no, not much has changed from my last purposeful post. been trying to work on the comic instead. I'll send you what I have when I see you on mIRC next, Kevin. No one else though. Not till I have something a bit more substantial for you all to play around with.
I'm trying to figure out how to do leveling up and the Hyper Arts. unlike last time, I don't want you to just buy them at the store as though they were deli meats or something. However, I'm not coming up with any decent ideas that make sense in a "real life, but it's a video game" sorta way. As for the leveling up, I'm not sure if I want to have some sorta equipment to go along with leveling up stats, it's the equipment that levels up and not you, or what. I'll have to see how well it all plays together.
I can't say for certain when I'll get to working on it again, but with what little time I have thanks to my job, and this comic coming up, I'm not sure how 'extras' is going to fit into all that.
On the other hand, I have a whole 1 comic done! whoo!