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alberthrocks' projects!
« on: October 22, 2010, 09:09:01 pm »
So, people have heard of me, seen me, and talked to me, but have never seen things I've done!
You might have seen some of my work briefly on IRC. If you don't know, you'll find out below! :)
Do I do calculator programming? Of course! I wouldn't be here if I didn't! :)
That said, let me begin my project showcase!

Calculator Projects
1) APChemKit!
APChemKit! is an ongoing project that is a very fun, nice, and easy to use program to do conversions and calculation for AP Chemistry. For now, it's in BASIC, since some crucial functions I need aren't in Axe (yet). However, the installer, which will install APChemKit!, is in Axe, and is an interesting separate project. ;) Progress: 5% (not much done throughout the year yet! :))


2) InstallMe! (for TI)
InstallMe! is an installer that can, as the title says, install programs! :) It's developed with APChemKit!, and will be accompanied with an installer creator. The Axe compiler itself is still needed though, since the installer creator will simply create and bundle the installer in the form of an Axe source file. It's something that I hope will become quite revolutionary! :) Progress: 10% (parts of GUI made, no installing progress GUI or actual installation code yet)


3) DodgeIt!
DodgeIt! is a very simple BASIC game. All you do is just dodge the falling blocks! :) It's 100% ASCII, so no meddling with any of the graphical settings! ;) Progress: 100% (Finished last year! :D)

File(s): DODGEIT.8Xp (supposedly "unfixed" but should work fine, set your MODE to Classic if you use 2.53MP)

4) aCAS
aCAS is a blind attempt to create a CAS (computer algebra system) for the TI-83/84 series. It stands for Albert's CAS, but you could make other interesting phrases too with "aCAS". ;) It will be written in Axe, but it needs some crucial functions to even begin writing code. If this ever gets finished, it will be quite revolutionary. :D (This may become a community project, since CASes possess math functions that I can't even do... I have the idea and skills to develop a basic equation solver. :P) Progress: 2% (Terminal scroll, clear, and exit implemented, no number/text input code or any kind of CAS code yet)


PC/Server/Website Projects
1) AtomBot (and its siblings, OmnomBot and NotifyBot)
AtomBot is an IRC bot that can do many admin things, like oping, voicing, etc. It can do other things, but there's too many to list! :)
AtomBot is the core foundation of OmnomBot and NotifyBot. It is being worked on all the time, but is already ready to deploy. A very soon rewrite will make the code very neat, have much more security with user identification, and make it much more modular, allowing for more functions, and more importantly, plugins to be written! :D Progress: 140% (for core, yes it's 140% since the core's done, and it's just adding on from there), 0% (for rewrite)

OmnomBot, as you may have guessed, is an Omnimaga forum post notifier bot that used to be used for around 2 weeks when the old bot failed. It was then decommissioned and replaced by a new, spanky bot by Netham45. :) Progress: 100% (finished months ago! :))

NotifyBot is a WIP bot that is designed to really put the oomph in reminding people! Originally started from getting tired of reminding KermM to add features to saxjax (his forum post notifier bot, and OmnomIRC like chat all in one), as well as fix it, I created it to do some really simple notifying via highlights. In the future, per-user notifications (unlike the one-notice model it currently has), options allowing the bot to PM and NOTICE you, simpler time setting, and other fun little features are coming soon! Progress: 70% (for plain notifying), 0% (for rewrite and new feature adding)

File(s): Located at

2) PostNotifier for Linux/Mac
PostNotifier, originally written by SirCmpwn for Windows, is just a simple port of the original to Linux/Mac. :) It notifies you of new posts via popup balloon. It's currently inactive due to lack of interest and demand. Progress: 1% (code for grabbing RSS feed is in AtomBot and can be used easily)

File(s): None for this project

3) ShellTools
ShellTools is simply shell account and notification tools for Linux. It provides a user friendly interface from command line (CLI) to start X sessions, communicate with other users, and more. It's mainly aimed at people who wish to create a shell account service, whether public or private, or people who would like to have a user-friendly interface or management of the server via command line (CLI). Originally started on my VPS, it is temporarily halted as I move to a better VPS host. Progress: 20% (User adding tool and mail daemon/client has been implemented, although the mailer client is still a WIP. Other tools have not been made yet!)

