Omnimaga => Discontinued => Our Projects => OmnomIRC Development => Topic started by: alberthrocks on October 30, 2012, 05:51:59 pm
This is just a little reminder for myself to fix a major issue - whenever unicode characters (like the long dash in the title) are used, New crashes.
(This also serves as a test to crash the bot with.)
EDIT: Bug fixed. Apparently, you have to .decode("utf-8") for unicode titles like this before re-encoding and sending to IRC.
Ah I see now why it kept disconnecting. What about special chars like accents?
It should work, since it's unicode! (This post, as a result, shouldn't crash New!)
That's good to hear then :)
bumpedebump test
I am working atm on the post bot, for those who don't know ;)
I thought Alberthro was the one with access? ???
I have access to the bot by now :P
That is also how i managed to do the omni stories
Dudes, stop posting in other threads, i'm only having problems with sending now, recieving seems to work :P
Ok, final test, but it seems to be working!
I manage to do where albertrocks failed XD/me runs
yet another test.
This time omnomirc is having charset issues ._.
The thing is, some people use Latin-1 and some use UTF-8. Xchat can automagically select the charset to use per line. Basically if a line fails Unicode validation, it will use Latin-1 when receiving. When sending, it uses latin-1 unless you used characters that need Unicode.
Yeah, I did now encoding detection for the bot, but that one topic, for some reason, doesn't get detected correctly, eiyerons new topic.
For detection I use chardet.