right now a basic code shell i have no experince in any coding i'm learning as I go and i will have a screenshot later when i have a title screen (I have no ideas for one) and right now it list under games ion programs but by selecting this it opens ion then when you close ion it executes the program back up.
also i need a working chatting program becuase this is for 83+ but its written on a 84+SE so not all im programs work(i tried msnti but it didnt work on a 83+).
A paint a program is needed becuase everybody loves to doodle in class.
and a list of favorite ion games(too bad ff wasnt working in my ion shell)
some pics like for title screen would be nice.
a ti-83+ emu so it can be written on a com so i dont waste my batteries.
but i have a mine sweeper game and the installation files for ion so all i need is some testers and a way to protect it from stolen codes(only in the final versions)
becuase this is my first program.

p.s: i need to find out how to list all of the installed programs