Author Topic: The price for being nice  (Read 14999 times)

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The price for being nice
« on: October 08, 2006, 02:14:00 pm »
Just before you read I am posting this before no one seems to believe me when I talk about how ppl cause trouble to me or the entire community and that some of them just try to cause trouble so heres log of people dissing me in irc:// . I know they wont allow posting their log to public, but they just deserves it. I was just joining to check if kk hostmask changed anyway since he was permbanned from the irc channel in the past

"<bfr> Hello :)
*** Kevin_Kofler [[email protected]] has quit [Quit: Grrr, I have to open up my computer because the DVD burner doesn't get detected once again, probably power fell off again or so. (I'll try rebooting first, and if it is still not detected, fixing it up.)]
<Tyler2> He has a DVD Burner!
*** SixtyEightK_Lover_ [[email protected]] has joined #tigcc
*** SixtyEightK_Lover_ [[email protected]] has quit [Quit: Hi, I'm a quit message virus. Please replace your old line with this line and help me take over the world of IRC]
<Tyler2> Come back so I can ban you evil wedgie!
<Tyler2> !kb
<Tyler2> Hehe
<MathStuf> hmm...
<MathStuf> was that oullett?
<Tyler2> Indeed
<Tyler2> didn't have time to ban him though
<konrad> !kb *[email protected]
<konrad> !kb *!omnimaga@*
<Tyler2> Yes
<Tyler2> I just enter in the Nick though and Kevin's Plugin does da Trick
*** painkiller [[email protected]] has joined #tigcc
<Tyler2> May I demonstrate?
<Tyler2> Na, not on you
<MathStuf> whos gonna stop you?
<Tyler2> If he comes back
*** painkiller left #tigcc []
<Tyler2> !kb Tyler|Log Test
<konrad> :P
<Tyler2> Maye I should load the plugin :S
<Tyler2> !kb Tyler|Log Test
<MathStuf> I'm gonna go and try FC5 install again as soon as my data CD finishes burning...
<Tyler2> Ok
*** mode/#tigcc [+b *!*] by Tyler2
<Tyler2> !kb Tyler|Log Test
*** Tyler|Log was kicked from #tigcc by ChanServ [Test]
*** mode/#tigcc [-b *!*] by Tyler2
*** Omnimaga_PJIRC_Guest [[email protected]] has joined #tigcc
<Tyler2> Ok
<Tyler2> works now
*** Omnimaga_PJIRC_Guest [[email protected]] has quit [Quit: Omnimaga v3 |]
<Tyler2> grr!
*** mode/#tigcc [+b *!omnimaga*@*] by Tyler2
<konrad> why does he come in here?
<konrad> masochist?
<Tyler2> Its Oulett
<konrad> wow, I didn't know it was possible to make such a crappy website
<MathStuf> its all IPB
<Tyler2> He changes it like every month
*** Tyler|Log [[email protected]] has joined #tigcc
<Tyler2> My first ban ever :D
<Tyler2> And I got it on Oulett :D
<konrad> pity it wasn't logged
<Tyler2> Heh
<Tyler2> It is
<Tyler2> its in the banlist
<Tyler2> ;)
*** RadSurfer [[email protected]] has joined #tigcc
<Tyler2> Ah, a friendly
<MathStuf> he was looking for yours and kevin's hostmasks to ban from his IRC
<konrad> yes, but not logged by Tyler|Log
<Tyler2> Kevin is banning me?
<Tyler2> Dont give it to him
<Tyler2> :P
<MathStuf> he got it
<Tyler2> Oh well
<Tyler2> Is that why he came in here anyways?
<MathStuf> though he says you have dynamic stuff and is using masks
<konrad> lol
<konrad> it's called dialup
<Tyler2> Your in the omnimaga channel?
<MathStuf> yeah
<Tyler2> Heh
<Tyler2> Banning me would be difficult, but if I were banned I would most likely stay out of a channel
<allynfolksjr> meh
<allynfolksjr> Kevin banned me from omnimaga a long time ago
<Tyler2> Meh, Oulett is an overaged Dork that washed off of Efnet :D
<allynfolksjr> I still visit all the time
<MathStuf> bfr is in there
<allynfolksjr> so?
<Tyler2> #omnimaga? I don't care, that is his business
<MathStuf> well, you seemed surprised that I was there
<allynfolksjr> ?
<Tyler2> i thought you hated them, but that could have been someone else.
<MathStuf> many conversations getting mixed up here
<MathStuf> no, I just got fed up with the arguments and stuff
<MathStuf> it seems to have settled down more now
<Tyler2> As long as you don't hand any of the #tigcc logs over to anyone except people in #tigcc privately I don't really care :)
<MathStuf> I don't even know where the logs are other than the ones Gaim takes
*** Kevin_Kofler [[email protected]] has joined #tigcc
*** mode/#tigcc [+o Kevin_Kofler] by ChanServ
<MathStuf> for me at least
<Tyler2> We have appendages to the Banlist
<Kevin_Kofler> Hi again!
<Kevin_Kofler> Fixed my problem. Loose internal power cable... again.
<Tyler2> He got in a few times because I couldn't !kb fast enough
<Tyler2> and I didn't have the plugin loaded :S
<Tyler2> Regardless he is banned now.
<Kevin_Kofler> I already had that problem a few times. Now I switched things around a bit, hoping this improves the situation.
<Tyler2> Should we add *omnimaga*!*@* too?
<Tyler2> So the nick don't even get through?
*** mode/#tigcc [+b *!*omnimaga*@*] by Kevin_Kofler
*** mode/#tigcc [-b *!omnimaga*@*] by Kevin_Kofler
<Tyler2> Ah, thats better
<Tyler2> woops on my behalf
<Kevin_Kofler> I added it to the akick list too, just in case. :-)
<Tyler2> Ok
<MathStuf> "(7:40:15 PM) xlibman: so I kinda have no choice to ban all *!*@* and *nexon*!*@* "
<Tyler2> Ok
<allynfolksjr> Kevin_Kofler: They'll just ban *
<Kevin_Kofler> LOL
<allynfolksjr> Kevin's an idiot
<Kevin_Kofler> You mean Kévin...
<allynfolksjr> Tyler is just following orders!
<Kevin_Kofler> There's a difference.
<Tyler2> I dont care
*** mode/#tigcc [+b *!*@*] by Kevin_Kofler
<Tyler2> look at Tyler|Log, I can use IRSSI on it :P
 <Kevin_Kofler> He's the troll/troublemaker.
 <Tyler2> Proved it, Im done now