File(s): None for this project yet, since they're in a hard to distribute form. If you wish to see it, ask. Files will be released soon when I move to a new VPS. Preview screenshot:

4) ProjectFrenzy!
ProjectFrenzy! is an online/website project bug tracker and feature lister using PHP, HTML, CSS, JS, and AJAX. It was created from an idea due to the fact that all of the Axe Parser bug reports and feature requests were jumbled up in a 20+ page thread, in which plenty of ideas and bug reports get lost!  >:( (This is not to move any discussion to my website/script; all major discussions will continue on Omnimaga. It's just there for organization. Heck, integration with Omnimaga is available too! :)) This project features bug reporting and feature adding with voting, duplicate handling, and more! :D Not started yet, but will do so soon! Progress: 0%

File(s): None for this project

5) webFrenzy! (name subject to change and potentially a vote)
webFrenzy! is an online/website hosting control panel that will feature everything that cPanel, DirectAdmin, and zPanel has, but will be easier, more fun to use, and have more features. This project was formed with the realization that there's no decent control panel that isn't limited to one platform, or free and open source. This project won't start for quite a while due to the gigantic nature of it, but it will be using PHP, HTML, CSS, JS, and AJAX. A "root" mode will also add Python to the project as well. Progress: 0%

File(s): None for this project

Unless otherwise noted, most, if not all of the projects here are under the GPL v3 license, located here: Simplified (this version is 3.0, the page is 2.0, but they're pretty similar):
I usually release them under the GPL because: 1) I like to help others learn the language; 2) I still get credits, even if it's open source!

So yeah, that's all I have for now! :)
No screenshots at all for any of my calc programs, but if you can take one, that would be great!

Please tell me if you're interested in a project, have suggestions, or would like to help out with one. :)
« Last Edit: October 22, 2010, 09:22:42 pm by alberthrocks »
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Activity remains limited due to busyness from school et al. Sorry! :( Feel free to PM, email, or if you know me well enough, FB me if you have a question/concern. :)

Don't expect me to be online 24/7 until summer. Contact me via FB if you feel it's urgent.

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Spoiler For "My Projects! :D":

Computer/Web/IRC Projects:
C______c: 0% done (Doing planning and trying to not forget it :P)
A_____m: 40% done (Need to develop a sophisticated process queue, and a pretty web GUI)
AtomBot v3.0: 0% done (Planning stage, may do a litmus test of developer wants in the future)
IdeaFrenzy: 0% done (Planning and trying to not forget it :P)
wxWabbitemu: 40% done (NEED MOAR FEATURES :P)

Calculator Projects:
M__ C_____ (an A____ _____ clone): 0% done (Need to figure out physics and Axe)
C2I: 0% done (planning, checking the demand for it, and dreaming :P)

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Re: alberthrocks's projects!
« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2010, 09:14:55 pm »
Nice I was worried that you were done with calc stuff and mostly remained as a computer guy who is still interested a little bit in calc projects. Glad to see you are still doing some. I'll have to try some of your stuff soon :)

The CAS sounds amazing. There is already AutoCalc that can be used with Symbolic and PrettyPrint combined plus OS 2.53 MP but Autocalc is in BASIC, thus, runs very slow. An Axe CAS would be nice.

Btw when the post notifier is done, could I include it on the front page with the other, even though you aren't staff? It might come handy for many people :)

Offline alberthrocks

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Re: alberthrocks' projects!
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2010, 09:19:12 pm »
Nice I was worried that you were done with calc stuff and mostly remained as a computer guy who is still interested a little bit in calc projects. Glad to see you are still doing some. I'll have to try some of your stuff soon :)

The CAS sounds amazing. There is already AutoCalc that can be used with Symbolic and PrettyPrint combined plus OS 2.53 MP but Autocalc is in BASIC, thus, runs very slow. An Axe CAS would be nice.

Btw when the post notifier is done, could I include it on the front page with the other, even though you aren't staff? It might come handy for many people :)

No worries, I still have my fingers on a calc all the time. ;)
I actually couldn't use AutoCalc at all, unfortunately, so I decided to start aCAS. :)
And sure, I wouldn't mind at all. Anybody's project, if it gets big enough, should be featured. :D I may never be a CoT (not enough projects for now, and very sporatic visiting due to my schedule), but good projects can and definitely should be featured. :)
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Activity remains limited due to busyness from school et al. Sorry! :( Feel free to PM, email, or if you know me well enough, FB me if you have a question/concern. :)

Don't expect me to be online 24/7 until summer. Contact me via FB if you feel it's urgent.

