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Topic: Map Manager (Read 12584 times)
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Veteran (Next: 1337)
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Map Manager
January 21, 2006, 12:58:00 pm »
So, I figured out a more effecient and managable way to do maps...it works like this
All maps (loadable matrices) fall onto a grid, your map is changed ,depending on the direction you move to go off screen. the Map number is changed based upon the total # of maps and all...and that your X and Ys corrospond to the X and Ys you previosly had. In the case a map isn't used, it won't take any space as it won't have to be stored...but you will have to line up the Xs and Ys (don't worry, that shouldn't be to hard to do) and each program will hold a certain set of maps verticaly and horizontaly. This program should work realy well, I hope to get it FINISHED very soon.
Question: what is your top priotity for me right now? I did this first as it seemed very important as far as orginising and keeping this project from falling part down the road...but if you need me to get something else done please list them in order of priority.
I'm like a woot burger with awesome fries
VB.Net, C#, C++, Java, Game Maker
Map Manager
Reply #1 on:
January 21, 2006, 02:34:00 pm »
sweet! grreat job necro :thumb:
i think i understand wat u mean, but maybe a better explanation.
*sighs: i guess this project is starting to lag...would u mind if i take over the plot summary, i wrote some stuff up, based on our early notes about Vaitti and the triforce. And as for intro, i'm kinda still waiting for that. List of priorities for you:
-maybe finish intro?(i could make one just based off of the graphics u posted of Vaitti, it'd be 16*16 and not close up. Just so u know, the graphics of Vaitti look really good just still, but when u make them walk, they look odd.)
-some various people sprites that we'll have in the game, EX: Saria, Gorons, Zoras, basically people that can join ur party.
-map manager
-battle system, it seems like u don't have a lot of time right now, so if u need too, once i get done with majority of Hyrule, i can start working on battlesystem.
-maps of Nightmare world, i think itd be best if we divide up the maps, i'll make real world, and itd be cool if u could make dream world, of course, we'll have to coordinate the 2 to match.
-dungeon help, last thing we work on?
all in all, i feel kinda tired from programming, and i'll try my very best to finish this project up. but it might be my last. I hope this project can show the power of joint partnership >D
Veteran (Next: 1337)
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+3 vaporal mustache
Map Manager
Reply #2 on:
January 21, 2006, 03:27:00 pm »
I can mod vaatii...but irregardless, I will get the intro done. It will be done right after the map system. I think the battle engine is the last thing to do as we need to know what will work. A story seems less important than the map and dungeons...but I realy think that dungeons and puzles are the MOST important part of the game. Also, I am not sure if possibly removing the team aspect of the battles would help more than hurt as it would alow for a lot more enemies and equipment and stuff. I have dabbled in it, and will try and get a few simple ones together.
Map Manager
simple battle engine testing
other priorities decided after that point
I'm like a woot burger with awesome fries
VB.Net, C#, C++, Java, Game Maker
Map Manager
Reply #3 on:
January 23, 2006, 02:37:00 pm »
sound good!! as for intro, ur still planning on doing wat we discussed before right? my version i posted in the plot forum...then now should i just start actual coding of game, like where Link wakes up in Saria's house after the nightmare, (i forgot to mention if the whole intro thing can be kinda Links nightmare, and then he awakes from it and comes out of his coma)? my plan-
-After Intro, some talk between Link and Saria, Saria joins party
-see village elder for advice, he tell u to visit Great Deku Tree
-At Great Deku Tree, wants u to go vanquish some things inside it, (first dungeon), also tutorial dungeon
-once u do, Great Deku Tree tells u about triforce and unbalance, saids go find Impa at Hyrule Kingdom
thats about all, should i start coding?
also, for dungeons, i think we should start narrowing down a little, 8 might be a little too much just for a calc game, maybe 6?
Veteran (Next: 1337)
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+3 vaporal mustache
Map Manager
Reply #4 on:
January 23, 2006, 04:42:00 pm »
Well, that'll work for now...but try to keep the maps equal in dimentions for the area in which they are connected. Eg: if Deku Town is 16 high and joins Deku Woods on the right side, make Deku woods also 16 high so that the map manager can pass the y location along when loading the map, and if it were 20 wide and joining to the north then you'd make the woods the same width (one of the 'features' of the map manager is just that, no look up tables or anything to get your cordinates)
[MP][MP] Heights need to be the same, widths don't
[MP] widths need to be the same, hieghts don't
I'm like a woot burger with awesome fries
VB.Net, C#, C++, Java, Game Maker
Map Manager
Reply #5 on:
January 24, 2006, 02:57:00 pm »
k, then i gotta start planning
i'm thinking that instead of making DekuTree a dungeon in realworld, the dead deku tree is dungeon in dream world, and we might have to take out Wind Shrine, depending on space. As for memory issues, do u realize the amount of space pics take up? i propose that we split the game into 3 sections, u can return to dungeons any time, its just the pics for cutscenes and such are different.