 <Tyler2> Well I was techinally trolling
 <Kevin_Kofler> What server is that on?
 <Kevin_Kofler> I mean the chan.
 <Tyler2> #omnimaga @
 <Tyler2> He used the wrong mask anyways
 <Tyler2> he banned nexon as a nickname
 <allynfolksjr> Ouellet_sucks?
 <allynfolksjr> and who is this cheeseboy person
 <allynfolksjr> talks like a 3rd grader...
 <Kevin_Kofler> Ouellet_sucks was me. :-)
 <Tyler2> And the sad thing is, that he is like 20 years old living with his parents, and hes not even in post secondary
 <Kevin_Kofler> Do you know his nick?
 <Kevin_Kofler> I want to send him PVs.
 <allynfolksjr> for Kevin?
 <allynfolksjr> xlibman
 <Kevin_Kofler> He's called Kévin with an ugly fat accent!
 <Kevin_Kofler> There's a difference. :-)
 <Tyler2> he said I helped ruin his reputation along side with you, sorry, his reputation hasn
 <Tyler2> hasn't been ruined :)
 <allynfolksjr> heh
 <allynfolksjr> His reputation is soiled
 <allynfolksjr> and always has been
 <Kevin_Kofler> You can't ruin the reputation of someone who's always been an idiot. ;-)
 <allynfolksjr> He's crazy...
 <Tyler2> Well, I don't want to talk about this anymore, it degrades us even below his level talking about him :P
 <allynfolksjr> Like institutional-level insane
 <allynfolksjr> He has violent mood swings, overreacts
 <allynfolksjr> and is generally a troll
 <Tyler2> Yes he does
 <Tyler2> and yes he is
 <allynfolksjr> even though he claims to be a troll-hunter :)
 <allynfolksjr> It's so funny to watch

 <hypersonic> We used to have front row seats here. :)

and the reason why I am posting this here is because what happened after this happened concerns ppl here: it may have costed us a great staff member: bfr

