The new TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition available for back to school 2013 does support a new kind of image variable: background images.
Such images can be generated with the TI-Screen Capture included in the TI-Connect 4.0 software or online thanks to
SourceCoder on Cemetech.
But like on the TI-Nspire, those images supported natively have many limitations:
- image size is limited to 133x83, less than a quarter of the screen resolution

- only a maximum of 10 images can be stored simultaneously on the calculator :(
Fortunately, and it took less time than on the TI-Nspire, assemblybandit has just released IViewer, an image reading application for the TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition, and its convertion tool.
You can store as many images as you want. ;D

Images can now be as large as the screen resolution: 320x160. ;D

Images aren't limited to the screen resolution. ;D

Scrolling is supported for images greater than the screen, but unfortunately the low refresh rate on this powerless hardware doesn't make it that useful.
If the refresh rate cannot be increased, some zoom support might be a good idea in order to limit the scrolling need.
But after the first TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition
disappointing performance tests, that's allready far better that what we could expect. ;D