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Well, if it's not in popularity, then I think it's safe to say that the 68k series is crippled in the speed and difficulty of its programming language.
The cost is fairly high as well.
Quote from: blue_bear_94Well, if it's not in popularity, then I think it's safe to say that the 68k series is crippled in the speed and difficulty of its programming language.Not sure what you're talking about, especially since you're a TI-68k programmer as well * the TI-68k series' BASIC isn't significantly better or worse than the TI-Z80 series' BASIC (both being much better than the wimpy Nspire BASIC), and its functionality can be extended through external assembly programs programmed in C and/or ASM;
I reaaly wish TI would have mentioned what kind of processor this thing has on the specs page.
* several alternative high-level languages are available, though none of them is very popular: GFA-Basic, Newprog (probably one of the programs closest in spirit to Axe), etc.
We've received official confirmation that even BASIC programs will not be fully backwards compatible, and FlashApps / ASM programs will definitely not be compatible.