Author Topic: Proposed project pages idea  (Read 10657 times)

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Offline Madskillz

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Re: Proposed project pages idea
« Reply #15 on: February 08, 2010, 05:02:38 pm »
Submitting a work in progress should be approved similar to the way files are approved to the archives.  That way, the staff can filter out the files that need filtering before they actually appear on the website.  Ratings and reviews are probably a bad idea, I think that should be the purpose of providing a link to the project.

-Right I agree on the ratings/reviews, that is the point of link to the projects main page/forum it isnt necessary for the project page. I think the approval idea is also a great one, as you said that will weed out the many useless projects.

On that note a guideline system would have to be in place for the staffer who handles the projects. I would make it mandatory that there has to be a website or forum link for the project. My only reasoning for this is simply that that would remove a lot of the random number generators etc. But what about the people that dont have web space...well they could sign up on one of the many forums out there in the community and announce their project.

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Re: Proposed project pages idea
« Reply #16 on: February 08, 2010, 05:31:36 pm »
In the GreenfootGallery, they use a voting system that i have not seen implemented before, but works suprisingly well.  First, you can only vote for programs you like.  Programs are rated by the amount of votes, not by a rating system.  The second, is that they use a formula that combines votes/views/recent votes/recent views/new updates in order to come up with a 'popularity' rating that also is a good estimate of general interest on the site.  The thing that seems to protect it from malicious intent is that you can really only give programs positive press, the worst way to affect a program is to ignore it completely.

Offline ztrumpet

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Re: Proposed project pages idea
« Reply #17 on: February 08, 2010, 08:49:11 pm »
Submitting a work in progress should be approved similar to the way files are approved to the archives.  That way, the staff can filter out the files that need filtering before they actually appear on the website.  Ratings and reviews are probably a bad idea, I think that should be the purpose of providing a link to the project.
I like this idea.  If you provide a description of a "Program in Progress" and a link for where to discuss it, then you generate a lot of travel to the site from the link.  Sounds good!

In the GreenfootGallery, they use a voting system that i have not seen implemented before, but works suprisingly well.  First, you can only vote for programs you like.  Programs are rated by the amount of votes, not by a rating system.  The second, is that they use a formula that combines votes/views/recent votes/recent views/new updates in order to come up with a 'popularity' rating that also is a good estimate of general interest on the site.  The thing that seems to protect it from malicious intent is that you can really only give programs positive press, the worst way to affect a program is to ignore it completely.
That's an awesome system!  It's great that you can't really bash a project.  Genius! ;D

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Re: Proposed project pages idea
« Reply #18 on: February 09, 2010, 12:10:16 am »
Lol Ztrumpet you have 777 posts :P  </offtopic> How did u get that many without spamming lol? :P

Back on topic I like the greenfoot idea.

Offline Galandros

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Re: Proposed project pages idea
« Reply #19 on: February 09, 2010, 09:25:28 am »
Interesting ideas and nice initiative tifreak.

A list of pages needed to be templated:
 Frontpage (navigation bar, news, search, ads, survey, others)
 Search page
 The list of articles
 Article page
 Archive browsing
 File page
 Page to submit an entry
 Account Management Page
 Author Profile

I think this is almost everything we need. Note that the pages should be consistent and have the same needed fields (e.g. the file page must have the same fields as in the submission page).
Hobbing in calculator projects.