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Re: A real Community Project
« Reply #60 on: April 12, 2011, 10:00:50 am »
I think the first priority of a community project of this scale is to decide exactly what everybody is doing, and decide *exactly* what the game is going to be before you write it.  Like DJ said, community games are usually take longer to make rather than shorter, and can fail without adequate planning. 

Despite that rather demotivating speech, I just want to say be careful and I can't wait to see everything this group pumps out, and what ideas you come up with! :D I know you guys can come up with some awesome stuff when you put your heads together! ^^

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Re: A real Community Project
« Reply #61 on: April 12, 2011, 10:08:33 am »
Despite that rather demotivating speech, I just want to say be careful and I can't wait to see everything this group pumps out, and what ideas you come up with! :D I know you guys can come up with some awesome stuff when you put your heads together! ^^

Seconded, I'm not participating in this, but wish you good luck.

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Re: A real Community Project
« Reply #62 on: April 12, 2011, 10:47:32 am »
A good point that Scout made is that a gCn MNORPG doesn't seem very possible. A community project needs to be something that can only be done feasibly as a team, and have a large user base.

I had an idea for a project: a fileshare system over CALCnet. Basically, calcs would connect, say which files they are willing to send, and then calcs can pull the files off the other calcs for themselves.
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Re: A real Community Project
« Reply #63 on: April 12, 2011, 10:51:37 am »
A good point that Scout made is that a gCn MNORPG doesn't seem very possible. A community project needs to be something that can only be done feasibly as a team, and have a large user base.

I had an idea for a project: a fileshare system over CALCnet. Basically, calcs would connect, say which files they are willing to send, and then calcs can pull the files off the other calcs for themselves.

That seems VERY feasible and very useful, imagine downloading files as in, but in your calc! I think it's definetely more possible than a MMORPG.

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Re: A real Community Project
« Reply #64 on: April 12, 2011, 11:00:21 am »
And you wouldn't even have to leave Doors CS to transfer files! You could just use it as your entire OS and ignore the outside world (unless you use APPS).
« Last Edit: April 12, 2011, 11:01:45 am by Compynerd255 »
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Re: A real Community Project
« Reply #65 on: April 12, 2011, 11:01:49 am »
And you wouldn't even have to leave Doors CS to transfer files!

That's a long run project...

At first, we'd have to create the download and upload system, but we need a server, right? And then we need people to take care of the server *forever*.

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Re: A real Community Project
« Reply #66 on: April 12, 2011, 11:03:57 am »
And you wouldn't even have to leave Doors CS to transfer files!

That's a long run project...

At first, we'd have to create the download and upload system, but we need a server, right? And then we need people to take care of the server *forever*.
No, you wouldn't need a server. It would be more like P2P. A custom version of the gCn client could also be attached to the server, so you could download anything there.
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Re: A real Community Project
« Reply #67 on: April 12, 2011, 11:05:29 am »
And you wouldn't even have to leave Doors CS to transfer files!

That's a long run project...

At first, we'd have to create the download and upload system, but we need a server, right? And then we need people to take care of the server *forever*.
No, you wouldn't need a server. It would be more like P2P. A custom version of the gCn client could also be attached to the server, so you could download anything there.

Hum, let's say I want to transfer file A.8xp to you, both of us have to be online? Ok, then, but a server would be nice too, and Kerm has made that before so he could explain us.

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Re: A real Community Project
« Reply #68 on: April 12, 2011, 02:52:10 pm »
No, you wouldn't need a server. It would be more like P2P. A custom version of the gCn client could also be attached to the server, so you could download anything there.
Hum, let's say I want to transfer file A.8xp to you, both of us have to be online? Ok, then, but a server would be nice too, and Kerm has made that before so he could explain us.
Yes. To transfer files:
1. Calc A designates one of his files as transferable, either to everyone or to a specific person
2. Calc B checks what files are available.
3. One by one, each calc on the network (including Calc A) sends Calc B a list of the files available to him
4. Calc B selects the file that Calc A wants to transfer.
5. Calc A sends the file, 128 bytes at a time, to Calc B

The server is simply a computer program pretending to be a calculator connected to a gCn client. When Calc A decides to make his file open to anyone, the server picks it up and stores it for later download.

As well as a P2P file sharing service, this could also be used as an alternative to [2nd]-[LINK].
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Re: A real Community Project
« Reply #69 on: April 12, 2011, 02:53:31 pm »
No, you wouldn't need a server. It would be more like P2P. A custom version of the gCn client could also be attached to the server, so you could download anything there.
Hum, let's say I want to transfer file A.8xp to you, both of us have to be online? Ok, then, but a server would be nice too, and Kerm has made that before so he could explain us.
Yes. To transfer files:
1. Calc A designates one of his files as transferable, either to everyone or to a specific person
2. Calc B checks what files are available.
3. One by one, each calc on the network (including Calc A) sends Calc B a list of the files available to him
4. Calc B selects the file that Calc A wants to transfer.
5. Calc A sends the file, 128 bytes at a time, to Calc B

The server is simply a computer program pretending to be a calculator connected to a gCn client. When Calc A decides to make his file open to anyone, the server picks it up and stores it for later download.

As well as a P2P file sharing service, this could also be used as an alternative to [2nd]-[LINK].

Good, what about the thing? We would be able to download directly from ticalc?

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Re: A real Community Project
« Reply #70 on: April 12, 2011, 05:27:34 pm »
the way Compynerd255 described it, that would be pretty bad.  I just say go straight from ticalc.  That's easiest.

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Re: A real Community Project
« Reply #71 on: April 12, 2011, 05:32:05 pm »
the way Compynerd255 described it, that would be pretty bad.  I just say go straight from ticalc.  That's easiest.
Why would it be bad? Is it because of bad files being transfered, or simply server overhaul?
The way I described it, ticalc's archives could also pretend to be another calc on the network, doing the same thing as another central server. You would probably tell it to specifically send to the server in order for it to upload. Also, if the number of available files becomes too large, we can add a search option to narrow down to the files we want.
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Re: A real Community Project
« Reply #72 on: April 12, 2011, 05:45:52 pm »
the way Compynerd255 described it, that would be pretty bad.  I just say go straight from ticalc.  That's easiest.
Why would it be bad? Is it because of bad files being transfered, or simply server overhaul?
The way I described it, ticalc's archives could also pretend to be another calc on the network, doing the same thing as another central server. You would probably tell it to specifically send to the server in order for it to upload. Also, if the number of available files becomes too large, we can add a search option to narrow down to the files we want.
It's bad because some files aren't up all the time, most likely people won't have two calcs on at the same time unless they plan ahead, etc.

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Re: A real Community Project
« Reply #73 on: April 12, 2011, 06:07:20 pm »
Direct dl'ing from ticalc would be awesome ;D
Would it be possible to also allow access to archives from other TI sites ie omnimaga/cemetech/[insert major site here]?

Also there's casio calcs if at all possible...
« Last Edit: April 12, 2011, 06:07:30 pm by Darl181 »
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Re: A real Community Project
« Reply #74 on: April 12, 2011, 06:08:11 pm »
Yes, it would be possible.  Someone would just have to write a client to search and stuff, and someone would have to have a server for it.