This where I'll be posting about the people and places in Nostalgia. This will be updated every now and then.
Roland Ingnia Age: 18 Date of Birth: July 3
rd, 1019 AF
Hair: Crimson Eyes: Crimson Master Thief Height: 5'8"
Home Dimension: Nostalgia Dimension Magical Affinity: Star
Special Weapons: Chain Blade Weapon of Choice: One-handed longsword

Aria vi Amertia Age: 19 Date of Birth: May 16
th, 1018 AF
Hair: Mahogany Eyes: Green Alterian Knight Height: 5'10"
Home Dimension: Enlightened Dimension Magical Affinity: Holy
Special Weapons: Unknown Weapon of Choice: Two-handed broadsword

Arc Tenshido Age: 19 Date of Birth: September 8
th, 1018 AF
Hair: Black Eyes: Grey Royal General Height: 6'0"
Home Dimension: Enlightened Dimension Magical Affinity: Unknown
Special Weapons: Unknown Weapon of Choice: Two-handed broadsword

Alvar Tenshido Age: 32 Date of Birth: November 17
th, 1004 AF Date of Death: March 23
th, 1036 AF
Hair: Black Eyes: Grey Royal General Height: 6'2"
Home Dimension: Enlightened Dimension Magical Affinity: Dark
Special Weapons: Unknown Weapon of Choice: Two-handed broadsword (Wields it single-handedly)

Trivia: Alvar was the last known Dark Knight, the branch of Sentinels representing the Dark element. After the Fall, certain families, such as the Tenshidos passed down the Sentinel trait every few generations. The Tenshidos happened to be the last family representing the Dark element
Leon "Leo" Tenshido Age: 14 Date of Birth: December 17
th, 1023 AF
Hair: Black Eyes: Blue Mercenary Height: 5'4"
Home Dimension: Enlightened Dimension Magical Affinity: Dark
Special Weapons: Unknown Weapon of Choice: Battle axe

Family relations: Leo is Alvar's son.
The Great Sage Isaac Age: Unknown
Hair: Gray Eyes: Brown Sage Height: 5'11"
Home Dimension: Nostalgia Dimension Magical Affinity: All
Special Weapons: Unknown Weapon of Choice: Sage Staff
Portrait: None
Isaac was Roland's teacher in the magical arts and general education while he was being raised by the thieves. He's so old, his family lineage and surname are unknown to anyone in the Nostalgia Dimension. It's said he's good friends with the Creator himself, and odds are he knows more about what's going on with Alteria than those chosen to save it.
The Blue Man Age: Unknown
Hair: Blue Eyes: Blue Unknown Height: Unknown
Home Dimension: Unknown Magical Affinity: Unknown
Special Weapons: Unknown Weapon of Choice: Unknown
Portrait: None
The Blue Man is a persona that has shared Roland's mind since he was the age of 4. No one knows his real name, so "The Blue Man" is the name Roland uses to refer to him. He knows all about Roland, but no one knows much about him, or his goals. He has appeared to Roland a few times, but his appearance was obscured by a brilliant blue aura. It is said, in times of desperation, Roland's eyes have been said to turn bright blue...
Amertia - The main province of Alteria.
Ignortia - The northern province of Alteria. Polar climate.
Esteirnia - The eastern province of Alteria. Desert climate.
Soutnia - The southern province of Alteria. Islands.
Weseneria - The western province of Alteria. Mountains keep this province fairly isolated.
Time periods (for reference):
1-20 BC - Original time period. First War occured then.
1-10000 AC - Time after the Rise of the Creator, until the fall of the Sentinels.
1-1037 AF - Time since the dimensional split. Current time frame.
BC - Before the Creator
AC - After the Creator
AF - After the Fall
Note: The current year is 1037 AF.