uh... I play MTG since Ice Age... (Iwas about 6-7 years old then %)

So to say... I
the classic foe:
They are big brutes nearly double as strong than normal man and their big
passion is war. After following the human refugees to Alesagia and being
defeated, they seek shelter in the more remote areas of the empire.
Few of their kin are still alive on the western continent, but due to their
strength and natural bloodlust they are still a force to be reckoned with.
"Seek their blood. Spill their blood. It will reward you greatly, and if you
magic elemental
These silent yet intelligent beings are created by powerfull wizards to help
them with their tasks by amplifying elemental power directed at them.
Their making is dangerous and strength-draining, for you need strong
magic, body and mind to summon up the soul of a recently killed animal or
human to be caged and to surround it with a magical web to contain the
elemental powers and bind it to the summoner
nice :D
The storyline is quite complex... I