Advanced - 200 postsLV6 - Super Member - 300 postsLV7 - Elite - 500 postsLV8 - Addict - 700 postsLV9 - Veteran - 1000 posts - Can add custom title below your nickname (staff can do so at any level)LV10 - Super Veteran - 2000 postsWe thought it would be cool to have something slightly similar to RPG systems. Eventually, we may add more groups and we might attempt at re-adding a forum shop like we had in 2005, if we can find a reliable one. Note to our spammers, note that the Randomness and Intro section doesn't increase your post counts and we have the ability to reset post counts to zero.
I didn't really see which ones to add. The first few privileges are really basic anyway. The arcade one was there for ages and the downloads section one was planned this way for a while. Everything below 50 are spam protections or the like. I would add privileges for the glitches/walkthrough section too, but it doesn't appear to work (I last tried half a year ago).