• OmnomIRC changelog and suggestions 5 1

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Re: OmnomIRC changelog and suggestions
« Reply #840 on: March 18, 2016, 11:13:47 am »
Shift+REfresh doesn't work either. Oh, and I'm on windows 7 if that matters.
Does this help? https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/how-clear-firefox-cache

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Offline SpiroH

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Re: OmnomIRC changelog and suggestions
« Reply #841 on: March 18, 2016, 11:16:10 am »
Nope! Please don't worry, isn't that important for me ATM. Thanks!

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Re: OmnomIRC changelog and suggestions
« Reply #842 on: March 18, 2016, 03:11:27 pm »
@SpiroH any reason you are on such an old version of Firefox right now? (Latest stable is version 45).

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Re: OmnomIRC changelog and suggestions
« Reply #843 on: March 21, 2016, 04:08:42 pm »
Well, as I told you (on OmnomIRC  :) ) you I've already updated to Firefox v42. Now OmnomIRC is working almost as before. However, I cannot yet scroll thru the user list on the RHS pane :P.  I wonder, do I really need to update Fx to v45?

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Re: OmnomIRC changelog and suggestions
« Reply #844 on: March 21, 2016, 04:12:05 pm »
I'm in Fx 48a1 and I'm also unable to scroll in the user list. So it looks like updating wont fix that. It's probably an OIRC bug.

EDIT: I've opened a bug on the OIRC issue tracker (#60)

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Re: OmnomIRC changelog and suggestions
« Reply #845 on: March 21, 2016, 04:17:21 pm »
Yes, that is a variable typo bug (self instead of _self), already fixed it in dev (and I hoped novody would notice :p )

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Re: OmnomIRC changelog and suggestions
« Reply #846 on: March 21, 2016, 04:18:50 pm »
Thank you guys. That was very fast! :thumbsup:

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Re: OmnomIRC changelog and suggestions
« Reply #847 on: May 05, 2016, 11:53:21 am »
So on the client-side I started detaching back-end and front-end, so that I can easily add a different "skin" and have OmnomIRC look different far beyond from what CSS has to offer. Or perhaps make it so that it renders its stuff into a shadow-dom instead of an iframe, because why not?

So, this is how it's working:
I called the default skin `lobster`, because why not? Anyhow, `skin_name.php` in your root, e.g. `skin_lobster.php`.
This file needs to be in the namespace \oirc\skin (adding `namesapce oirc\skin;` to the top).
Inside this file there need to be three funciton definitions, getPage(), getOptions(), getAdmin(). They each return a page definition associative array, for normal chatting, the options page and the admin page respectively.
The page associative array looks like the following (everything is optional):
Code: [Select]
html - (string) the HTML content
title - (string) the title of the page
head - (string) additional stuff that goes into the head
favicon - (string) the favicon of the page
js - (array) a file-thing array (see below)
css - (array) a file-thing array (see below)
The file-thing arrays have either a string as value, which will be simply the filename to include, or an assoc array with more options (all optional):
Code: [Select]
type - file / inline, defaults to file
file - filename or js/css content respectively
minified - true/falls, defaults to false. If set true, make sure that your file is named .min.js or .min.css while in the `file` parameter you put it without the .min (as in extended settings you can disable minified files)

The OmnomIRC javascript core is alredy included by default. It looks like the following:
To make a new instance you call `new OmnomIRC()`, e.g. `var oirc = new OmnomIRC();`
Code: [Select]
oirc.OMNOMIRCSERVER - the URL to the central server, which is https://omnomirc.omnimaga.org
-> loggedIn() - true if logged in, else false
-> fetch(callback,checkLoginOnly) - fetches settings off of the server with a callback, optionally only the checkLogin
-> net() - returns the network ID
-> getNetwork(id) - gets the network object of the id
-> getPmIdent() - gets your PM identification
-> getWholePmIdent(uid,network) - gets your PM ident combind with that of another user
-> nick() - gets your nick
-> guestLevel() - gets the guest level (0: deny, 1: view, 2: chat)
-> get(name) - get from the local storage
-> set(name,value) - sets the local storage
-> getJSON(url,callback,async=true,urlparams=true) - get a JSON page
-> post(url,data,callback,async=true,urlparams=true) - do a post request to a page
-> get(name) - gets the option
-> set(name,value) - sets the option
-> getAll(raw = false) - gets all the options
-> current() - returns true if the instant is the current one, else false. Used to fetch only one single tab of all running instances.
oirc.channels: (i is channel index, s is channel name)
-> load(i,callback) - loads the channel i
-> join(s) - joins the channel s, but does not actually load it. Think: Open Tab
-> joinPm(name,'',callback) - joins a PM channel
-> part(i) - parts a channel, either i or s can be specified
-> getList() - gets a list of all joined channels
-> getHandler(i,b64=false) - gets the handler of the channel as used by the backend
-> current() - gets the object for the current channel
-> setChans(array) - sets the current channels, it is highly adviced to only use this to re-sort the channel array
-> highlight(i) - highlight the channel i or s
-> add(user) - adds a user to the channel with the userobject
-> remove(user) - removes a user from the channel with the userobject
-> send(s)
-> send(callback,s,channel=current) - send a message to the server! / commands will also be parsed
-> internal(html) - sends an internal message, e.g. for error output
-> val() - get the input box value
-> val(s) - set the input box value
-> parse(s) - parse a string to add colors etc
-> name(s) - parse a nickname
-> highlight(s) - parse highlighted stuff
oirc.connect -> (callback) - connects to OmnomIRC
oirc.disconnect -> () - disconnects from omnomirc

