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Re: A real Community Project
« Reply #45 on: April 11, 2011, 09:25:56 pm »
For the MMORPG, though, I would rather have most of the data locally for a single-player mode.  (Some don't have gCn, unfortunately.)
EDIT: Ninja'd
« Last Edit: April 11, 2011, 09:27:04 pm by ralphdspam »
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Re: A real Community Project
« Reply #46 on: April 11, 2011, 09:37:04 pm »
I wonder if it would be time for a poll yet :)

But before that: I think I shall see if I can convince others to my point on an RPG -- we have seen the community create countless RPG games before, and we have learned from making them skills that we should not abandon.  Now, if we go the MMO route, we have NO experience with that -- we could go all the way and find out that loading battles takes 3 minutes each, or that content stored on a server would be slow or unsafe to access.

I think the language would be a fine alternative, because we still have a ton of experience in that field around here with other members -- if you don't believe me, look at axe, BBC basic, xLib, and others.  A cross platform language WOULD be hard -- but with many members with varying experience in the field, why not? :)

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Re: A real Community Project
« Reply #47 on: April 11, 2011, 09:40:13 pm »
Though, another thing geek boy -- not everyone is going to be able to play a gCn MMO -- even I, a man who has an 84+, has a broken USB port, so that knocks me off the list of people who can play.  And same for 83+ users.  A gam that requires what some people lack not only lowers the gamer list, but the developer list as well -- it's hard to expect people to help make a game that they wont ever be able to play :P

well, if you're gonna go big, might as well go all the way.
+java support, anyone? :P
My TI-94+SE is broken.  I used some flawed existential conditioning on it, and it crashed. :(

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Re: A real Community Project
« Reply #48 on: April 11, 2011, 09:41:50 pm »
well ashbad also dont forget you may not have a usb but you can still us i/o gcn in exchange for a usbhid which means even you are not completely out of the equation

and then also we would end up testing every thing first before we set out completely set on that idea which is also why were waying our options i know kerm made a speed test program maybe we should ask him to make one that sends data as fast as it can both ways and checks for errors in it as for keeping a single player aspect i love that idea as well

the thing with gcn though it would be used to like
dl level data the user doesnt have
sync players positions and stats to a global server (for online mode)
and if we go the route with online multiplayer battles there just like oblit and netpong where we send data back and forth like any other linked game just using the gcn protocol instead


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Re: A real Community Project
« Reply #49 on: April 11, 2011, 09:43:06 pm »
Well, I really have a hard time believing that Java will fit on an 84+.  Remember, that could be a great project for calcs with more memory and speed -- but we need to cater to as many people as possible ;)

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Re: A real Community Project
« Reply #50 on: April 11, 2011, 09:46:29 pm »
I meant like in a browser :P but having a compiled version for the calculator
« Last Edit: April 11, 2011, 09:46:55 pm by lookitsan00b »
My TI-94+SE is broken.  I used some flawed existential conditioning on it, and it crashed. :(

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Re: A real Community Project
« Reply #51 on: April 11, 2011, 09:51:17 pm »
I meant like in a browser :P but having a compiled version for the calculator

Sorry, me no understand :) can you explain what you mean by browser?

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Re: A real Community Project
« Reply #52 on: April 11, 2011, 10:34:38 pm »
I like the idea of an RPG/MMO. I think we might make a computer based one like minecraft and use the profits from this to help support omnimaga and calculator programming. I would love to help with this though all I'd be able to do is any python parts we wanted(moddable python in it anyone). The makority of this program/game would have to be in a C language for speed.

This is just my 2 cents
« Last Edit: April 11, 2011, 10:41:02 pm by ruler501 »
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Re: A real Community Project
« Reply #53 on: April 11, 2011, 10:36:42 pm »
So, I can see that there are two ideas cycling around: a gCn compatible MMO game and a multi-platform programming language. Both ideas sound really cool, so I think we should add a poll to decide which one we are actually going to do (or just do both).

For the gCn MMO, the one thing to keep in mind is that CALCnet is so constructed that you can only send one frame of information at a time over the network. Thus, a place like a hangout location, where hundreds of players are seen simultaneously, is simply not plausible. You would need to have several smaller hubs to create that effect. However, the gCn whitepaper does tell us how the gCn client works and exactly what needs to be sent to the central server, so a custom computer-side program could be used to switch between virtual hubs in order to create different rooms/games.

For the multi-platform programming language (I assume this is for PC, game systems, and TI calculators), we have to be aware that a lot of these technologies work very differently. So, if we want that to work, we will probably have to settle for lowest common denominator (TI calculator level).
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Re: A real Community Project
« Reply #54 on: April 11, 2011, 10:46:55 pm »
I have the idea of a computer game who uses a TI calculator like a Pokéwalker in Pokémon HeartGold/SoulSilver.