Session Start: Sun Oct 08 20:18:18 2006
Session Ident: bfr|reallydoinghomework
[20:18] Session Ident: bfr|reallydoinghomework ([email protected])
[20:18] <bfr|reallydoinghomework> Great.  I've been kick-banned from #tigcc.
[20:18] bfr|reallydoinghomework is [email protected] * Thisis Afakename
[20:18] bfr|reallydoinghomework on #omnimaga #hopspwn @#hrp +#tifreakware %#rivereye
[20:18] bfr|reallydoinghomework using SELECT * FROM 'users' WHERE host=''
[20:18] bfr|reallydoinghomework has been idle 1sec, signed on Sun Oct 08 18:32:45
[20:18] bfr|reallydoinghomework End of /WHOIS list.
[20:18] <xlibman> Lol
[20:18] <xlibman> what was the last lines
[20:18] <xlibman> well
[20:18] <bfr|reallydoinghomework> I'm really not feeling good though
[20:19] <xlibman> you see how immature they are right
[20:19] <xlibman> could u post the logs?
[20:19] <bfr|reallydoinghomework> I seriously want to just quit calc programming now
[20:19] <xlibman> (btw i didnt posted the logs anywhere)
[20:19] <xlibman> wow
[20:19] <xlibman> PLEASE dont
[20:19] <xlibman> (well i told you it may turn badly if you came here ._.)
[20:19] <xlibman> you should stay with us :(
[20:19] <bfr|reallydoinghomework> xlibman:  I was redirected out of the CGI IRC thing somehow.  I can't post the logs
[20:20] <xlibman> i c
[20:20] <xlibman> well
[20:20] <xlibman> let them go
[20:20] <xlibman> there is other place where tigcc help can be asked
[20:20] <xlibman> or at worse cost you can make someone ask fro help for you on tict so you dont get banned
[20:21] <xlibman> plus ranman and a few others are here for help on omnimaga/tifreakware
[20:21] <xlibman> please, dont leave
[20:21] <bfr|reallydoinghomework> I think I may take a break from programming...maybe long.  I really didn't want to make any enemies. 
[20:21] <xlibman|depressed> :(
[20:21] <bfr|reallydoinghomework> And not to blame everything on you, but I think it was mostly because of:
[20:21] <bfr|reallydoinghomework> <xlibman> bfr is showing me a log
[20:21] <bfr|reallydoinghomework> cya
[20:22] <xlibman|depressed> Please dont leave!
[20:22] No such nick/channel
Session Close: Sun Oct 08 20:23:48 2006"

I'll never pardon them for this, and I hope bfr will realise that lot of us care about him here, and that he need to not let those troublemakers get to him. Being banned from #tigcc doesnt really change anything, there is other people who can help others about 68k C on other forums anyway. I may also post the logs of what happened last spring as well

"[21:27] Ouellet_sucks ([email protected]) joined #omnimaga.
[21:28] <Ouellet_sucks> Stop polluting #tigcc!
[21:28] <DantesX> lol
[21:28] <DantesX> umm
[21:28] <Telroth_Plushie|Dinner> lol
[21:28] <DantesX> who's this?
[21:28] <xlibman|depressed> O_O
[21:28] <xlibman|depressed> dunno
[21:28] <Telroth_Plushie|Dinner> i can find out
[21:28] <xlibman|depressed> I went on tigcc earlier with omnimaga
[21:28] <DantesX> [email protected]
[21:28] <xlibman|depressed> must be kevin kofler or something like this
[21:28] <xlibman|depressed> or another troll
[21:28] <Ouellet_sucks> You are the troll!
[21:28] Nick change: xlibman|depressed -> kofler_sucks
[21:28] <Telroth_Plushie|Dinner> where is tigcc? irc:// ?
[21:29] <kofler_sucks> Telroth_Plushie|Dinner: irc://
[21:29] <DantesX> can't trace him
[21:29] <Ouellet_sucks> Well, I'm not gonna tell you, you're just going to troll.
[21:29] <kofler_sucks> I am posting this on Omnimaga forums XD
[21:29] <Ouellet_sucks> Your evil master is telling you anyway.
[21:29] <DantesX> ..
[21:29] <DantesX> don't be stupid
[21:29] <DantesX> kevin is not our master
[21:29] Nick change: kofler_sucks -> xlibman
[21:29] <DantesX> and he is not evil
[21:29] <DantesX> moron
[21:29] <xlibman> I just like BASIC, but they hate me because of that
[21:29] <DantesX> everyone who frequents #tigcc sucks
[21:30] <DantesX> (at least i think so)
[21:30] <xlibman> DantesX: err not mathstuf
[21:30] <Telroth_Plushie|Dinner> address confirmed
[21:30] <Ouellet_sucks> You are not welcome on our chan!
[21:30] <Ouellet_sucks> So stop going to it!
[21:30] <DantesX> idk who mathstuf is
[21:30] <Telroth_Plushie|Dinner> though the kick told me quite surely
[21:30] <DantesX> like we care what u think, sucksman
[21:30] <Telroth_Plushie|Dinner> Hello, Kevin Kofler
[21:30] <xlibman> Ouellet_sucks: so you arent welcome to this one as wel
[21:30] <Ouellet_sucks> I'm just doing to you what you did to me.
[21:30] <xlibman> i know
[21:30] Ouellet_sucks kicked from #omnimaga by DantesX: u suck
[21:30] <xlibman> you banned me because i told not all basic games sucked
[21:30] <xlibman> crap
[21:30] <Liazon> umm... what just happened?
[21:30] <DantesX> sorry
[21:30] Ouellet_sucks ([email protected]) joined #omnimaga.
[21:31] <Ouellet_sucks> I'll leave you in peace when you'll leave me in peace!
[21:31] <xlibman> you banned me because i told not all basic games sucked
[21:31] #omnimaga: mode change '+b *!*' by [email protected]
[21:31] Ouellet_sucks kicked from #omnimaga by DantesX: go away"

