Author Topic: TI-Nspire OS 3.6 1st official capture: let's fight cheaters!  (Read 25667 times)

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Re: TI-Nspire OS 3.6 1st official capture: let's fight cheaters!
« Reply #30 on: June 21, 2013, 06:23:37 pm »
Well Adriweb the 2nd part of your sentence was misworded, then. It seems to imply that every single post ever made by Streetwalker on Omni since he joined are useless and have nothing of value. You should probably have said:
In short, I find your post quite useless and in it it look like you are simply be copying other people's ideas without any added value ...
Sure, if it is an English problem, case closed then.

As for the sarcasm I did notice it. Hence why I didn't complain about the sentences involved. My previous post also state that I did notice sarcasm in certain of your sentences.
Right, just wanted to make sure.

As for the anypony thing I agree that there are some people here who are a bit obsessed with My Little Pony and brings it up at places where it is unnecessary, but I think at this point you should maybe lay out from Streetwalker, because it made me skeptical about the veracity of the following statement:
My post did not depend on the author of the post I was criticizing
Else you would have criticised pimathbrainiac, Sorunome, Augs and Blue_bear_94 many times before too.
As you can see, I added my remark about that later, as an edit, I obviously wasn't going to make a new post about that.
And again, I complained about the rest, not the MLP thing : it's not related to my criticism (it only added more feeling of lack of maturity to what Streetwalker said when talking about freedom of speech just a few words before), if it were, I would indeed have publicly criticized other people. (BTW, my opinion has pretty much as much value as its opposite, probably, but I think that when strangers come to Omni for whatever reason, via Google or else, and see some MLP things in the middle of a somewhat serious discussion about calc programming , it might be quite ... "surprising".

Regarding free speech, free speech doesn't exist on any calculator forum because they are not ran by government. Each admin run the site as they see fit. (...)
Sure, I was just quoting the term. But still, I don't know if stuff like that applies to only certain things or are to be considerd widely global (because you still can't do things that are against the law)

However, there is still a certain form of freedom. For example politely reprimanding someone with the truth (which can hurt, yes) is allowed, but outright libel and harrassment are not.
Well... you and I both know you don't have to remind us of that, having been in much worse situations before in the TI community ... ;)

Also I think it's wrong to dislike someone only because he dislikes TI. I know that you are affiliated with TI, but if someone bashes TI here it doesn't necessarily make them better or worse persons.
Again, this has nothing to do with his opinion about TI and judging if he's a good or bad person : I believe I explained why for me his specific post was "useless" (my thought, again), because seriously, "Plus TI are lazy guys since they reused the whole CAS engine from the 68k series." didn't really look like a joke to me and can you even try to actually defend this statement ... ? If you were the target of such a sentence, you would seriously despise its author because they probably have no clue of what's hapening in reality, and it's more this that bothers me : people stating direct and false things, let's actually say libel.

This brings me to something else but related :
I'm somewhat close to TI indeed ("affiliated" might be a strong word, it depends on what level and with who specifically), and so aare other members here, but this is *why* I am probably able to better say whether what people say about something is true or not. And it's the same concerning what I think about them : because I know more about TI's vision/beliefs than the average community member, I can see some stuff with a further/different pov and this can also lead to more positive criticism on my part about them as much as negative ones !

Anyway, for the sake of keeping the topic clean, couldn't we split it ? :P As said, I don't really like off-topic things
« Last Edit: June 21, 2013, 06:25:12 pm by adriweb »
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Re: TI-Nspire OS 3.6 1st official capture: let's fight cheaters!
« Reply #31 on: June 21, 2013, 07:22:37 pm »
I think it is great that TI is helping to find cheating. I would love if they let linux run and left their calculators open, but I don't complain too much I can still use 3.1 with nlaunch if I want. Other than the new anti-cheating and boot2 are there any new features that you know of or could disclose?
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Re: TI-Nspire OS 3.6 1st official capture: let's fight cheaters!
« Reply #32 on: June 21, 2013, 07:27:08 pm »
I think it is great that TI is helping to find cheating. I would love if they let linux run and left their calculators open, but I don't complain too much I can still use 3.1 with nlaunch if I want. Other than the new anti-cheating and boot2 are there any new features that you know of or could disclose?

no, only that two things... the new features will come only with the oS 3.6 on october 2013
I'm Portuguese, sorry bad English

Offline Adriweb

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Re: TI-Nspire OS 3.6 1st official capture: let's fight cheaters!
« Reply #33 on: June 21, 2013, 07:52:46 pm »
Other than the new anti-cheating and boot2 are there any new features that you know of or could disclose?
There are new and changed things obviously (it's been quite a while since 3.2.0 :P) but it's not to be disclosed, sorry :(

We'll be newsing about it as soon as we are allowed to anyway :)
« Last Edit: June 21, 2013, 07:53:52 pm by adriweb »
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Re: TI-Nspire OS 3.6 1st official capture: let's fight cheaters!
« Reply #34 on: June 21, 2013, 10:46:15 pm »
However, there is still a certain form of freedom. For example politely reprimanding someone with the truth (which can hurt, yes) is allowed, but outright libel and harrassment are not.
Well... you and I both know you don't have to remind us of that, having been in much worse situations before in the TI community ... ;)

