Calculator Community => Other Calc-Related Projects and Ideas => Topic started by: Radical Pi on July 26, 2007, 07:26:00 am
This is a little bit of an interesting story, how I came up with this idea.
I was reading topic, watching the discussion of the circle( command. Then I wondered "What kind of game could take advantage of the slowness of circle('s normal use?" I visualized a badly pixelated circle in my head, slowly being drawn on a calc screen. "What does this remind me of?" I closed my eyes to further visualize...
Suddenly it hit me. More of the scene was being drawn just as slowly. Then it got faster, and then it filled with color. And then I saw Paper Mario standing on the bottom. "That's it!"
So, wouldn't Paper Mario be a good idea for a calc game? The only things I'd really worry about are the action commands, but that's not much. Well, maybe screen size too, but that's always a problem.
What do you all think about a Paper Mario game for calc? I think it's possible, and probably a lot easier than other games with Mario in the title.
that would be cool, i never seen any project of paper mario for calcs before, I would like to see one :)

I've been in a Paper Mario obsession lately, just as I had been in a SMB obsession when I thought of SMASCII. So I'm not sure that if I started it the project would last longer than a week.
Lol, kinda like when i started that racing game
but it would be cool to try out, Paper Mario is more of a RPG, right? I remember Papar Mario 64 had HP/MP/LV
From what I remember it had HP, FP (Flower Power for special attacks), Lvl, and some weird star thing. And badge points.
kinda like the SNES mario rpg then
that game was so awesome ^^
I never got a chance to play the original Mario RPG. I keep hearing it's great though >_<
Super Mario RPG was awesome, one of my favorite games. I never played paper mario though, but I'm sure if you made a TI version it would own :)
Mario RPG is far away much better than paper mario. Think of paper mario as a stripped down version of mario RPG in 3D. But again, Mario RPG was made before Nintendo and Square-Enix (Squaresoft back then) went into disputes (hence why there was no final fantasy released on nintendo consoles for 6 years for a while. Mario RPG was actually made with the help of final fantasy creators, which is why its rpg side is so complete compared to paper mario
Well, anyway, tr1p1ea is actually making a seemingly RPGish mario game. There are some awesome screenshots lying around if you look (or ask him nicely :P
Really? I knew he was working on a Mario game but I wasn't aware of any RPG aspects...
RPGish Mario in progress by tr1p = Desolate 2?
No, Desolate 2 has absolutly nothing to do with what I'm talking about, it's MARIO.
true, he is making a mario rpg project, and i think he still plan to do desolate 2 someday