Author Topic: Omni SC2 tourney I: Jsj795 wins!  (Read 31344 times)

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Re: Omni SC2 tourney I: Jsj795 wins!
« Reply #45 on: March 31, 2012, 02:41:10 am »
I have a little suggestions to make the tournament a little bit fairer :P

What if we make it so that the lower league player can tell the higher league player that they can't use certain unit(s) throughout the whole match (the units that they won't be able to ban would be the workers and 1st tier units such as lings, zealots, marines)

Every 2 league difference, you can ban +1 unit. So for example, a bronze player versus a master player
Difference in league = 5
5/2 = 2.5
Drop the .5, and so Master player can't use 2 units of bronze player's choice.

As for 1 league difference, like silver vs. gold, they can both use their full army

I'm unsure really, because in the end it could actually get unfair for the one with units restrictions.

The only way to be fair to everyone would be to do the tournament on Fastest Possible Map Ever, which requires no skills whatsover (at least in the current SC2 incarnation of it) or disallow people from using the same race as the first tournament, assuming the same participants come in the 2nd one.

Another idea would be to make the tourney for Brood War, because it has been so long since people played it that the skill level would definitively be more even.

@Cooliojazz will there be matches during week?
« Last Edit: March 31, 2012, 02:41:40 am by DJ_O »

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Re: Omni SC2 tourney I: Jsj795 wins!
« Reply #46 on: March 31, 2012, 08:23:33 am »
DJ, the only problem with doing a BW tournament is that I want to stab myself in the face every time I play it now because after SCII, I can't stand how retarded things like the pathing system are =P  Also, naw, we were planning on doing the whole thing tomorrow.  Thats why it starts at noon.
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Re: Omni SC2 tourney I: Jsj795 wins!
« Reply #47 on: March 31, 2012, 02:36:49 pm »
Yeah true, I remember how the AI sucked sometimes as well. X.x (especially when walling in). And sorry to hear. If it was spread like our tournament I would probably have participated, but unfortunately i have work. D: