Hello everybody,
As some of you may have noticed, TI-Bank became unavailable ("403 Error") a few days ago, on August 19th, 2011. This occurred because our host, "Free.fr" suddenly closed the website, and said that it was officially because of the presence of local files being used as databases.
In fact, the main reason was probably the already-high and growing popularity of TI-Bank : we had up to 110,000 visits per month, lastly.
We contacted Free.fr, and they rightly asked as a prerequisite to the reopening, the removal of several thousand files, and disabling the statistics module (attendance, history ...) which are an essential feature of community websites.
The main actors of the site, which are Critor, Levak and myself, and in addition to Lionel Debroux, had meetings in emergency, and we have worked very hard (and even day and night for some of us ...) to recover backup files and databases of TI-Bank, finding, getting, configuring the host, buying domain names, restore files and databases, completely remake the whole "portal" of TI-Bank, which was based on an old and completely obsolete CMS with many vulnerabilities, and its full integration with the PhpBB3 forum, customized by ourselves.
(Moreover, the personal investment is not : the cost of domain names + hosting is already more than $350 per year.)
So... We are pleased to announce our new website :
TIPlanet (or TI-Planet) [Edit : ] is *now* available on
http://www.ti-planet.org or
Here are the changes and benefits of TI-Planet:
- The speed and overall processing power of the many users connections will normally be higher
- The overall design has been completely remade
- The forum and the portal (including modules) were merged
- A single and universal login (based on the forum) was set up.
- Existing members of TI-Bank still have their accounts working on TI-Planet !
- The News are now fully integrated into the forum, and members with the rank of "writer" (ask on the forum to become one) can post articles to the portal
- Archive Management (file downloads) has been improved
- Etc. etc ...
We wish all former members, visitors and regulars users of TI-Bank, a pleasant moment of discovery of the new French reference website about TI calculators, and we thank you all for now updating your links to either
www.tiplanet.org or
Thank you very much, and looking forward to seeing you soon on TI-Planet,
The TI-Planet administrators
Adriweb, Critor, Levak, Lionel Debroux
Just because you still have to wait...