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Topic: The Sword of Darkness project page added (Read 36293 times)
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DJ Omnimaga
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Reply #75 on:
June 06, 2005, 02:13:00 pm »
uh I though Slayers was alerady finished (its in the archives on this site and reviewed) O_O
, is it another slayers game?
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Reply #76 on:
June 06, 2005, 04:07:00 pm »
QuoteBegin-Kevin+June 6, 2005, 21:13-->
(Kevin @ June 6, 2005, 21:13)
uh I though Slayers was alerady finished (its in the archives on this site and reviewed) O_O
, is it another slayers game?
Slayers (the Game) was made By Hiryu. In fact both games were. If I remember correctly, the one you currently have is the second one. I don't know if he ever released the first one.
Slayers (The Engine) is Pretty much my next RPG platform. What and when it will be released seems to be an enigma. It was originally designed from the ground up to be the Directors Edition of FFVII until copyright scares changed it's focus to Punisher X-Treme. When Punisher X-Tream Failed the Mike Wallace Test, I shifted it's dev towards Legend of Landel, which is Basically Mystic Legend 2.
The reason it's called the Slayers Engine is because the Proposed Fighting Engine was designed to mimic the fighting style of the Slayers Anime. Ironically it's never been used for a Slayers Game. I should rename it one of these days but since I've been calling it that for almost 6 years now...
The engine Itself is designed with two things in mind: Speed and Scalability. In theory, it should be possible to make a completely different RPG without changing little if any of the code. This is a lot of the reason why so many games are associated with it. At this point it's had these games either considered, planned or in Development.
Slayers Duel
- It was going to be a Quasi RPG fighting Game. You would basicially watch the cutscenes and then fight the battles in betweeen. Ironicially Never broke Planning Phase.
FFVII Cloud's Quest - Directors Edition
- This got as far as consideration until the Monopoly CAD. There's a rant about it on my site if you want to read a ton about it.
Punisher X-Treme
- This was going to be the next game in the Punisher series. Got as far as development and planning. We even got a storyline somewhere. Was Dropped when we decided that it was too risky of a game to be made with school shootings and all, even though the new storyline focused more on clones and alien technology rather than teacher violence. It was still in the school however, although it was renamed the compound.
Legend Of Landel
- This is the Second Mystic Legend Game. at this point it's at the Development level with storyline and many of the images created. So far the game is Huge, and we're probably going to run into the same problems we ran into with FFVII. We're currently shooting for a release under 300K and hopefully this year. We're probably going to start finishing this thing After Mystic Legend 89 Is released, but Since Hiryu is moving right now and settling into a new job, it's going to be a little longer until it's released.
NPO Vs Hays 2 - Something Survived
- Another one of my shot's against Hays. I more or less needed something as a basic system runtime test for the Slayers Engine. It was going to be a real simple game (like a demo) of what the engine could do and how a game would perform under it. Luckily, Hays Games Co. didn't tick me or Hiryu off enough to follow through with this.
BlueCrimson - The Future of Ti-Basic, Today
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Reply #77 on:
June 06, 2005, 08:45:00 pm »
The complexity and power of 89 BASIC make it very useful and viable for large RPG and such. The 89 actually has a function called EXEC which will run something very close to 68000 code...not that anyone knows how to program with Motorola 68000 binary code. If you do, you need help lol.
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Reply #78 on:
June 07, 2005, 11:20:00 am »
Yeah, I know, and there seems to be a way to check if there is enough memory using BASIC, though I do not remember how right now... Man I wish I had all my projects done so I could get on to programming the 89...
@Fryedsoft: Have you talked with Hiryu lately?? I haven't seen him on his site for quite a while...
@Kevin: Just cause it makes it to the archives, does not mean the project is over. There is always optimizing...
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DJ Omnimaga
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Reply #79 on:
June 07, 2005, 11:43:00 am »
QuoteBegin-tifreak8x+June 7, 2005, 18:2-->
(tifreak8x @ June 7, 2005, 18:20)
@Fryedsoft: Have you talked with Hiryu lately?? I haven't seen him on his site for quite a while...
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Reply #80 on:
June 07, 2005, 12:17:00 pm »
Well, he was on his forum several months ago, but I don't think he keeps track of it...
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Reply #81 on:
June 07, 2005, 12:44:00 pm »
I heard he lost his calc.org password a while ago but calc.org didnt even do anything about it so...
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Reply #82 on:
June 07, 2005, 01:46:00 pm »
QuoteBegin-tifreak8x+June 7, 2005, 18:2-->
(tifreak8x @ June 7, 2005, 18:20)
Yeah, I know, and there seems to be a way to check if there is enough memory using BASIC, though I do not remember how right now... Man I wish I had all my projects done so I could get on to programming the 89...
@Fryedsoft: Have you talked with Hiryu lately?? I haven't seen him on his site for quite a while...
@Kevin: Just cause it makes it to the archives, does not mean the project is over. There is always optimizing...
getconfg() on an Ti-89 will do it. keep in mind that it's AMS 2.0 or higher for this to work if I remember correctly.
Hiryu is around, right now, he's moving to Akron so he's kinda busy with his new job. He said that he's going to be busy for a least three months before he finishes Mystic Legend 89.
