Author Topic: [new_calc] New Calc project ... with cas engine /!\  (Read 55043 times)

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Re: [new_calc] New Calc project ... with cas engine /!\
« Reply #60 on: November 06, 2012, 07:26:58 am »
This: bluetooth keyboard. Done deal.
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Offline Lancelot_du_lac

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Re: [new_calc] New Calc project ... with cas engine /!\
« Reply #61 on: November 06, 2012, 03:34:40 pm »
This: bluetooth keyboard. Done deal.

I'm sorry, but it's not possible.

All techs without wire are banned from exams.

I don't think having a removable qwerty keypad is a good idea, since people will rely on it for calculations and stumble in the exams. QWERTY isn't necessarily an ideal layout anyways, given that you're only using thumbs, and that we're not using typewriters anymore. (QWERTY was designed so that you would avoid typing on the same side as often, to prevent jamming keys. Hence, common sets like he, or, le, etc. would be on opposite sides of the keyboard.)

Plus, why is the keyboard on the bottom? That's terrible, ergonomically. While I appreciate the idea of having a separate qwerty keypad, even Alpha modifiers are better than that.

By using a different layout, you are also freed from that design shape. A tall, thin shape would ideally have a tall, thin keypad.

Now, no more criticism for this post. :P

Even, i'm not a big fan, i find this idea interesting. All ideas are welcome.

I like how you're trying to use an existing CAS library. That will save a lot of work down the line. I'd recommend focusing on writing the majority of the software portion before working on any hardware development, since that doesn't require any funding. If you can pull it off, it would be a very nice calculator. I would probably buy one.

I DONT want use an existing cas lib. i want code a better one. It can make laugh some, but i've read codes already, and it's not so hard, for good coders.

Oh, and if this thing will be powerful enough to run Debian Linux, then its C++ coding will blow the TI-84+'s Asm out of the water. However, it would have to be quite powerful to compile that C++ on the calculator within any reasonable time frame.

small codes will be near instant compiled. Even for a 4ko program, it's fast on a 450mhz ArmV9 CPU to be compiled on board.

And we can run all that can be runned on linux. If people are more friendly with java, or what they like, it's linux you know, it may be slow, but evrything will be runable. Even games that already exist in linux, ( open source only  because you'll need to re-compile it onboard.),

you can compile it too on a Pc under linux with a special tuneling system. But i don't think a lot of guys would like to do it.

What will be the name ? Ok, thats is a good question and not.
For moment i named the project 'LI-A0'.
Its for make at least one prototype working ( & well if possible ).

If ( and only if ) this project is successfull ( a good product that people may buy it, price & quality are there ), i may start an industrial project that is the direct follow of this.

So why talking hardware, packaging now ?

If you do a prototype that cost 1B$, and is amazing, nobody will buy it.
If you do a prototype that is not coded to work on any hardware, you'll need to re-code or re-think it.

So it's time to set an ideal hardware, and have an idea of the kind of packaging. Not all details needed on packaging, but some usefull.

It's time to talk intellectual property, too.
I'll see an expert soon on it to be sure what we should do.

And if you want know, what i have in mind today for packaging, that's this style :

( & no mouse & a numpad ).

And yes, it's a calculator :D

Offline Keoni29

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Re: [new_calc] New Calc project ... with cas engine /!\
« Reply #62 on: November 06, 2012, 04:03:03 pm »
Wow that calculator looks expensive.

All techs without wire are banned from exams.
Well then: make it BARELY wireless. With a reeeeally short wire attached to the calculator. Wait wut... :crazy:

Do you want to make a docking station for it? With features such as: charging, streaming audio from the calc and streaming screencaps to a vga monitor or beamer.
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Re: [new_calc] New Calc project ... with cas engine /!\
« Reply #63 on: November 06, 2012, 04:05:43 pm »
I prefer the design you've drawn, I'm afraid that this last one will be rejected from exams if it looks too much like an iMac :P
« Last Edit: November 06, 2012, 04:06:29 pm by Matrefeytontias »

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Re: [new_calc] New Calc project ... with cas engine /!\
« Reply #64 on: November 06, 2012, 04:59:20 pm »

And if you want know, what i have in mind today for packaging, that's this style :

( & no mouse & a numpad ).

And yes, it's a calculator :D
I’m sorry, but I just don’t a fold up DS-laptop is all the great of a design.
In my view, why do we get calculators? Me, to get a handheld that helps with math, or to get an ultimate math experience. The former uses a endheld, and the latter would be done with a handheld, tablet, or laptop.
Why get a calculator like that if you can get a laptop.
But to each their own.

I don't think having a removable qwerty keypad is a good idea, since people will rely on it for calculations and stumble in the exams. QWERTY isn't necessarily an ideal layout anyways, given that you're only using thumbs, and that we're not using typewriters anymore. (QWERTY was designed so that you would avoid typing on the same side as often, to prevent jamming keys. Hence, common sets like he, or, le, etc. would be on opposite sides of the keyboard.)

Plus, why is the keyboard on the bottom? That's terrible, ergonomically. While I appreciate the idea of having a separate qwerty keypad, even Alpha modifiers are better than that.
I use a QWERTY keyboard all the time, so I am a little better at it.
Also, since it was originally intended to stop typing on the same side, might it still be easier now, so that you can spread your fingers about.
And is it actually better to have it spread out amongst the keys? I thought that you would accidentally press the other keys too many times.

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Re: [new_calc] New Calc project ... with cas engine /!\
« Reply #65 on: November 06, 2012, 07:51:16 pm »
I can kind of see how this could come in handy, though I would buy a casio and a nspire before I bought something like this
This would okay, and if you add the thumb stick and d pad it could still be somewhat handheld, however, I think that a short wide screen would be ugly and awkward.