For our intro,(and all cutscenes), could u possibly design a text decoder that also allows animation. I already sent u the text decoder i have, it works fairly well. wat i mean is the people are animated as their mouths move, kinda like in Dyfunctions BSG latest SS. Thatd be really cool, but maybe a waste of mem, but still....(all u need to do is add in some interrupts)
Veteran (Next: 1337)
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+3 vaporal mustache
Map Manager
Reply #6 on:
January 24, 2006, 03:19:00 pm »
Dead deku tree IS the wind shrine...basicaly, same dungeon but with holes in the walls and areas that extend into the clouds and stuff, and wind based challanges. I probably could make something like that...but it should be a low priority compared to all of the other stuff. I am trying to figure out some xlib problems at the moment, untill I can get the archive functions up and running I can't finish the mapper. If you want to know how it works:
:"D is maps per vertical line
:"C is maps per horizontal line
:"Next part of the program is broken (archive copying is hosed), but it takes M and loads a Program Depending on its X and Y cords in the map grid and then sets the Xs and Ys
I'm like a woot burger with awesome fries
VB.Net, C#, C++, Java, Game Maker
Map Manager
Reply #7 on:
January 25, 2006, 01:15:00 pm »
k, i think i understand wat ur geting at. I guess ill wait until ur finished with it though. When u have some freetime, could u please make some 16*24 sprites or 24*32 versions of Link and all main characters in all 8 directions. I figure this could be really useful in making cutscenes
Veteran (Next: 1337)
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+3 vaporal mustache
Map Manager
Reply #8 on:
January 25, 2006, 03:25:00 pm »
well, xlib is finished...debugging and thouroughly checking the map loader (works, but it has some occasional weirdness I am trying to find)
I'm like a woot burger with awesome fries
VB.Net, C#, C++, Java, Game Maker
Map Manager
Reply #9 on:
January 26, 2006, 03:03:00 pm »
sweet!! a copy....
Veteran (Next: 1337)
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+3 vaporal mustache
Map Manager
Reply #10 on:
January 31, 2006, 12:00:00 pm »
well...I could give you the map loader by itself (there was an error in the way I used the stings, "123...890" instead of "0123...789" and I forgot to truncate properly)...as I haven't finished the position shifter yet...though I am not sure how much it'd help...I hope to finish the shifter soon
I'm like a woot burger with awesome fries
VB.Net, C#, C++, Java, Game Maker
Veteran (Next: 1337)
Posts: 1295
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+3 vaporal mustache
Map Manager
Reply #11 on:
February 01, 2006, 04:54:00 pm »
Untested...but here is the 'finished program'
Zelda Map Loader Beta
"E is maps per horizontal line, M is Map Var
"Code to Change your Map
"find which map, set it in
I'm like a woot burger with awesome fries
VB.Net, C#, C++, Java, Game Maker
Map Manager
Reply #12 on:
February 02, 2006, 02:10:00 pm »
sweet i'll test it!!! i don't have much time to program at the moment,schools catching up to me
i HAVE TO FINNISH this project though, so dont worry...as for current work, remodifying everything to final game status, reworked Deku Village, completely changed, Almost done with Deku Forest. as for this program, could u give me some examples of how to use it?
Veteran (Next: 1337)
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+3 vaporal mustache
Map Manager
Reply #13 on:
February 02, 2006, 04:24:00 pm »
Well, first write down all your maps and in order of how they line up side by side. Like:
Town :Dngn :Mntn:-N/A-:Town :Forst :Dngn
Dunes:Feilds:Town :Feilds:Mntn :Caves:-N/A-
Town :-N/A-:Dngn:-N/A-:-N/A-:Town :-N/A-
Dngn :-N/A-:Feild:-N/A-:Woods:-N/A-:-N/A-
-N/A-:Dngn :Forst :Town :Lake :Town :Dngn
where each [] has a map in it and the linking sides are of equal width or hieght (based on direction to aproach), and say each set program contains 6 maps (eg. Town:Dngn:Mntn:-N/A-:Town:Forst:Dngn)
then youd make variable E equal to 6, and it would open the aproriate map collection for the direction you moved. In that map collection program, you'd use "if M=1:then[A]end, if 2...if 6:then[A]end, return" and as such load matrix data for getting that map, and it would then set all location vars and return to the game.
+) So...maps stored into programs
+) maps per pgroram stored into E
+) must keep maps the same size for each side that touches another map and it should be able to do the rest.
+) All map data is stored to be called by if M:then:end inside the programs
I'm like a woot burger with awesome fries
VB.Net, C#, C++, Java, Game Maker
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Map Manager
Reply #14 on:
February 03, 2006, 02:23:00 am »
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