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« on: December 21, 2005, 08:33:00 pm »
Map usable/technique tree items

Boomerang (hit switches)
Deku Nut
Deku Leaf
Enemy Bait

**Deku Tree
-Cyclone Stone (spin charge) let you cut certain plant
-Deku Leaf (blow things)

**Royal Tomb (in Hyrule in the church cemetary...big movable grave, is like a dungeon with lots of holes and cracks...)
-Magic lantern (light torches)
-Roc's Feathers (jump over holes)

**Forest Maze (imposing trees and stumps...lots of them)
-Sling Shot (Shoot stuff)
-Magic Dust (cause reactions)

**Flooded Shrine (swampy overgrown but pillares and such)
-Titan's Mits(push large blocks)
-Narutu's Love (heals and will open lily pads up)

**Dreamed:Time Shrine
-Mystic rod ('shoots' magic powder)

**Dreamed:Lava Shrine
-Bomb Bag
-Hook Shot

**Dreamed: Roc's Tower (large, tall sevral room wide per floor level...lots of pits)
-Power Bracelit
-Faror's Wind

**Dreamed:Water's Shrine
-lense of truth

**Dreamed(Moved into the dead deku tree)Wind Shrine
-Pegasus Boots
-Cane of Byrania (sp?)

**Dark Path
-Frost Rod (shoots ice ball)
-Cape of Hardness (lets you walk over spikes)

**Vaatii's Keep
-Dodongo Boots (walk on lava)
-Crystal Sphere (reflect lazers)
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« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2005, 05:03:00 pm »
k, looks good! still, i'm not sure about implementing that much maps, a seperate "reality" and "dream" world. i suppose it could fit in ram for one idea, i think Hyrule castle in reality should be closed off, then when in dream world, it becomes Vaitiis castle :)smile.gif and final dungeon

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« Reply #2 on: December 23, 2005, 06:34:00 am »
Well, lots of areas could be "closed off" in the other worlds...also, once I get a copy of the map engine I could help with maps too.  (Dream) Cuscost could just be tiny map with a burned gate and could actualy just move it into part of hyrule.  (Dream) Mysty Woods could also be an area where you make the map smaller and just attach it to Hyrule's map.  Both goron mtn and the outside of roc's tower could be realy small...
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« Reply #3 on: December 23, 2005, 08:16:00 am »
nvm, i just realized we have a crazy amount of free mem after converting to xlib's 16*16 tilemapper. 18 (31*19) only take about 25,000 mem!!!!! So we'll have plenty of mem to make different maps :)smile.gif

can u also list the differnt maps ur thinking about?

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« Reply #4 on: December 24, 2005, 05:16:00 pm »
*Deku Town:outside of deku tree
*Inside of Deku Tree:first dungeon
*Deku's ruin:  skeletons all over the place, burned houses...the deku tree is dead and hollowed out
*Wind Temple:  A castle on a cloud...clib up deku tree to get to it
*Hyrule Market:shops and mini games
*Hyrule Square: NPCs and stuff
*Hyrule Castle: Inside of castle
*Hyrule Feilds:  giant feilds around castle
*Royal Tomb: dungeon in one of the graves
*Hyrule's Ruins:  Zomby infested remnants of hyrule and castle
*Cuscost:a beach near Lon Lon
*Lon Lon Ranch: with a food shop, Inn
*Mining Camps: large area full of rocks and tunels...mostly blocked by gaurds
*Bigoron Mountain:outside of the mountain
*Goron City:inside of mountain
*Roc's Tower:  Giant tower ontop of biggoron mountain and through goron city
*Death Mountain: very rocky area, dead trees...bones and graves
*Death mountain cave:  entrance shaped like a skull, dungeon
*Vaatii's Castle:  A large castle built on Death Mountain  
*Sand Dunes:  A dessert area
*Gerudu Valey: all women tribe with lots of weapons
*Desert ruins:  Area full of mechaincal monsters and machines
*Time Shrine:  Clock tower, weird devices, lots of metals
*Mysterious Woods:  Woods inhabitted by the moblin tribe
*Moblos Village:  Village of moblins
*Mysty woods:  over grown forest, can't enter more than a single house
*Lake Hylia:  giant lake and light house, has
*Zoralias:  a city in the lake populated by zoras, magic shops abound
*Swamp Lands: stagnant remains of lake hylia and zoralias
*Shadowy Shallows:  a flood plain with lots of aquatic monsters
*Shadow Falls:  a runined Abey with a waterfall running through it
*Lava Plain: lava incrusted remnants of shallows
*Fire Shrine:  a large firey shrine with a molten waterfall
*Calculorum:  A secret area open after you beat the game, available in cuscost by bording a ship

As well, the unarchinving of something nearly the entire ram's size takes just like a second, so breaking it into a few peices wouldn't be to hard (maybe 8 programs or so)
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« Reply #5 on: December 25, 2005, 08:31:00 am »
looks good!! pretty sure we can manage all that into mem :)smile.gif Just converted about everythin i have into new xlib, ill try to get a working engine up and send u my mapeditor asap!
do u mind if u like make a sketch of the whole map? thatd help a lot!