so you can see that while i may not be the most mature person I don't think kevin kofler is much mature anyway and I'm sure if he see this he'll argue the opposite anyway because it's only his opinion that matter, he is the center of the universe. It is sad that they still hate me because i like BASIC, they do not realise that at one point i would have been coming for asking for 68k TIGCC help and that BASIC has nothing to do with TIGCC.

I would also like to point out to CDI's old Community article and that if they made bfr leave for good and we cannot get him back I may follow him.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2012, 03:46:33 am by DJ_O »


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The price for being nice
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2006, 02:34:00 pm »
#tigcc has a rule (explicitly stated in the topic) to not post IRC logs. Since he was the only person in both channels, he must have been the source for the log you just posted. Your actions caused him to be banned.

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The price for being nice
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2006, 02:43:00 pm »
for your information I posted those logs AFTER he got banned. I knew about that rule, bfr posted me the logs in PRIVATE and I would not have posted them here knowing he would get banned for it. He told me the logs cuz there was "throw mud at xlibman" talk in the channel, and they didnt knew he was doing it. However they banned him anyway, and when he told me he was feeling bad and that he was quitting I decided to post the logs because this was enough.


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The price for being nice
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2006, 02:59:00 pm »
You posted the logs anyway...

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The price for being nice
« Reply #4 on: October 08, 2006, 03:06:00 pm »
yes and they just deserved it, especially if they banned bfr for no reason, as he didnt posted them to PUBLIC, and it concerned me anyway. I think the people has the right to defend themselves. And the reason why kevinkofler ban when ppl post log to public is becase he know he and his friends say bad stuff to others and they protect themselves like this.

Also I find interesting that lot of Omnimaga and UTI members who came in #tigcc got kicked for saying their opinion about basic. I guess ppl have to side with KK to be welcome here?

EDIT: and just fyi you are allowed to post Omnimaga logs to public, they are public alerady anyway, just not updated regulary:


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The price for being nice
« Reply #5 on: October 08, 2006, 05:32:00 pm »
*sighs* Why is it I can say whatever I want about anything but never get banned or anything? I've told Nikky not all basic games suck numerous times. (and elicited comments that I considered rather humorous too XDsmiley.gif ) I've also done a lot of other crazy crap and I don't get banned for that either. (though I have been kicked a few times :> ) You people really shouldn't take this IRC stuff so seriously. :/confused.gif I know Tyler2 is a cool guy, and Nikky is just like that to everyone. :Ptongue.gif I don't understand why people can get upset about being banned from an irc channel. Or allynfolksjr's random flames for that matter. He's insulted everything from my gf to my random banana talk and I manage to get along. You do realize that the only reason he picks on you people is because he gets a reaction and thinks it's funny. :Ptongue.gif He's really not that bad you know, he just likes to tease a lot.
oh wow my mouse is acting really screwy :(sad.gif
I'll talk to Tyler2 and get bfr unbanned. :Ptongue.gif

@nikky: why is your nick allynfolksjr on the uti server anyways? o.oblink.gif What does that mean?


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The price for being nice
« Reply #6 on: October 08, 2006, 06:49:00 pm »
Where is this tyler2 guy anyways? Let's kill 'im! :Dbiggrin.gif


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« Reply #7 on: October 08, 2006, 08:49:00 pm »
<_<dry.gif Omg, did you not read my post at all :Ptongue.gif

Also I did talk to tyler about bfr, it seems that it's actually kevin kofler that I need to discuss the matter with but I haven't been able to yet. Even though he did break a clearly stated rule and accidentally caused some fuss in omnimaga here, he obviously meant well and I think permaban is *just* a little harsh for that.

