It's me again, for reporting my final tests.
This sucks about the anti-downgrade thing... I wonder if Nleash could be ported to 3.0...
The new anti-downgrade protection is different.
Nleash can't do anything against that.
The protection is related to the new 3.0 boot2.
So this boot2 will have to be removed anyway.
Unfortunately, up to now ExtendeD, Bsl and me couldn't come with a safe code to reflash the diagnostic software. So trying to reflash the boot2 won't work better...
So, I installed the full 3.0 OS (with 3.0 boot2).
Of course, I couldn't downgrade back to 2.1.
I removed the OS through the maintenance menu.
I couldn't install OS 2.1 either.
Here's the RS232 log by the way:
IMAGE: verifying file "/tmp/TI-Nspire.tno"
TI_OS_INSTALL_VERIFYING_IMAGE incremental update (11)
TI_OS_INSTALL_VERIFYING_IMAGE incremental update (13)
TI_OS_INSTALL_VERIFYING_IMAGE incremental update (17)
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TI_OS_INSTALL_VERIFYING_IMAGE incremental update (89)
TI_OS_INSTALL_VERIFYING_IMAGE incremental update (91)
TI_OS_INSTALL_VERIFYING_IMAGE incremental update (93)
IMAGE: isImageBodyValid = false
Deleting file [/tmp/TI-Nspire.tno]
Then, I downgraded the boot2 to 1.4 through RS232.
And... I could install OS 2.1.

My guess is that the 3.0 OS & 3.0 boot2 update codes are of course still checking the downgrade protection area, but also the boot2 version.
If a 3.0 boot2 is detected, any OS version below 3.0 is rejected.
This could have been a way of releasing the same OS file for both Nspire and Nspire CX calculators. This way, OSes older than 3.0 would have been forbidden on the CX because boot2 3.0 would have been preinstalled, but not on other Nspire which would have stayed with the older 1.4 boot2.
I really don't understand why they didn't change the minimal OS to 3.0 is the OS update files, not even for the Nspire CX.
* If you have not updated yet:
- remove the 3.0 boot2 from the 3.0 OS with TNOC
- send the modified 3.0 OS
You can then downgrade whenever you want.
* If you have allready updated with the original 3.0 OS:
- remove the 3.0 OS through the maintenance menu
(or it will reupdate the boot2 to 3.0 on the next successfull boot)- downgrade the boot2 to 1.4 through RS232
(you can also send me the calculator
)You can now install the modified 3.0 OS, or 1.7-2.1 OSes.
To install older OSes, you'll have to use Nleash.
(yes, the other downgrade protection is still there... there are 2 downgrade protections with the 3.0 OS)By the way as we can't use Goplat's emulator with the 3.0 boot2/OS yet, here's the complete 3.0 bootlog:
Boot Loader Stage 1 (1.1.8916)
Build: 2007/4/23, 23:37:16
Copyright (c) 2006, 2007 Texas Instruments Incorporated
Using production keys
Last boot progress: 35
Clocks: CPU = 90MHz AHB = 45MHz APB = 22MHz
Available system memory: 37292
Checking for NAND: NAND Flash ID: ST Micro NAND256R3A
SDRAM memory test: Pass
Clearing SDRAM...Done.
Clearing SDRAM...Done.
Clearing SDRAM...Done.
Boot option: Normal
Loading BOOT2 software...
BOOT1: loading complete (304 ticks), launching image.
Boot Loader Stage 2 (3.01.131)
Build: 2011/2/23, 11:34:31
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Texas Instruments Incorporated
Using production keys
Clocks: CPU = 120MHz AHB = 60MHz APB = 30MHz
Checking for NAND: NAND Flash ID: ST Micro NAND256R3A
Initializing graphics subsystem.
Boot option: Normal
Initializing filesystem.
Datalight Reliance v2.10.1150
Copyright (c) 2003-2006 Datalight, Inc.
Datalight FlashFX Pro v3.00 Build 1358
Nucleus Edition for ARM9
Copyright (c) 1993-2006 Datalight, Inc.
Patents: US#5860082, US#6260156.
Filesystem ready.
Purging temporary files...
Loading Operating System...
BOOT2: loading complete (1521 ticks), launching image.
Beginning system initialization.
Clocks: CPU = 120 MHz AHB = 60 MHz APB = 30 MHz
Preparing file system. This takes a while...
POSIX layer initialized.
POSIX "NULL" device initialized.
POSIX "CONSOLE" device initialized.
Datalight Reliance v2.10.1150
Copyright (c) 2003-2006 Datalight, Inc.
Datalight FlashFX Pro v3.00 Build 1358
Nucleus Edition for ARM9
Copyright (c) 1993-2006 Datalight, Inc.
Patents: US#5860082, US#6260156.
POSIX file system initialized.
File system ready.
* P3 mode battery door detection
System build date: Mar 24 2011, 18:29:28
Available memory: 15024228 bytes
Purging temporary files...
Launching system...
Created Execution Context
NavNet Ready.
START TI_LOCALE_initializeDefaultLocale.....
Found a Match: en(MD) and en
END TI_LOCALE_initializeDefaultLocale.....
IME: non-ALPHA key pressed
IME: non-ALPHA key pressed
IME: non-ALPHA key pressed
IME: non-ALPHA key pressed
IME: non-ALPHA key pressed
Wireless Status:WCM_Info_GetStatus():SUCCESS
Network Status: SLED is Not Attached