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« Reply #6 on: December 29, 2005, 05:51:00 am »
user posted image
Is this what you wanted?
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« Reply #7 on: December 29, 2005, 04:27:00 pm »
yeah, looks good!! here's wat i had in mind:
user posted image
kinda looks crappy, but oh well, u get the point. of course, thats real world and need editing :)smile.gif can we also start discussing plot layout? and hows intro coming?

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« Reply #8 on: December 29, 2005, 06:39:00 pm »
Intro has work is not realy coming to well, I am trying to do so many things right now.  I have three done, part of a fourth converted...all are draw and scanned though.  Ehhh...that and my computer is crashing when I try to open jpegs with GIMP...makes it quite difficult to resise things.

Story:Link wakes after a horrible dream (the intro) and goes to saria to tell her about it.  She gets worried and says perhaps it is a premonition, and you ought to see the deku is dying, asks you to retrive a golden jewel from in retrive it, deku tells you to head to the king with the triforce shard and a token of the forest, you are intercepted before reaching the gates by impa.  She warns you the king is dead, and vaatii is controlling the city through a governor under him.  She sends you to sneak into the royal crypt and collect a second triforce, where you meet up with syrup who is collecting fungi for her potions in there (she doesn't have her broom yet).  beat the level, find that the gaurds are going to execute impa for treason, and that they are also after you.  You try and rescue her, but she gets hung before you reach her.  yada yada yada, end of the game...You kill the dream vaatii, and discovre the real one's location.  You go into the castle, and up to the princess...stab her, transforms into vaatii who backs up, pulls the real princess from behind a wall and threatens to kill her if you don't put your sword down.  You drop it, vaatii throws zelda aside, lunges, saria jumps in front and falls dead.  Link screams, final battle starts...kill vaatii, take the remaining triforce of strength and combines it, then takes it and holds it over his head...gets brighter and brighter (contrast change) and then the end sequence, link falls to the ground.  There is a funeral for both saria and link...everyone in attendance, shows the lifes of the other party members after the fight, and shows them all meeting up at the statues errected for link and saria in front of the castle.  Two birds fly by, then cicle around to meet and go into the sunset.  The end.  (kinda sad, but touching, yes?)
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« Reply #9 on: December 30, 2005, 04:46:00 am »
sounds pretty darn good! :thumb:google.gif ok, as for intro, could u send me wat u have done, perhaps i could help. Um, deku town is done, talking to Npcs engine is also done, wat will happen is everytime new map is loaded, the Npc data and dialogue will also be loaded into one of xlib's temp prgms, thus in the TextDecoder, itll just call that prgm. I'm thinking same thing for Inside of House Data too. so watd  u think of my map?

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« Reply #10 on: December 31, 2005, 11:31:00 am »
user posted imageuser posted image
there is how I see the map
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« Reply #11 on: December 31, 2005, 03:09:00 pm »
11 dungeons! O_Oshocked2.gif Thats insane!! i think we should try to narrow down to atleast 9 or below. I think overall ur map looks pretty good, but i still think that basically Hyrule Castle is inassesciable and only in Dream World become Vaittis Castle. This would make it easier to program too! As for stuff i agree to:
-Deku Tree being first Dungeon
-Wind Shrine in DreamWorld on top of Dead Deku Tree
-TimeShrine and Gerudo Valley
-LonLon and Cucost, also Mining CAmps
-Roc's Tower, still not sure wheter should be dungeon in Dream or Real World
-LakeHylia and Swampland and WaterShrine
-Shadow Falls to being waterfall in DeathMountain
I think still that Hyrule may be at top of map since its easier on making Hyrule Plains without having big castle in mid, but i don't really care, so wat u would like to do :)smile.gif
as for dungeons(no order): Deku Tree, Wind Shrine, Fire Shrine, Water Shrine, TimeShrine,Royal Tomb, Death Mts, Roc's Tower, Vaittis Keep.

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« Reply #12 on: January 01, 2006, 02:00:00 pm »
For dungeons, I was going by the item soon as I get that map editor and pics I can try and testing stuff out.  I should have a lot more time to sprite and finish up the intro as soon as the semester is over.
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« Reply #13 on: January 02, 2006, 09:42:00 am »
here necro, since i cant send it too u via email cause hotmail's down, i'll give a link here.
i put it as attachment to this post, its the latest version of zelda and hopefully everything will be explained in readme.  

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« Reply #14 on: January 02, 2006, 12:10:00 pm »
I'm like a woot burger with awesome fries

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