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Re: TI-Story moves to its own site
« Reply #15 on: May 05, 2012, 11:47:37 am »
@DJ_O & @burr I have not made any games for the TI-calculators yet except for Aritm. I've made some lively demo programs for drawing splines and queue simulation. I would like to make a checkers app in TI-BASIC with AI. I should also port some other programs I've written to C (e.g. Z88DK) and Asm for TI-calculators. I started programming on a Sinclair ZX81 in 1981 (my first computer) and took a programming course in high-school in ABC-BASIC for Luxor ABC 80 during the same year. Then I made a lot of games and typed in and improved others'. From 1983 I mostly coded in Forth for a few years, but learned Pascal and Fortran at university 1987 (and one assignment was to write Mastermind in Fortran 77). I also learned Z80-assembly 1985 but I haven't used it much. In 1990 I learned Unix shell-scripting (on HP-UX) and C for MS-DOS and later C++.

I tested a TI-81 in 1993 and then bought a TI-82 the same summer for a reduced price since I was working as a teacher then. I discovered some bugs in the original TI-82 firmware and got a new one (but I had to return my old). One could upload apps to TI:s FTP-site (this was before WWW) using a specially formatted email (and my files on my site still have this format).

In 1994 I started working for an electronics company that made control computers using 8051 and I developed programs to develop programs to control the control computers mostly in Visual Basic but also in AWK, SQL and C++. I built a $4-link (serial) for TI-82 about 1995. In 1995 I learned Java applet-programming and in 1996 Perl for web-servers. I've also done PIC-programming i Asm and C and Freescale/Motorola and AVR in C. I think I should connect TI-calculators to Arduino. I'm also interested in 3D CAD and simulating engines. I'm active in the ZX80/ZX81-community and collect programmable/graphing calculators and retro computers. I should also learn more about jQuery and Android-development using Java and JavaScript (using PhoneGap that could be ported to iOS). There is also BASIC! for Android and I read the manual recently. I should also learn Python, LISP and Haskell.

I will try to find the early GRAPH-TI and CALC-TI emails (I've stored them on CD-ROM but in Windows 95 emailformat so I have to install W95 on some computer).

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Re: TI-Story moves to its own site
« Reply #16 on: May 05, 2012, 11:52:53 am »
@DJ_O & @burr I have not made any games for the TI-calculators yet except for Aritm. I've made some lively demo programs for drawing splines and queue simulation. I would like to make a checkers app in TI-BASIC with AI. I should also port some other programs I've written to C (e.g. Z88DK) and Asm for TI-calculators. I started programming on a Sinclair ZX81 in 1981 (my first computer) and took a programming course in high-school in ABC-BASIC for Luxor ABC 80 during the same year. Then I made a lot of games and typed in and improved others'. From 1983 I mostly coded in Forth for a few years, but learned Pascal and Fortran at university 1987 (and one assignment was to write Mastermind in Fortran 77). I also learned Z80-assembly 1985 but I haven't used it much. In 1990 I learned Unix shell-scripting (on HP-UX) and C for MS-DOS and later C++.

I tested a TI-81 in 1993 and then bought a TI-82 the same summer for a reduced price since I was working as a teacher then. I discovered some bugs in the original TI-82 firmware and got a new one (but I had to return my old). One could upload apps to TI:s FTP-site (this was before WWW) using a specially formatted email (and my files on my site still have this format).

In 1994 I started working for an electronics company that made control computers using 8051 and I developed programs to develop programs to control the control computers mostly in Visual Basic but also in AWK, SQL and C++. I built a $4-link (serial) for TI-82 about 1995. In 1995 I learned Java applet-programming and in 1996 Perl for web-servers. I've also done PIC-programming i Asm and C and Freescale/Motorola and AVR in C. I think I should connect TI-calculators to Arduino. I'm also interested in 3D CAD and simulating engines. I'm active in the ZX80/ZX81-community and collect programmable/graphing calculators and retro computers. I should also learn more about jQuery and Android-development using Java and JavaScript (using PhoneGap that could be ported to iOS). There is also BASIC! for Android and I read the manual recently. I should also learn Python, LISP and Haskell.

I will try to find the early GRAPH-TI and CALC-TI emails (I've stored them on CD-ROM but in Windows 95 emailformat so I have to install W95 on some computer).