If you want logs here are logs (I don't think there are any rules about posting #calcgames logs.. hope not anyways lol XDsmiley.gif )

No, I cannot, bfr was banned for publicly posting logs from #tigcc, sorry :(sad.gif
Sorry Man, but I cannot :(sad.gif
I personally have nothing against public logs, but rules are rules, and I didn't make those.
Personally, i would unban bfr

He also said
I dont have anything really agaisnt Oullet except the way he thinks i treat him leading to this.

Actually it's not a log, it was still in my history so I just copy/pasted from my irc window. :Ptongue.gif Too damn lazy to go get logs lol.

Offline DJ Omnimaga

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The price for being nice
« Reply #8 on: October 09, 2006, 01:45:00 am »
bfr didnt posted logs PUBLICLY, posting a log in a /query window is posting the logs PRIVATELY. So bfr has done nothing wrong, which is why a ban on him is unfair. I also find interesting that about 5-6 ppl from Omnimaga got banned from #tigcc an hour after this incident. Did they posted logs to public?


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« Reply #9 on: October 09, 2006, 02:25:00 am »
I'm a bit confused, I don't know if I want to continue working on my TI-89 projects anymore. The majority of people who will get them will be immature dregs, so why should I bother?

I'd take their insults appart brick by brick (or should I say prick by prick) but idiots like them simply aren't worth my time.

As for allynfolksjr, I can't understand why he wasn't banned from here already. His comments were immature and betrayed someone who perhaps even considered him a friend. And don't say "don't take those things so seriously", that's easy to say when those things aren't directed at you and when people don't blantantly spit them out in your face.

Now about Kevin Kofler, he does his share of work on TIGCC, for which all 68k programmers must be grateful. As a person however, there's no avoiding it, he's an elitist bastard, and there's no changing that.

I'm 1mm close to putting all my 68k projects in a sack and throwing them into the sea.

- Alex

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The price for being nice
« Reply #10 on: October 09, 2006, 02:50:00 am »
Alex don't do that cause #tigcc is like a group of 5 programmers not the whole 68k community think of all the good people that created the FAT engine, excitebike, ice hockey, sum wrestling, voxel engine, katringz all of them

your site is cool by the way Alex I like that project you working on with the racing game and your the one that made me want to use SDL :)smile.gif
There are 10 types of people in this world-- those that can read binary, and those that can't.

Offline DJ Omnimaga

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The price for being nice
« Reply #11 on: October 09, 2006, 03:25:00 am »
alex please dont do that! tigcc like kpr said is like 5 ppl of the community. Kevin Kofler own the chan cuz he's the only remaining tigcc maintainer. Note that he wasnt the only one working on it. I am myself planning at some point to start TIGCC programming, which is why i was gonna try to come back in their chans, but seeing that I think I'll rather ask TIGCC help here, tifreakware and TI-Bank, lot of ppl will support us here.

As for allynfolks I think he'll be banned in not so long from here as he doesnt contribute anything good anyway.

Please reconsider alex, those ppl are not worth listening, they are just troublemakers. There is lot of ppl elsewhere like, here, UTI, tifreakware, many more who will be amazed by your programs including myself


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« Reply #12 on: October 09, 2006, 03:32:00 am »
tyler2, Kevin_Kofler, and allynfolksjr, your behaviors speak a lot about your personalities.  You're obviously not very accepting, or understanding that people have feelings.  Behind a nick is not (always) a bot, but a person that understands happiness, sadness, anger, and everyone emotion that you do.  But there is one thing that xlibman has that you 3 lack: compassion.

More ill behavior towards other people is NOT needed in the TI community.


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« Reply #13 on: October 09, 2006, 04:08:00 am »
Wow gotta love the irony in this whole thing :lol:bounce2.gif


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« Reply #14 on: October 09, 2006, 04:22:00 am »
QuoteBegin-ToxicZero+9 Oct, 2006, 15:08-->
QUOTE (ToxicZero @ 9 Oct, 2006, 15:08)
Wow gotta love the irony in this whole thing :lol:bounce2.gif

 I guess the only irony is TIGCC programmers being pissed at Kevin Koffler, but news flash - Koffler ain't the one who started the TIGCC project. He didn't split the atom, and even if he did, that wouldn't grant such insensitive, elitist behaviour anyway.

- Alex