As for his site, He forgot the password awile ago and we basicially had to try every password he ever used for anything and finally we found it since any form of help at calc.org is pretty much nonexistiant. Last I heard he was looking for the new site he had on CD but couldn't find it. He thinks he lost it in a basement flood with his Ti-85.
The Slayers Engine and the Engine that Slayers the Roleplaying game and BGC used are two completely different things. It's confusing because at the time when The Slayers Engine was proposed, there was going to be a joint Slayers game but we decided to use the Engine for FF7DE and Hiryu made a Slayers game with a completely different engine. A lot of the reason for this is because of the Dev time the Slayers engine was taking, and to run the True fighting spec for the Slayers Game I had invisioned would involve an AI that I'm not too sure could be done on an 89 without taking a ton of time to think up moves. Primarialy, it's named after that fighting spec of the engine, which fought exactly to the letter like the Slayers Anime. In fact, I completely rewatched the First season and revised the spec so that every single event in the anime was either represented, explainable in RPG terms, or could be done in one form on another. If you never watched Slayers, then the closest thing to how Slayers fought that is mainstream is DBZ (and possibly Yu Yu Hakusho), just a lot slower. As far as the Slayers Engine is concerned, It was never put into a game and won't be until Legend of Landel.
I dont know what Hiryu has done with the Engine that he used for Slayers and BGC (we'll call it the BGC engine since I dont remember its real codename). Mystic Legend 89 probably has some BGC engine code in there. I know that it adopted some Slayers Engine like techniques for things like storyline, but it's not the full Engine itself.
BlueCrimson - The Future of Ti-Basic, Today
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Reply #83 on:
June 07, 2005, 01:56:00 pm »
Oh, ok.
Glad to hear he is still working a lil on the calcs.
I have went through everything on your site, and enjoyed most about your plan against Hays. They came back, but everyone on Cemetech and calcgames kept bad mouthing them, so they deleted their site. We thought it was pretty fun... >D
I wish I had a 92+ so i can play the slayers game... I have seen one of the movies, and I really enjoyed it.
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Reply #84 on:
June 07, 2005, 02:26:00 pm »
those games are really cool, they truly showed how far BASIC could be taken back in the '90s without any big asm libs
yeah i remember hays games coming back then there was a rant about them on cemetech and they said they would never come back.
I didnt knew that you were still coding for calcs tho because I remember reading this post on your site:
Oct 8: Well, It's been over six months since I last posted on this site. Most of the reason for this is simply based on the cycle of the average Ti programmer in the community. The usual cycle of a programmer, From getting interested into programming calculators to getting away from the community is roughly 5 years. To say that I've lasted longer than the average, not to mention that I moved on from Programming Ti calculators is a little of an understatement. This year marks the 10'th year I've been programming Ti calculators. I started with a Ti-81 back in 93, then got an 85 and it took off from there. Honestly, The last time I can remember programming on a calc was sometime last year. Most of my time lately has been devoted to the [SmD] Gaming clan as the admin of our Counter-Strike Server as well as my job at Thiel College. This is not to say I'm through tinkering with calculators just yet. I'm still interested to releasing something eventually. whether it be a game, an engine, or whatever. It just might take a little longer, that's all.
usually programmers retired after posting this kind of announcement, but you are still coding
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Reply #85 on:
June 07, 2005, 02:31:00 pm »
Umm, I read that, and I knew he hadn't quit, but I didn't know what he was working on...
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Reply #86 on:
June 07, 2005, 03:53:00 pm »
QuoteBegin-tifreak8x+June 7, 2005, 17:2-->
(tifreak8x @ June 7, 2005, 17:20)
Yeah, I know, and there seems to be a way to check if there is enough memory using BASIC, though I do not remember how right now... Man I wish I had all my projects done so I could get on to programming the 89...
@Fryedsoft: Have you talked with Hiryu lately?? I haven't seen him on his site for quite a while...
@Kevin: Just cause it makes it to the archives, does not mean the project is over. There is always optimizing...
Reguarding the memory question
on the 89 this is done by getConfg[18] and getConfg[20] for Ram and Archeive respectively.
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Reply #87 on:
June 08, 2005, 02:15:00 am »
I knew it was something to do with 20 in brackets... lol Thanks for the info, I will remember that.
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Reply #88 on:
June 08, 2005, 05:42:00 am »
QuoteBegin-tifreak8x+June 7, 2005, 20:56-->
(tifreak8x @ June 7, 2005, 20:56)
I have went through everything on your site, and enjoyed most about your plan against Hays. They came back, but everyone on Cemetech and calcgames kept bad mouthing them, so they deleted their site. We thought it was pretty fun... >D
Hays was a subject of a lot of fun between Me and Hiryu, It basicially became a hobby to bash them and their guestbook, not that they didn't deserve it, they were flat out ripping a ton of programmers off. The NPO vs Hays readme was an absolute joy to write, and one of these days try typing Hays game co in google and see what you get when you feel lucky. I should be a real dick and change game to games in the rant like they did to avoid that problem.
I still believe they knew I was doing the majority of the GOD stuff, I mean NPO VS Hays was an huge clue. There are some posts in the board on my site of them replying to the rant. I find it amusing that it took them 20 minutes to respond to it. Look for "your lame April fool's joke" in the board to see what I mean.
BlueCrimson - The Future of Ti-Basic, Today
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Reply #89 on:
June 08, 2005, 06:31:00 am »
I saw it. If you look real close, I have posted on your board several times.
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