Like DVDs, the TI-Nspire are using region codes.
The region code takes the form of a 2-5 characters language code
(ISO 639 format) flashed in the NAND first pages
('manuf' zone, for manufacturer).
This code identifies the default calculator language and by extension its region.
For example, TI-Nspire CX-C calculators sold in China are flashed with the
'zh_CN' (simplified chinese) code, which lets the OS identify them correctly.
So everything is allready ready for a TI-Nspire maybe someday

The current TI-Nspire OSes are supporting 16 different language codes and so 16 zones:
- ar: arab (TI-Nspire 3.3 systems only)
- da: danish
- de: german
- en: english (international)
- en_GB: english (United Kingdom)
- es: spanish
- fi: finnish
- fr: french
- it: italian
- nl: dutch
- nl_BE: flemish
- no: norwegian
- pt: portuguese
- sv: swedish
- zh_CN: simplified chinese (China)
- zh_TW: traditional chinesel (Taïwan)
Region codes are a digital rights management technique designed to allow to control aspects of a release, including content, release date, and price, according to the region.
For example, Texas Instruments a released a chinese-english dictionnary which only installs on TI-Nspire CX-C.
But this can also be used the other way, removing some features for some regions. For example TI-Nspire CX-C and CM-C only let you select 4 of the 16 supported languages: both chinese languages and both english languages.
Today, you become able to modify/remove your TI-Nspire region code thanks to the latest version of nsNandMgr, the TI-Nspire NAND utility, now updated with new features and TI-Nspire CM support.
You can unlock the region code of your TI-Nspire CX-C, allowing you to use all 16 supported languages.
Same thing is possible with the TI-Nspire CM-C, resulting into a supported but unreleased model - a TI-Nspire CM!
The other way, you can mod your TI-Nspire CX into a TI-Nspire CX-C, allowing you to install the english-chinese dictionnary.
As far as I know it's useless, but the same thing is possible with TI-Nspire ClickPad/TouchPad and you can mod your TI-Nspire CX into a TI-Nspire or an arab TI-Nspire CX too, if those possible models are someday realeased with specific features.
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