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Re: TI-Story moves to its own site
« Reply #17 on: May 08, 2012, 02:54:02 pm »
On the TI-Story wiki, a page about the site which once became the most active French-speaking portal of the community, but whose reputation and attendance were destroyed in 2011 after slanderous posts by one of the well-known members (yielding the creation of TI-Planet), contains slander...
Nothing new under the sun, it's just the all too usual load of false statements, targeting the TI-Planet admins (among other persons), which earned a ban from Omnimaga to the person who repeated them like a broken record... Some people don't seem to have anything better to do with their time than piling yet more disrespect and destructiveness, over months, and they seem to fail at understanding such basic facts of life as the fact that repeating lies doesn't make them true...

Slander is illegal, as we all know from previous episodes. As a result, I'm sorry to have to hereby request that:
* to protect both the guilty (of slander) and the targets, the history of the page, before the edits which removed the slander, is erased from the database forever. Said edits put the page in much shape for a proper page; further edits will have to fix the factually incorrect information put on that page by the slanderer, such as the statement that the site is the most active French-speaking site: TI-Planet is, partially as a result of being adopted by our peers of the international community as the successor of the former site.
* protective measures against vandalism are set forth, to reduce the odds of this kind of vandalism, on a valuable community resource that ought to be neutral and accessible for years. For one thing, I think that prohibiting unregistered accounts from editing pages would help.

On the topic of letting only registered users edit pages: on the one hand, it's a bit sad to see this kind of measures set up due to a minority of vandals whose acts are despicable and worthless, or spammers.
On the other hand, the fact is that having authors sign their statements, whether in nickname or in real name, is common practice for reputable, neutral sources of information, and I'm confident that any reasonable person can understand the reasoning behind named contributions :)

I'm fully aware that erasing part of the history of a page defeats the purpose of a wiki; but well, the purpose of a wiki about the (rich) story of the TI community is not to spread factually false statements, or illegal, hateful content, which are indexable by search engines alongside the useful content that such a site can provide ;)
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Re: TI-Story moves to its own site
« Reply #18 on: May 08, 2012, 03:04:53 pm »
You can delete a page, which could delete all the history of said page but the deletion history, then recreate it later with a shiny new history. I think it's how it works on Wikipedia, dunno about TI-Story. Plus I think I never saw any previous edits of a page being indexed by a search engine.

And what is nice with wikis is that you can easily delete false information as soon as you see it. Just look at how Wikipedia works, for instance. Even though it's really huge, any vandalism attempt gets slain in a matter of minutes.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2012, 03:08:45 pm by Juju »

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Re: TI-Story moves to its own site
« Reply #19 on: May 08, 2012, 03:15:22 pm »
Lionel earlier I edited out the defamatory content from the page and added clarifications (eg there were disputes between the admin and staff and combined with downtimes it led to the creation of TI-Planet (without TI-BANK's staff contribution) and TI-BANK re-opened later (with only its admin's contributions).

However, any guest can edit pages. You would have to ask Burr on the forums if he can lock the pages if they get vandalized.

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Re: TI-Story moves to its own site
« Reply #20 on: May 10, 2012, 06:47:12 am »
I'm sorry, but the page in question is still having problems, although the slanders have been removed.

The person who wrote the page is pretending to have discovered the 3.0.1 calculators bricking bug in may 2011.

It was I who discovered this bug, documented it immediatly, newsed about it on different sites, argued with T3 teachers who were pretending that it was our fault (Ndless) without trying to understand anything and didn't want to report the bug to TI...

In the end I earned TI's respect, and probably some T3 teachers keep a grudge against me.

*I* was also the first one to mention a new color Nspire calculator after discovering the TI-Nspire CX Navigator module, because of the "C" and of the unknown connector.

The person who wrote the page is once again pretending to have discovered it by himself.

The author is also pretending that his site is the most active french site, which is totally false.
It's TI-Planet which is, having much more visits, much more news, more posts, and more projects (nDoom, mViewer, nClock, Nover...).

So the page author is just trying to steal my work/reputation.

The page in its current state has nothing to do on a wiki, as its author didn't want to understand the purpose of a wiki.
It's just *spam*.

I'm asking for:
- all current content of this page to be immediatly removed or fixed
- the page to be locked  against editions by guests or non-modo/admin users

If we want such a page, it will have to be written by someone else.

I'm really angry this time that an english site is relaying such spam and lies, and hope that the administrator will permanently fix this problem as soon as possible. :mad:
« Last Edit: May 10, 2012, 06:58:42 am by critor »
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Re: TI-Story moves to its own site
« Reply #21 on: May 10, 2012, 04:33:54 pm »
Can't you just edit it out yourself? ??? Because if you find content objectionable there, it is normally your job to remove it or to report it to an administrator (and those admins usually do not visit any forum other than TI-BASIC Developer on a regular basis). I can very well edit out every info, but the site the page talks about still had some history prior you joining it and the admin slowly becoming less active. Sadly I didn't frequent calc sites much in 2008 so I cannot really contribute about the stuff that happened on TI-BANK.

