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The return of Calc.org
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Topic: The return of Calc.org (Read 4385 times)
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The return of Calc.org
February 11, 2008, 06:27:00 pm »
While it isn't much, it is the archives. I personally think that we should all offer to help, and make it a great site again!
Omnimaga Admin
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The return of Calc.org
Reply #1 on:
February 11, 2008, 07:35:00 pm »
Well I would love to help, it surely needs it. I do not see a reason for him shutting down the site to host a water gun site, and I see no reason given. I am unsure what I could do to contribute, if some others that know much about php/pearl/js etc (many languages could be used) could add more than I. Hope to see more come from this though.
Ben Trettel
The return of Calc.org
Reply #2 on:
February 12, 2008, 06:01:00 pm »
If anyone wants to help out, fire me an email. I have a couple things on mind already that could be done. No experience with PHP/MySQL is necessary for some of these jobs.
The easiest way you can help, as I said in the Q&A, is to report problems with the listings. There's a link on each program to do that.
I've updated the Q&A to address the water gun website problem. Despite what most people think, that wasn't intentional, rather, just a consequence of not checking the domain. I've noticed that all the old subdomains go to my water gun website too now. To prevent this I'm going to get my hosting account split so I don't have to use the multiple domain manager. I've had that done before.
DJ Omnimaga
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The return of Calc.org
Reply #3 on:
February 12, 2008, 06:13:00 pm »
I would love to see calc.org back to its glory from before 2002. At least almost the entire archive back online is a good start.
Ben Trettel
The return of Calc.org
Reply #4 on:
February 27, 2008, 08:02:00 pm »
I've made a lot of progress lately towards a more complete/organized calc.org. Right now I have a forum online:
This forum should be a good base forum script to build on, taking a lot of the work out of the project. I will post future updates and work to that forum.
Old users were imported into the forum and the old passwords should work because the same encoding scheme was used between this forum and the old calc.org script. If your password doesn't work for any reason though, first try the password recovery procedure. If that doesn't work, make another account and let me know about it.
DJ Omnimaga
Clacualters are teh gr33t
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The return of Calc.org
Reply #5 on:
February 27, 2008, 09:10:00 pm »
Cool i will check out!
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The return of Calc.org
Reply #6 on:
February 28, 2008, 05:25:00 pm »
i have just made an account there, i say everyone else should too, to show that we support calc.org
I sure hope everything returns back to normal soon (in calc.org and omnimaga)
DJ Omnimaga
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The return of Calc.org
Reply #7 on:
February 29, 2008, 01:59:00 am »
Hey wait the accounts were restored. Does this includes all accounts until the 2006 shut down or just past the crash in 2002?
Ben Trettel
The return of Calc.org
Reply #8 on:
February 29, 2008, 05:50:00 pm »
The accounts are only from after the crash to January 2006. The last SQL backup I made was in January 2006. I should have made more, but I didn't, and I'm glad I made at least one backup. If you had a user account from 2002 to 2006 (not an author account because I eliminated those), you should have a working calc.org forum account.
DJ Omnimaga
Clacualters are teh gr33t
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CodeWalrus founder & retired Omnimaga founder
The return of Calc.org
Reply #9 on:
February 29, 2008, 06:11:00 pm »
Ah ok, this means my acct may still be there. I tried to submit a file on calc.org, but the file processing was horrible to the point of hilarity. I remember programs owners could not upload their OWN programs without the permission of a friend. I know this cuz when I uploaded one of my game in 2003/04 I got asked to get a friend to approve that I really uploaded this file and that I really want it in calc.org archives. I hope if calc.org ever revive as it was before that the process will not be like this
but anyway I'm gonna check if my account works. You may want to remove old staff permissions tho, in case their account would get hijacked. We never know, their email could have expired and someone else registered one of the same name and do a password recovery
Ben Trettel
The return of Calc.org
Reply #10 on:
March 01, 2008, 11:01:00 am »
I'm thinking about doing the file archives differently than other websites. Basically, I want getting files in to calc.org to be easy, while making it also easy to get files out of calc.org. My model is based more on some torrent websites than ticalc.org or whatever calc.org did previously. It will be a lot easier to comment and rate files so people know what they're getting is good. I figure that the quality of ticalc.org's archives isn't always spectacular, but there are gems, and things like comments and some sort of search ranking will help separate the gems from the trash. Complete trash will become eligible for deletion after being accepted. This will take some work off the file archiver, which is fine because as I said, even a completely moderated place like ticalc.org doesn't have completely spectacular archives.
Everyone except for tifreak, myself, and Adam are normal members. I didn't even try to figure out the old permissions stuff. When I wrote the script to convert everyone was set to a normal member.
As for your program, I noticed you had one when I was going through the database. It appears that in all my automation, it was assigned to the wrong person. That likely happened several times, but since it's at least 90% accurate it's saved time. I've linked it to your profile:
The download link for that program doesn't work because the file was pending all the way from 2003 to 2006. It's located here:
DJ Omnimaga
Clacualters are teh gr33t
CoT Emeritus
Omnimagician (Next: --)
Posts: 55943
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CodeWalrus founder & retired Omnimaga founder
The return of Calc.org
Reply #11 on:
March 01, 2008, 11:17:00 am »
wow nice... I never though there was still a copy of Illusiat 1 with a french readme around (the 2004 package has an english version but the french readme was lost then replaced with an english one)
Ben Trettel
The return of Calc.org
Reply #12 on:
March 01, 2008, 12:05:00 pm »
Yeah, calc.org has some very unique files. One file I really liked and use for a bit was an on-calc C compiler for the TI89. It's not online yet, but we have it. I'm sure a lot (or most) of the programs we have are old versions too, so I'd really like to get replacing them with new ones as soon as possible. I want to get a file upload form online right after we change the URL structure.
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The return of Calc.org
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