hmm... actually, I have an OLD Metroid engine on my 89TE that I was going to fix up (now that I know how to code) maybe I can do something with that... hmm... all in due time though...
I finished Kraid, when you go to fight him you have to hit him when his mouth is open, 9 times, expect that to take a bit of practice, because you cannot hit him from behind. Next up is the 2nd Boss (I still don't have a name for it) then it'll go down to the final boss (or IS it??!?)
I replaced the Varia Suit with missiles today too, they don't do anything much, but they do 2x damage to Mother Brain, so they are worth the time.
And for after you beat Mother Brain you have to get out, quick! The only way to do that is to get to the surface, because al of a sudden, everything is filled with lava!
I was thinking about replacing Mother Brain with something else... maybe Ridly? Maybe I can replace the 2nd boss with Ridly? Only... I forget how Ridly works? idk... maybe I'll whip something cool up!