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Re: A real Community Project
« Reply #55 on: April 11, 2011, 11:25:33 pm »
Don't forget CalcNet has an inherent limit of roughly 105 calcs anyways.

The Only thing that needs to stay the same between Calc and PC versions of anything is communication methods. If the PC version has Full 3D but the Calc version is isometric, so be it, but they have the same location identifiers. granted, physics wouldn't be wondrous. :P

@Ashbad he meant a web browser

What about having these for two versions: a Calc version through gCn or the like, and a Java version in a browser, that is only different in screen resolution? Maybe sound too, but hey, let's keep it nice, while reasonable.

@Juju, interesting concept! Sounds like a 1player game, but still, possibly expandable.

@Compy about svn, you can just install the original svn for linux. It was made for it after all :P just apt-get install (or similar for others) subversion

What about just using sourceforge for Svn/git hosting?

EDIT: BTW, a cross-platform language.....BBC BASIC already has ARM ports (Brandy), and an 84+version by benryyves to boot! It's also really fast! And it's easy, since it's a real BASIC, not BASIC-wrapped asm like axe (makes axe more powerful, but harder) so the only thing to learn is the new syntax! (It's like real BASIC, with print, not disp, GOTO 10 is valid, etc.)
« Last Edit: April 11, 2011, 11:31:46 pm by willrandship »

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Re: A real Community Project
« Reply #56 on: April 12, 2011, 12:26:27 am »
i am very fan of a MMORPG being made. it would be incredibly time consuming and probably wouldn't be used very often (the hundred or so calc limit definitely would not be an issue), but still, the idea is so inherently appealing to me that i'd be willing to put effort into it.

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Re: A real Community Project
« Reply #57 on: April 12, 2011, 12:59:17 am »
One concern I have about a MMORPG is areas where people idles. In big MMORPGs, when you visit a town with like 100 chars in one place, it lags like there's no tomorrow. Now imagine with a calc. Not that many people would let their calc turned ON running the game, however.

Even if it's a team project, a community project has to:

1) Not take time from other projects
2) Be well planned. Many team projects die because members can't agree on features/ideas, leaves due to losing interest, lose code, have different schedules or code conflicts.

In the end many team projects takes considerably longer than solo projects. An example is Mystique Dragon Tear: It took longer than Illusiat 12 to develop, even if the game was much shorter and much simpler.

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Re: A real Community Project
« Reply #58 on: April 12, 2011, 09:41:45 am »
The previous multi-calc language was called MLC I believe, and was for Casio calcs( unsure of the models), The TI's (TI 86 and TI 89 maybe) and there was a somewhat complete 83+ version(I think Madskillz may have had a hand in). The TI-86 and The Casio verisons were the most complete if i remember correctly. I can't remember off the top of my head if a TI-89 version was in the works or not, but for some reason I seem to remember one...  This is a decent idea, however there are already several excellent ASM libraries available on the 83+, (X-lib, Celtic III, Xcopy, Batlib, etc.) and at least 2 quite functional language alternatives (Axe, BBC Basic) and another(Recode) in the works. A new language that was cross platform would have to offer quite a lot to compete with pre-existing tools, and this is only considering what's on the 83+.  :o Not to mention that you have to account for hardware differences, and restrictions based on such.

An Os alternative would be cool, but I've yet to see one done by a group succeed(not that one couldn't mind you). Nimbus OS and Vera are prime examples here. They were either too involved, or people got hung up on details and couldn't agree on things.  That and the fact that not a lot of people would have enough experience to work on such a complex project.

As far a an RPG goes, I think that would be a cool idea. However, I am against the idea of a MMORPG as it excludes many people who either (A. don't have a Z80 calc with usb or the skills/money to get an Audrino. (this includes myself I own only a 83+) B.) Have limited internet access or poor internet access. There is also the fact that transfering all that data and keeping everything in synch would be ridiculous to code unless the game is uber simple and thus BORING.

Anyhow, if we do go the route of an RPG, I'd be interested in helping with the battle engine and graphics. Story or character development could be a possibility as well.
« Last Edit: April 12, 2011, 09:43:59 am by Art_of_camelot »

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Re: A real Community Project
« Reply #59 on: April 12, 2011, 09:54:46 am »
I actually like this idea (of a community project), I also like the idea of a MMORPG over gCn. It seems a good idea, but in my view, too hard to finish as a group project, if you think about it, well, it's just too hard. Another thing though is it requires that all players have that special link or an arduino.

So I recommend a community project, but not over gCn.