ui helper functions

-> addWarning(file,object) - adds a warning
-> addError(file,object) - adds an error
-> init($errors=$('#errors'),$warnings=$('#warnings')
-> changeLinks() - changes all the links on the page to add the network parameter, to prevent that clicking links lands on a different page
oirc.initinput -> ($elem=$('#message'),wysiwyg=false) - initializes the input bar with tab-complete and old messages support. WYSIWYG defaults to false as it actually replaces the <input>-element with a <span> one and thus the skin needs to be programmed to support that

oirc.onerror(file,object) - error
oirc.onwarning(file,object) - warning
oirc.onmessage(parsedName,parsedMessage,lineObject,loadMode) - a message, it has been already parsed for the various types, parsedMessage is an array of elements
oirc.onmessageraw(lineObject,loadMode) - the unparsed message. Note that if you use this that oirc.onmessage will never trigger!
oirc.onuserchange(usersArray) - the userlist has been changed, you'll probably want to re-draw the userlist!
oirc.onchannelchange(channelArray) - the channels have been changed (e.g. new tab), you'll probably want to re-draw the tabs!
oirc.onchanneljoin(s) - please join the specified channel!
oirc.onchannelpart(s) - please part the specified channel!
oirc.onsetval(s) - overrides oirc.send.val(s)
oirc.ongetval() - overrides oirc.send.val()
oirc.ontopicchange(s) - the topic has been changed, have the parsed topic!
oirc.onnotification(message,channel) - time to make a notification!

So, what do you guys think?
« Last Edit: July 22, 2016, 06:34:15 am by Sorunome »

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Offline SpiroH

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Re: OmnomIRC changelog and suggestions
« Reply #848 on: May 05, 2016, 07:20:54 pm »
So, what do you guys think?
If I understand it correctly, it seems to be a 'pretty' idea. However, you are talking about 'skins' (and lobsters, hehe) and I don't see any screenshots? :P

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Re: OmnomIRC changelog and suggestions
« Reply #849 on: May 06, 2016, 03:59:05 am »
So, what do you guys think?
If I understand it correctly, it seems to be a 'pretty' idea. However, you are talking about 'skins' (and lobsters, hehe) and I don't see any screenshots? :P
The only skin available currently is the current one that you use all the time :p

However, this system would easily allow writing a skin to make it look like a facebook-chat with a bottom bar and stuff.

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Re: OmnomIRC changelog and suggestions
« Reply #850 on: May 06, 2016, 09:31:49 am »
The only skin available currently is the current one that you use all the time :p
Well, it's probably just me (yet again). All I get on my FF 42.0 is this (green face <att. below>). Sooo, no lobster s**t (unless it got green-ish  :P)
However, this system would easily allow writing a skin to make it look like a facebook-chat with a bottom bar and stuff.
I think you should go ahead and implement that fb-like bottom bar. You'll have fun for sure, once it's done. ;)

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Re: OmnomIRC changelog and suggestions
« Reply #851 on: May 06, 2016, 01:24:05 pm »
However, this system would easily allow writing a skin to make it look like a facebook-chat with a bottom bar and stuff.
I think you should go ahead and implement that fb-like bottom bar. You'll have fun for sure, once it's done. ;)
I also like the bottom bar idea. Right now you have to scroll to the top to see what's going on, instead of just being able to look while reading posts.

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Re: OmnomIRC changelog and suggestions
« Reply #852 on: May 06, 2016, 06:59:53 pm »
The option to make it its own window would be nice! (So I can look at the chat while I am doing other things)
I'm still around... kind of.

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Re: OmnomIRC changelog and suggestions
« Reply #853 on: May 06, 2016, 08:26:19 pm »
The option to make it its own window would be nice! (So I can look at the chat while I am doing other things)
Here you go

Offline Sorunome

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Re: OmnomIRC changelog and suggestions
« Reply #854 on: May 07, 2016, 01:44:56 pm »
The option to make it its own window would be nice! (So I can look at the chat while I am doing other things)
Here you go
Wait, that link is still working?

For once, there is a "Full View" link in the top-left corner, it leads here: https://www.omnimaga.org/omnomirc/?network=1

Also, anyone want to help with the front-end for that FB-like thing?

The only skin available currently is the current one that you use all the time :p
Well, it's probably just me (yet again). All I get on my FF 42.0 is this (green face <att. below>). Sooo, no lobster s**t (unless it got green-ish  :P)
Yeah, that is how the `lobster`-theme is looking like. IDK, if you think of a better name i can re-name it :p

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