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Spoiler For "My Projects! :D":

Computer/Web/IRC Projects:
C______c: 0% done (Doing planning and trying to not forget it :P)
A_____m: 40% done (Need to develop a sophisticated process queue, and a pretty web GUI)
AtomBot v3.0: 0% done (Planning stage, may do a litmus test of developer wants in the future)
IdeaFrenzy: 0% done (Planning and trying to not forget it :P)
wxWabbitemu: 40% done (NEED MOAR FEATURES :P)

Calculator Projects:
M__ C_____ (an A____ _____ clone): 0% done (Need to figure out physics and Axe)
C2I: 0% done (planning, checking the demand for it, and dreaming :P)

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Re: alberthrocks' projects!
« Reply #3 on: October 22, 2010, 09:30:57 pm »
Did Autocalc give you errors? You might want to report them to Critor.

As for CoT it could be possible one day if you became regularly active on the forums (your average in a month is OK but sometimes there are a lot of long periods of absence), but the issue is that you mostly do math programs, not games/programming utilities, which is what our team requires :(

Offline alberthrocks

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Re: alberthrocks' projects!
« Reply #4 on: October 22, 2010, 09:33:26 pm »
Did Autocalc give you errors? You might want to report them to Critor.

As for CoT it could be possible one day if you became regularly active on the forums (your average in a month is OK but sometimes there are a lot of long periods of absence), but the issue is that you mostly do math programs, not games/programming utilities, which is what our team requires :(
Autocalc (the app) just errors out with any command + arg I type in... :(

CoT? Maybe. :) Games aren't my specialty, but there is a secret project underway. ;) If I get adequate 3D help (did I say 3D??), I might pull it off.
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Activity remains limited due to busyness from school et al. Sorry! :( Feel free to PM, email, or if you know me well enough, FB me if you have a question/concern. :)

Don't expect me to be online 24/7 until summer. Contact me via FB if you feel it's urgent.

Proud member of ClrHome!

Spoiler For "My Projects! :D":

Computer/Web/IRC Projects:
C______c: 0% done (Doing planning and trying to not forget it :P)
A_____m: 40% done (Need to develop a sophisticated process queue, and a pretty web GUI)
AtomBot v3.0: 0% done (Planning stage, may do a litmus test of developer wants in the future)
IdeaFrenzy: 0% done (Planning and trying to not forget it :P)
wxWabbitemu: 40% done (NEED MOAR FEATURES :P)

Calculator Projects:
M__ C_____ (an A____ _____ clone): 0% done (Need to figure out physics and Axe)
C2I: 0% done (planning, checking the demand for it, and dreaming :P)

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Re: alberthrocks' projects!
« Reply #5 on: October 22, 2010, 09:57:39 pm »
InstallMe looks interesting :) reminds me of something I did with The Blue Platform and Celtic Calculator Interface using Celtic III and groups :)

Offline DJ Omnimaga

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Re: alberthrocks' projects!
« Reply #6 on: October 22, 2010, 10:00:34 pm »
Did Autocalc give you errors? You might want to report them to Critor.

As for CoT it could be possible one day if you became regularly active on the forums (your average in a month is OK but sometimes there are a lot of long periods of absence), but the issue is that you mostly do math programs, not games/programming utilities, which is what our team requires :(
Autocalc (the app) just errors out with any command + arg I type in... :(

CoT? Maybe. :) Games aren't my specialty, but there is a secret project underway. ;) If I get adequate 3D help (did I say 3D??), I might pull it off.
Ah ok ^^

As for Autocalc you might have to submit a bug report.

Offline alberthrocks

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Re: alberthrocks' projects!
« Reply #7 on: October 22, 2010, 10:04:10 pm »
InstallMe looks interesting :) reminds me of something I did with The Blue Platform and Celtic Calculator Interface using Celtic III and groups :)
Ahh yes, that BASIC shell of yours :) For this one though, everything's bundled into one program, so there's not too many things to muck around with. ;)

@DJ: I definitely will when I get time :)
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Activity remains limited due to busyness from school et al. Sorry! :( Feel free to PM, email, or if you know me well enough, FB me if you have a question/concern. :)

Don't expect me to be online 24/7 until summer. Contact me via FB if you feel it's urgent.

Proud member of ClrHome!

Spoiler For "My Projects! :D":

Computer/Web/IRC Projects:
C______c: 0% done (Doing planning and trying to not forget it :P)
A_____m: 40% done (Need to develop a sophisticated process queue, and a pretty web GUI)
AtomBot v3.0: 0% done (Planning stage, may do a litmus test of developer wants in the future)
IdeaFrenzy: 0% done (Planning and trying to not forget it :P)
wxWabbitemu: 40% done (NEED MOAR FEATURES :P)

Calculator Projects:
M__ C_____ (an A____ _____ clone): 0% done (Need to figure out physics and Axe)
C2I: 0% done (planning, checking the demand for it, and dreaming :P)

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Re: alberthrocks' projects!
« Reply #8 on: October 26, 2010, 07:25:13 pm »
I will not be here for an indefinite period. My parents have taken away my laptop and shut off the internet for the most time due to poor grades. I really am serious about my education/grades, but have been a bit distracted by here, so it's fair for them to do that.
(I do get them back after I'm done with HW, though!)