I know, but sometimes we have to make sure, because people change over time. For example, someone can increasingly become more rude over time or vice-versa, and there are even people who can change in an instant, sometimes due to personal situations, such as losing their girlfriend, although in most cases they are just revealing their true self after years of being more careful, like you-know-who in 2011. :P

Anyway, regarding TI and the NDA/affiliation, I understand where you are coming from. I think now we should more worry about what's to come in OS 3.6 and possibly the future of Ndless and nLaunch rather than discussing the misunderstanding further. :P
« Last Edit: June 21, 2013, 10:46:55 pm by DJ Omnimaga »

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Re: TI-Nspire OS 3.6 1st official capture: let's fight cheaters!
« Reply #35 on: June 22, 2013, 03:48:14 am »
As for the anypony thing I agree that there are some people here who are a bit obsessed with My Little Pony
Err I just said "anypony" in place of "anybody". That's not an MLP obsession but more to remove some seriousness from the discussion.
Also that post can seem a bit off, that's because Adriweb ninja'd me and I was editing but my father cut the Internet access. D: Now I'm back online I just wan't to say that I didn't want to start a row with my remarks and that I'd like it to stop here.
BTW, it's not because I have the same opinion than Lionel Debroux that I'm just "copying others' opinion with no added value". I built this opinion myself based on what I learned since I joined Omni. Also I'm sharing this opinion on an humoristic tone whereas Lionel is agressive sometimes. ;)

Back on topic, fighting cheaters is a good thing, but locking down is not. There's always a compromise.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2013, 04:14:32 am by Streetwalker »

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Re: TI-Nspire OS 3.6 1st official capture: let's fight cheaters!
« Reply #36 on: June 22, 2013, 11:58:34 am »
I didn't read all the posts yet, but that indication on the homescreen seems like a sort of step in the right direction to me. Let us do what we want with stuff like ndless and linux, and just have an indication if you have a CAS installed or modified something. Besides all the evil stuff with downgrade protection and such I'm curious to see if there will be other, nice additions to the OS.

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Re: TI-Nspire OS 3.6 1st official capture: let's fight cheaters!
« Reply #37 on: June 22, 2013, 02:01:42 pm »
The only issue is that if Ndless comes out for that OS, then people will most likely try to release a tool to remove the CAS indication in order to fake a non-CAS OS. I wonder if such thing would be allowed on Omni, Cemetech and other sites, since the tool would most likely also let people change the indication to "Maxime's Ugly Calc" or stuff like that?
« Last Edit: June 22, 2013, 02:02:38 pm by DJ Omnimaga »

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Re: TI-Nspire OS 3.6 1st official capture: let's fight cheaters!
« Reply #38 on: June 22, 2013, 02:05:27 pm »
Yeah, there will be found a way to change that text which is nice for us but again won't make TI happy XD Will those tools fall into the same category as OSLauncher and such then?

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Re: TI-Nspire OS 3.6 1st official capture: let's fight cheaters!
« Reply #39 on: June 22, 2013, 02:18:38 pm »
I think so. I think TI's concern is just to ensure that people won't cheat in exams and they are out to do everything possible to prevent it.

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Re: TI-Nspire OS 3.6 1st official capture: let's fight cheaters!
« Reply #40 on: June 24, 2013, 08:46:18 am »
I think so. I think TI's concern is just to ensure that people won't cheat in exams and they are out to do everything possible to prevent it.
^Pretty much this, and I actually agree with them on trying to prevent people from cheating. Unfortunately for us it ends up blocking ndless as well. :/

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Re: TI-Nspire OS 3.6 1st official capture: let's fight cheaters!
« Reply #41 on: June 24, 2013, 08:49:40 am »
Well they should just have given people a proper SDK that allowed them to produce restricted native code, so they can still code games and such but the restrictions would not allow them to deal with PTT or things like that, no ?
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Sorry if I answer with something that seems unrelated, English is not my primary language and I might not have understood well. Sorry if I make English mistakes too.

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Re: TI-Nspire OS 3.6 1st official capture: let's fight cheaters!
« Reply #42 on: June 24, 2013, 08:56:40 am »
If such an SDK was made it would be even easier for people. They would surely find ways to circumvent such protections. That's why it's difficult to find a solution that satisfies everyone.

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Re: TI-Nspire OS 3.6 1st official capture: let's fight cheaters!
« Reply #43 on: June 24, 2013, 09:01:46 am »
Well I think that if the restrictions don't allow the program to write to some places, there can't be any harm to protections.
But even if people could do anything, would they do it ? Would they risk their freedom ? For example, Casio coders stopped programming image viewers when Casio warned them so I guess people would be reasonable.
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Sorry if I answer with something that seems unrelated, English is not my primary language and I might not have understood well. Sorry if I make English mistakes too.

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Re: TI-Nspire OS 3.6 1st official capture: let's fight cheaters!
« Reply #44 on: June 24, 2013, 09:03:25 am »
I think the fact that these items already exist answer that question.