Calculator Community => Other Calc-Related Projects and Ideas => Topic started by: CDI on February 14, 2006, 01:56:00 pm
I'm making a PURE BASIC GARPHICAL (ish) RPG!!!! w00t, it'll have about 10 chapters when done, and every chapter will have from 5 to 20 quests and side qwests to earn QP (quest points) to get better quests! Everything works except the Armor Shop, and any of the buildings in the 2nd town. Easy stuff, a bit big though (leaves you with about 9800 RAM o.o woo, D/L it now (expecially you xlibman, I told you KOR was a coverup, I had to plan all this out, all I have to do is code it!)
Looks cool. Much better than the old A Dot RPG. :)
It even runs okay on the regular 83+ (tho the map load takes a bit). It needs grahpical battles tho- that would be ueber.
Yeah, but here's a question, if I used graphical battles should I use Pic2 for map storage?
Also, just go and buy the lvl 5 weapon at the shop... lv 1 makes it impossible I belive
Wow I like the concept, semi graphical and semi text based. The graphics reminded me a game that occur in space, but I assume its more fantasy, it make the world sound darker :)
. Nice work on this and I hope this one is finished (dont forget to backup :P
) . Also a suggestion for battles: Maybe you could add some kind of animations for the more powerful magics on the upper screen even though there is no enemy pic, for example make the screen flash when using bolt like magics or cure and make stuff appear when using other magics. :)
w00t updates, I'm thinking about doing HS animations for attacks (like the ones in the T14 Battle Engine v4 demo I released) so I do not disturb the GS, can anyone here make a animated screenie for me? please :D
AHHH!!! BUGS!!! NOOO!!! I'm working on fixing them asap!
Okay, fixed bugs, added a good readme, and a bit of other things! saving/loading works good, and fun!
Wow this is really cool! I really like this! It looks better than most games in basic (rpgs) and it's dots!
I played it and it look really nice indeed, getting better and better
Okay, I'm gonna release the last Matrix version today (or maybe not) then I have to switch it all to strings because while running it I found out that I only had 2106 RAM left! So strings it is (since I was basically copying 2 year old notes I just stuck with mats, but strings are infinitly smaller :)
and can be used here at no extra cost!)
I switched them all to strings and gained 6000B running ram! sweet
I know, I know. Bumping topics is bad, DPing is bad, but you know what? UPDATES ARE GOOD! :urecrazy:
I think this dp is ok :D
*kalan_vod dls*
uh I cant move anymore in this version O_O
I really envy the z80 scene. You get way too many releases for my liking >:(
- Alex
hehe XD

CDI did u fixed the bug yet?
Yes, I *fixed it* even though there was no bug at all >)
I shall download this tonight! I have an 83+ with nothing on it, so I can get right on it... :D
cool. It ends at the caves (not the mine :)
there's a diffrence) and all of CH2 is the caves (they're HUGE!)
Cool. :)

Once I get back on TI-City, I have to create a catacombs for under the city, that will have at least 3 dungeon type areas... :)
I have no idea how big I will be making them...
200000000 mapparts x) j/k
Well the caves are going to be like 20 mapparts big (maybe 30) and TI-City is huge... make the catacombs like 40 mapparts :)
Or more... :D
I am itching to get back to programming TI-City... Bah, I don't want to take on anymore projects for quite a while...
Nice so far with the attack animations in battles :)
yeah >D they're ripped outta which I made anyways :)
btw, I've died 23 times since starting a new game earlier this afternoon o.o got down to 1 HP and no Cure Souls or items!
Thanks :)
yay! updates!
Cool, I will try it after American Idol! :D

Edit: Wow dude this is getting better! I like the text engine (how it scrolls up and what not :P
^_^ thankies :)

i just tested!! its awesome!! very unigque... kep up the good work! :thumb:

Btw, I haven't looked at the code. But do you use the pointon command or pixel? I assume its point (for maps).
point I belive (I can't remember acually ^-^)
Lol, you should! looks great none the less!
how is it progressing so far? I loved the last demo