Omnimaga => News => Topic started by: DJ Omnimaga on January 19, 2006, 02:34:00 am
Finally the TI-83+, TI-84+ and SE RPG archives are back up! Basically the whole Omnimaga archives are back up at the moment. The downtime was caused by a server move a few months ago and since the links are all absolute and linking to another server, we had to update all zip files and screenshots. No more need to go on the old website to download your favourite games, you can find them here once again.
Nightblade has been updated in the meantime for the TI-83+ and I updated the navigation at the top of the page so the project link won't only redirect to RPG projects, but our team projects as well.
yay! great job! :ru13z:
must have been really tedious work...
indeed :P
thanks to solitaire710 for having helped me with the programming tools, 82 and 83 archives :D
Awesome!! Too bad my emulator makes 'em kinda slow :(
nice work, been waiting to play some more RPGS :thumb:
Me 2, and I want to find out about optimizing code via looking at the basic ones... :)