This week is particularly busy, since it's the week that closes out the grades for the 1st quarter, and there
are plenty of assessments and projects this week. I have 2 As, 4 Bs, and 2 Cs. Yeah, I REALLY need to pull those grades up with this last week. I don't usually do this bad... X_X

Before I depart, some quick words/suggestions:

1) There has been a MASSIVE influx of new and awesome projects! :D There's so much that I might have to yank off my flash chip and replace it with a 1 TB HDD! :P (in short, there's tons of awesome projects I'd love to try out soon!) However, they're always hidden away with each wave of replies, new topics, etc. Is there a fix? A new project of mine shall solve this problem! :)
Spoiler For NO PEEKING:
It will be something like a file archive, but will not host (a lot of) files, nor be a mirror. It'll serve as organization, and will be user submittable. It will link to the topic, corresponding file archive, and/or direct file link. This project also will encourage more activity, since there will be a high activity feed on the main page. Of course, a stabilized project will still be available by clicking through the categories. And as always, a good rating system will be in place, giving a nice list as well for those projects that deserve it. It's like, but much improved, tinier, and not really a file host.

2) Axe is a really awesome project, but it's so hard to do any kind of bug report and/or feature request without being buried by others. ProjectFrenzy! (above) will be in full force when I come back. :) Note to self: sub. = short description, rationale

3) I've found those missing programs on my main calc, wanted to find ugly calc with those programs to test KnightOS with, but will have to search later. Will be uploaded when I come back.

4) Post/topic user tagging, like Facebook! :D Something that would be awesome. I may or may not implement this, if approved. Netham45 is appropriate for this task. ;) (I usually work with phpBB mods, not SMF ones)

5) VPS is slowly getting ready, should be done this week. Once done, and backups restored, trusted ppl will get accounts first. (I don't want my VPS to blow up while I'm away :P) You will each receive PMs with login info when it's ready for ya! :D

That's all! See you (hopefully) in a week!

Signing off,

P.S. Fastest way to get in touch is via email. No guarantees on everyday checking. PMs work too.
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Activity remains limited due to busyness from school et al. Sorry! :( Feel free to PM, email, or if you know me well enough, FB me if you have a question/concern. :)

Don't expect me to be online 24/7 until summer. Contact me via FB if you feel it's urgent.

Proud member of ClrHome!

Spoiler For "My Projects! :D":

Computer/Web/IRC Projects:
C______c: 0% done (Doing planning and trying to not forget it :P)
A_____m: 40% done (Need to develop a sophisticated process queue, and a pretty web GUI)
AtomBot v3.0: 0% done (Planning stage, may do a litmus test of developer wants in the future)
IdeaFrenzy: 0% done (Planning and trying to not forget it :P)
wxWabbitemu: 40% done (NEED MOAR FEATURES :P)

Calculator Projects:
M__ C_____ (an A____ _____ clone): 0% done (Need to figure out physics and Axe)
C2I: 0% done (planning, checking the demand for it, and dreaming :P)

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Re: alberthrocks' projects!
« Reply #9 on: October 26, 2010, 07:46:02 pm »
InstallMe looks interesting :) reminds me of something I did with The Blue Platform and Celtic Calculator Interface using Celtic III and groups :)
Ahh yes, that BASIC shell of yours :) For this one though, everything's bundled into one program, so there's not too many things to muck around with. ;)

@DJ: I definitely will when I get time :)
Yes, although it's technically a hybrid shell :P I had perfected a way to extract lots of stuff from groups so your program menu isn't really cluttered :P

Ah ok, well good luck with your grades :)

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Re: alberthrocks' projects!
« Reply #10 on: October 27, 2010, 02:44:01 am »
I like 1 and 2. As alternative, though, it would be also nice to have a modified version of the EzBlock that displays the latest new active topics but allow to fetch topics only from certain sub-forums. It would be awesome to have a list of active topics for projects only, another for regular calc talk and help then another for offtopicness.

What do you mean by 4, though? Do you mean the ability to share topics on FB/Twitter?

Anyway sorry to hear about your grades and being grounded. I hope things gets better soon. :(