Also we can't deny the fact that prior TI-Planet's existence, the other site was the most active French site. Granted, that activity was generated by the TI-Planet team that was part of the other site back then, but the TI-Story purpose is to tell the history of every calculator site, from 1990 until today.

Btw it's unfair to bash the TI-Story site for relaying that info when it's not even themselves that wrote the page. They have something called a "life" outside of TI-Story and they do not speak French nor do visit Omnimaga frequently, so unless you file a report to "burr", they will never know (or he, assuming he's the sole admin). And it's not my job to report the page/user either, nor is any of the Omnimaga member's.

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Re: TI-Story moves to its own site
« Reply #22 on: May 10, 2012, 04:39:37 pm »
I don't remember saying it was "your" job DJ.
And you know as well as me that if I edit, it will probably be edited again just after.

But, as someone neutral and exterior to both sites, I think you could have produced a much more interesting and exact text.

I just find it very abnormal for an english site, and a wiki moreover, to start to relay such misinformation and lies internationnally.
We've had enough fighting lies in the french TI community.

Let's keep the international TI community "clean".
« Last Edit: May 10, 2012, 04:48:43 pm by critor »
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Re: TI-Story moves to its own site
« Reply #23 on: May 10, 2012, 04:47:32 pm »
I know, but it seems you complain here but I have yet to see any post from you saying that you sent a private message to Burr on Omnimaga (although I don't think he can reply, since he doesn't have enough posts), Cemetech or that you signed up an account on TI-Story to send him a private message there. Not that I mind ranting or complains since it denounces malicious intents by the other person, but there is only one single person that can directly help by locking the page or banning the IP, and that's Burr, and to do it the innapropriate content report has to be filed by a TI-Planet admin.

That wiki is intended to be neutral, so any misinformation needs to be removed or edited. I hope the other person that is involved in putting that innapropriate content there is stopped.

(Btw the international community isn't so clean, really, but at least so far nobody in the english community has participated in wiki vandalism activities at least. Usually, it involves trollish material said in people's back in IRC channels that have no public logs available.)
« Last Edit: May 10, 2012, 04:51:35 pm by DJ_O »

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Re: TI-Story moves to its own site
« Reply #24 on: May 11, 2012, 10:17:09 am »
I think the reason they posted here was because Burr himself was active in this thread, and it looked like a good place to mention it.

Also, someone has edited TI-Planets page:
TI-Planet is a popular French TI community website qui sent pas bon, featuring one ...
I removed that now.

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Re: TI-Story moves to its own site
« Reply #25 on: May 11, 2012, 10:29:49 am »
I think the reason they posted here was because Burr himself was active in this thread, and it looked like a good place to mention it.
Indeed, I think that both critor and I assumed that Burr monitored this topic :)

Also, someone has edited TI-Planets page: [...] I removed that now.
Great, more vandalism on a useful community resource that lived peacefully for a while, until some vandal(s) became aware of it and thought it would be good to spend some time spamming and slandering...
Who knows, it might be the same vandal as the one who put insults on my the talk page of my WP account, shortly after I edited some TI calculator-related pages to remove self-advertising, an incorrect source of information (TI-Planet being the correct, or more authoritative, one in that event), or whatever equally inappropriate behaviour, I don't remember exactly...

Thanks for fixing, Jim ;)
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Re: TI-Story moves to its own site
« Reply #26 on: May 11, 2012, 06:24:08 pm »
Burr reverted the last edits on TI-BANK prior I requested the page lock, but it seems to have re-added the parts where TI-BANK admin claims Critor's work as his own in the process and now that the page is locked, I cannot remove it.

I will ask if the TI-Planet page can be locked too, but now who knows which page will be edited maliciously afterward.

Also Lionel what was the WP incident and what does WP stand for? ???

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Re: TI-Story moves to its own site
« Reply #27 on: May 12, 2012, 01:23:25 am »
WP = Wikipedia :)
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Re: TI-Story moves to its own site
« Reply #28 on: May 12, 2012, 01:29:40 am »
Ah ok thanks. It sucks someone is doing that. I hope it's not the same person involved in the edits of the TI-Story pages though. X.x

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Re: TI-Story moves to its own site
« Reply #29 on: May 12, 2012, 02:16:15 am »
There's no proof that it's the same person; only suspicions, based on publicly available information such as the IP address, or the fact that strictly less than two persons are known to blurt out insults when their spam / vandalism is fixed...
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