Calculator Community => Other Calc-Related Projects and Ideas => Topic started by: elfprince13 on May 09, 2006, 02:33:00 pm
Dont know if Ive mentioned this before, but Ive been working on an RPG and an RPGKit in java sporadically over the last few months. all my project info is
If anybody would be willing to help me with making sprites and tiles for it that would be great. Most stuff is 32*32, although I am using some 64*64's as well.
hmm, looks interesting.
i think i saw this earlier, nice stuff! do you want a forum for this project here as well?
that would be cool. the project page for it is here:
With the exception of a few tiles, all the graphics are by me. Im going to replace the ones that aren't by me as soon as I seriously start coding the game. and Im more then happy to use ones that people here make.
cool. thanks. I did more work today. Slowly relegating all the work out of my original engine and onto the RPGKit.
how do you run the demo on WIndows included in your site?
its in java, so you do
"java -cp . CeltQuest" from the command prompt(without the quotes and in the directory with CeltQuest.class). This should work in any OS.
The frame with Toggle Editor button will get you the map editing mode so that you can design your own maps.
thanks I'll try it wqhen I have some time
the game itself isn't really anywhere near a game yet, but anyone who knows java should be able to start developing, keeping in mind that the RPGKit is still changing.
nv mind...figured out that you meant the system command prompt and not the java one.
I got a seizure me too when walking around O_O it flickered super fast o.o
you should try to fix this :P
nice tho ^^
Double buffering has now been implemented (aka it is now epileptic safe), and the core of the RPGKit is pretty much done.
Uploading the new demo and javadoc as Im typing this.
this is runnable by Java 1.2 and up.
cool I'll try it, does it have collision detection?
the collision detection should be implemented by whatever program is using the RPGKit.
CeltQuest has had some basic collision detection implemented, but I've not yet uploaded that version since I was pressed for time.
I have uploaded the first demo which has another character moving independently from your own.
The last step before programming in the storyline is implementing a layered map for collision detection.
cool I cant wait! I need to try the new demo though asap ^^
very nice! so, what will we see next: houses and towns, npc collision detection, npc interaction, battles?
npc collision detection, then interaction. buildings after that.
Updates! ^^ *xlibman
heh, in June, Im finally picking back into all my projects.
its like in 10 months :'( :cry:
nonono, I made my last progress this june, and am starting back into my projects that I left off at the end of school.
oooh lol I was scared for a while, now if only english was my native language >.<
sounds great! keep us updated! glad to have you back working on projects :thumb:
me too, I had some awesome ideas today in the car that I want to try out (on various projects)
cool let us know what you came up with. :)
are you working on other stuff as well btw?
I split the Basic tile mapping discussion into its own topic.
where is the other topic? o.o
project ideas iirc
oh wait lol I found it a while ago lol >.< I am very stupid
Moved from staff project: inactive