Update [01/30/06]:Not too big of an update, yet it is.
Things added since last update:-A few optimizations, around 350b saved.
-Just 4 levels were added, which came ported from the original.
-A routine where you have blocks which look the same, but when you walk into it they will either turn solid or empty.
-A routine where you have a circle, that when you step onto it turns into a solid block that will not let you pass through (when you walk onto it they turn into a solid block and you have the option of moving back or keep going as you are still on top of the spot the block occupies).
-Add a HUD then figured it was too slow, so I got rid of it. But yet again I thought a HUD would become useful so I added a HUD which was faster and more information can be found in it (the 1st one only showed the chips left and the level you were on and it only showed if you had 9 chips, but if you had 10 or more it just showed a + and the same for levels). Now with the new HUD you get the level you are on (will show up to 2 digit numbers 1-99) and chips being the same way. And not to mention how it show which keys you have

-Ok I added a new function that allows you to see the tiles next to you (up to two tiles). What I mean is that if you can't see what's in the next screen you press second and then the arrows in the direction you would like to see (kind of like in block dude). After I added that I had a bug where you could get an out of bounds error by going too far, but now I fixed it!
-I added where you would just press +/- to change levels at will, but thought/was told it would become to easy that way. So I added a menu which lets you set the HUD on/off, continue playing, quit, and now enter a code to a level which is higher than the one your on (you are on level 1 and want to be on level 12 so you type "12" and then it prompts for a pass which will be a 2 digit code (for now it is, but I plan on making it more advanced) and then it take you to the level you entered, if the code was correct! And if you wish to go back to a level which is < the level you are on it will just let you).
Things to be added:-Work on the readme.
-A lot more levels.
-Ports of the original levels.
-Maybe some AI here and there.
-Make the levels in chapters, where 1-25 are in level set 1 and 26-50 are in two etc.
-More functions will have to be added, such as when you walk onto a button that will move stuff out of your way (tanks).
-Fix the code for moving blocks where you can't merge blocks together.
I have a dilemma where it is becoming incredibly slow (the game), because I have just a few subprograms packed into on. So I think I am going to have more subprograms (split the ones into there separate ones). Check out my
http://www.kalan.us/currentprojects.htm for more project updates. I might have a ss of this later this week.