Offline willrandship

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Re: [new_calc] New Calc project ... with cas engine /!\
« Reply #66 on: November 06, 2012, 09:10:40 pm »
Having two blatant d-pads would imply that you're using them for more than navigation. Disguise them as something else, like the 4 arithmetic buttons, possibly.

So, you're looking at 450 mhz? That should be plenty for compiling. I was worrying you might be going for some 100mhz, 16mb RAM board that can barely run a kernel, let alone gcc.

The only kind of wireless communication allowed is line of sight infrared, and only because it can be blocked with electrical tape. But then, your biggest concern from what I see is making it a good calculator, not making it exam-worthy.

Offline Rhombicuboctahedron

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Re: [new_calc] New Calc project ... with cas engine /!\
« Reply #67 on: November 06, 2012, 10:11:19 pm »
Having two blatant d-pads would imply that you're using them for more than navigation. Disguise them as something else, like the 4 arithmetic buttons, possibly.
Oh, so what were you planning to do with it?
I am annoyed that when using the touchpad on the nspire, I have to have my thumb all the way in the middle of the calc, and I can only use one thumb at a time.
Also, because the touchpad is also the d pad, it is slower to respond because it can’t know if you want the d pad or the touchpad.
My friends at school think the touchpad is so bad, and I was watching an unboxing video the other day, and the guy thought the touchpad wasn’t even turned on because it wasn’t responding.

Offline willrandship

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Re: [new_calc] New Calc project ... with cas engine /!\
« Reply #68 on: November 07, 2012, 12:00:32 am »
Well, it's still a calculator. If you want a gameboy, just make a gameboy.

Also, I really hate touchpads. Especially touchpad-dpad combos.
« Last Edit: November 07, 2012, 12:01:00 am by willrandship »

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Re: [new_calc] New Calc project ... with cas engine /!\
« Reply #69 on: November 07, 2012, 12:02:59 am »
Having two blatant d-pads would imply that you're using them for more than navigation. Disguise them as something else, like the 4 arithmetic buttons, possibly.
Oh, so what were you planning to do with it?
I am annoyed that when using the touchpad on the nspire, I have to have my thumb all the way in the middle of the calc, and I can only use one thumb at a time.
Also, because the touchpad is also the d pad, it is slower to respond because it can’t know if you want the d pad or the touchpad.
My friends at school think the touchpad is so bad, and I was watching an unboxing video the other day, and the guy thought the touchpad wasn’t even turned on because it wasn’t responding.

I agree.  If there is going to be a touch screen or touch pad on this calculator lets make it a good one.  I have an Nspire CX and the touchpad kind of sucks if you are trying to use the mouse with it.  Also when I let people borrow my calculator to play games they don't really understand the concept of only using one thumb.
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Offline willrandship

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Re: [new_calc] New Calc project ... with cas engine /!\
« Reply #70 on: November 07, 2012, 12:26:32 am »

I just thought of an idea that would vastly improve Alpha-modifier style keypads, aesthetically. Have a clear acrylic button, with 3 engraved layers. Each layer has its own LED that can be turned on or off, so it shows one of the three button options. Heck, it could even change for different menus. It would be far cheaper than those screenKey things, since it wouldn't need to drive a display. It would just drive three LEDs.

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Re: [new_calc] New Calc project ... with cas engine /!\
« Reply #71 on: November 07, 2012, 02:33:49 am »
I have had a lot of graphic calculators.

Casio Graph 25, 65, Ti89 1.0, 2.0 , 89T, & Cas CX.

The best keyboard is without any doubt is Ti89. Fast, and really good key touch.

The Cas CX is the worst. Even it's a powerfull one, the keyboard is hard, and the touchpad is a joke. And key are far more smart on Ti89.

But the bigger screen is nice for big equations. & The other nice thing, you enter in line in 89, & you enter in smart real form in Cas CX. ( easyer to see if you've made a mistake in the equation ).

So What is the aim ?

-better keyboard than CX ( oh yeah, you'll say it's easy ).
-A more bigger screen than CX for other things like simulink'like works.
& huge matrix
-Faster than CX, in maths. Ti-basic is too slow.
-Improved math engine.
-some matlab function integration with the ability of formal way of a calculator. ( matlab can only use real or complex, but no undefined vars ).
-& i think, of tools like this one in option :

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Re: [new_calc] New Calc project ... with cas engine /!\
« Reply #72 on: November 08, 2012, 01:53:28 pm »
You might like to try the nspire clickpad's keyboard, if you don't have fat fingers. The alpha keys are small, but they're spaced apart and they're raised above the others, so there's no need for modifier keys (Although they have 2nd and shift)

I agree that the touchpad and CX layout is terrible, especially since all the symbols are in submenus.  (Seriously? A Trig button?)

Offline Lancelot_du_lac

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Re: [new_calc] New Calc project ... with cas engine /!\
« Reply #73 on: November 12, 2012, 01:31:12 pm »
i was moving these days, so  i wasn't really availlable.

I'm going to get optical fiber this week, and i'm gonna take a domain name.
we have a web designer already working on.

I'll have hardware soon in hands. ( i'm testing now a pando board ).

SVN server is up.

Offline willrandship

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Re: [new_calc] New Calc project ... with cas engine /!\
« Reply #74 on: November 12, 2012, 06:16:15 pm »
The pandaboard seems like it will be a bit overpowered, but at least it doesn't have an FPU (big time cheating device for some fancier ARM boards :P Don't expect one on anything affordable except the RPi)

Make sure you keep in mind the drastic decrease in performance your actual calculators will have compared to that board.