QuoteBegin-Liazon+26 January 2006, 17:12-->QUOTE (Liazon @ 26 January 2006, 17:12) | Wow... I can't compete with this.
QuoteBegin-Liazon+28 January 2006, 16:09-->QUOTE (Liazon @ 28 January 2006, 16:09) | QuoteBegin-kalan_vod+26 January 2006, 20:06-->QUOTE (kalan_vod @ 26 January 2006, 20:06) | QuoteBegin-Liazon+26 January 2006, 17:12-->QUOTE (Liazon @ 26 January 2006, 17:12) | Wow... I can't compete with this.
On the computer?!?!?!
No, that's the secret...
Ok ok, since Patori already practically revealed it, the secret is that Patori and I will be making Aura in asm. Not C++, and not for the computer, though I do eventually plan on a PC port. Patori will be doing the asm coding, I will still be doing all graphics, story, concepts, etc., though with Pat's input of course, and I will also be writing the cutscenes in BASIC, which he will port. The cutscenes will now be ALL greyscale, though gameplay will still be black+white.
:woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: You sly dog you!!!
*Spellshaper dies of heart attack
Battlemasters is sooo doooooomed!!! :rip:
well, I just want to do this.. simply because i need a group project...
and I have a ton of stuff from my old RPG attempts in asm that can be useful. :ph43r:
sound nice, I hope this work out well. I am sure this will become the greatest RPG ever made for TI-83+ :)
*Radical Pi
i think he wont plan to release one, at least not for aura, it will prbly be finished for summer 2006, me hopes at least I have been waiting for enders games/battlestar galactica for 2.5 years and aura for 2 years O_O
Hopefully you won't have to wait that long for any of my projects. *cough* *cough* DEM *cough* *cough*
We may release a demo. I expect this game to be rather long in development, as it may be as long as some of Kevin's rpgs, but with far more detailed graphics and maps and cutscenes.
:woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :ph43r: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot:
Well, I've finished the first cutscene- it remains for Pat to port it. Before you ask, I don't think I will show you guys it, but- for the proposed demo, I am considering which chapter to release a demo of, and if it is Chapter I then you will see this cutscene. Otherwise, you will see some other pretty nice cutscenes anyway.
Great, too bad we can't see the uber cutscene yet.. :D I would fix your double post but I don't have privleges.
look like it has been fixed *xlibman
Actually it was me... I do in fact have mod privileges in this thread...
Opps, sorry. *wonders why dysfunction isn't in omnimaga group*
QuoteBegin-xlibman+3 February 2006, 18:36-->QUOTE (xlibman @ 3 February 2006, 18:36) | look like it has been fixed *xlibman
Well, I don't want to reveal too much... Chapter III doesn't reveal too much, in terms of general plotline, but it has a nice mini-plot within it, while Chapter II is basically all puzzles and fighting with few cutscenes or plot at all, and I would rather that playing the full game for the first time would be a cumulative experience- including playing Chapter I for the first time. At later chapters, several crucial bits of the plot are already revealed (and believe me, the plot will really keep you guessing), so those are ruled out as well. Plus, Chapter I is much more plot-centered than gameplay centered, and I want the main focus of a demo to be a demonstration of the gameplay, with hints of the secrets to come.
You're so sneeky Dys :ph43r:
I feel the same way with Ultima. I don't want to spoil anything either.
Currently, I am working on making a two page applicaiton for aura. Aura's saves will be saved in a appvar called AURASAVE, sections will be programs labeled prgmAURACH00; where 00 is the section number. chapters and cutscenes are considered sections.
Working on detectng programs, converting first cut scene... and working on overworld.
Very cool Patori, now I know where to hack my saved games :D .
>.< gosh... cant you play through the game first?!
Hah! Just for that we need to make all the save data encrypted! Bwahahahaha!
LOL well in asm its always harder to hack save files, except maybe with calcsys, but still if they are encrypted it should be fine
I was just kidding GEEE!.....Or was I! mahahaha. Ok I think I am ready for my heart attack (seeing a new screeny)!
You may have to wait a bit for that ^^ working on it. I also need to get new AAA batteries for my calculator...
I c lol
QUick someone send some rechargable tr1p1eas to patori!
OMG... I FINALLY figured out what tr1p1eas screennames means...
umm... I don't think so. I remember tr1p1ea said something about 1 = "een"
sounds like lots of good progress.
@Patori...dont you have an emulator??
Umm..I think there was a topic at UnitedTi about what his name meant...I'll try to find it.
QuoteBegin-dysfunction+4 February 2006, 17:08-->QUOTE (dysfunction @ 4 February 2006, 17:08) | OMG... I FINALLY figured out what tr1p1eas screennames means... |
Haha lol yeah I though about that few weeks ago I asked him if his username meant but he said that it actually meant nothing, still fun tho
I still laugh at it when I reread my post :D .
LOL, gosh, just not browsing this site for a few days makes u miss out on a lot! so this is a group game between Dys and Patori, thats sweet!! to my understanding, its still basic right? but with a few parts done in asm, this will be AWESOME!! :D :D :D
No, all is going to be in asm, he is just making basic animations to show patori what it should do.
Yep all asm now, I'm just writing some things in BASIC so pat can see how it's supposed to look, which will get ported into asm.
wow, all the better!! so ur gonna be coding too in asm?
this game will set a new standard...
i can't wait :D :D :D
QuoteBegin-dragon__lance+5 February 2006, 18:28-->QUOTE (dragon__lance @ 5 February 2006, 18:28) | wow, all the better!! so ur gonna be coding too in asm? |
A little bit, perhaps. Mostly I'll be doing graphics and concepts, plus BASIC code to illustrate how I want everything to work.
i see, this will be too cool!!! OMG, cant wait!! :D :D :D
So far I have completed the Detect AppVar, if not found, create appvar, save screen, and find and load chapter parts of the application... ive also began dabbling with some overworld algorithm theories (on paper)... good fun.
WOW, so fast with progress!
sound nice, I made u RPG guru and give u mod privilege on this section btw :)
Can you change the status from "apparently progressing but no news" to "progressing" now? It will probably stay that way, at least one of us will be probably be doing some work at any one time.
kk no problem I'll change it
Well I'm nearly finished with the second bit of cutscene. Patori is going to make a map editor, probably in php, specifically for this game, and then I will start making maps (besides the few I had already made in Fireworks).
Cool, I love your maps as the are really detailed!
sound cool, he is pretty busy atm tho so maybe there will be delays for this (he works 50 hours a week) but I hope to see new stuff soon :)
xlibman: Only some weeks.
I few more days of work before i get another day off. Then I can work on aura... if im not tired.
Cool, and I like Ned! (avatar!).
cool, but I hate how the forum resizes avatars X.X
yeah, it randomly resized my avatar...
And its sIdney... not like the austrailian Sydney... rather, like the Ohioan Sidney...
Ahh that looks ugly :( , looks good on MC though.
yeah on MC it look much better
Any progress patori/dys? I hope they didnt quit calcs (havent seen them on forums for a long while)
No progress is being made, the topic will be here when you guys get more time to work on it.
QuoteBegin-Patori+-->QUOTE (Patori) | not like the austrailian Sydney... |
...or the canadian one