Ok, so after a few weeks of trial, it definitively seems like the Latest Topics and Posts feature of EzPortal is buggy. Despite being set at 250, the topic list will only show a random number between 15 and 30 of active topics, and the new posts list somewhere between 80 and 130.
This problem has been reported to the EzPortal team a few weeks ago, but no fix has been released yet.
Because of the increasing Omnimaga forums activity resulting mostly of Axe, Ndless and gbc4nspire releases, active topics of an entire day will sometimes not fit completly in the list and if you don't frequent the board every day, the list may become unreliable, especially for members who are logged in and have access to the 5 hidden sections. For the post list, you will generally only see the last posts of the last few hours. Friday, we have hit a peak of 241 posts in one single day, a record on this incarnation of Omnimaga and probably the highest number since 2006, and we still get days with over 100 on a regular basis. So if you are not a frequent visitor, we recommend you for the time being to sometimes pay a visit to our board index as well, checking every sub-forum you're interested in, in case you may miss awesome stuff. I myself almost missed Age Of Culture II 0.98 demo the other day (YES! This game is still alive.), so watch out!
Hopefully this will be resolved soon.