
Calculator Community => Other Calc-Related Projects and Ideas => Topic started by: 1a5c on January 22, 2011, 02:25:50 pm

Title: question/idea for tinspire - first post ever
Post by: 1a5c on January 22, 2011, 02:25:50 pm
i don't know much about assembly but i was thinking wouldn't it be better to try and make a framework for the ti-84 keypad accessing the ti-nspire's hardware?
Texas instrument seems to have a bee in their bum over hacking the ti-nspire keypad. all we want is the hardware so why not use one of the best calculator platforms and improve it?

if it is possible
this is my first post on this site and i just want to know if its possible

yes i am already aware that i am probably asking a stupid question and if my idea is stupid or impossible then please tell me so i don't bother other people with it
Title: Re: question/idea for tinspire - first post ever
Post by: JosJuice on January 22, 2011, 02:35:39 pm
You mean making the emulated TI-84 access the Nspire hardware? The emulator and the keypad are two very different things (although TI makes it look like they're the same).
Title: Re: question/idea for tinspire - first post ever
Post by: 1a5c on January 22, 2011, 02:39:15 pm
ah ok thank you
Title: Re: question/idea for tinspire - first post ever
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on January 22, 2011, 02:46:45 pm
Hi and welcome here. :)

Actually it is possible to use the TI-84 Plus keypad with assembly Nspire programs. However the keys are scrambled so the programmer has to redefine the keys of his game or program so for example he can use 2nd and arrows. I'm sure it's possible to re-map the keypad layout too, but I do not know ASM/C so I wouldn't be able to help much on that.

I believe that calc84maniac TI-83 Plus emulator for the Nspire used the 84+ keypad. When starting the emu, you had to switch the keypads. Unfortunately he lost the entire source code for the project.
Title: Re: question/idea for tinspire - first post ever
Post by: 1a5c on January 22, 2011, 02:57:59 pm
thank you and this is more in-depth of what i was thinking
since the ti-83/84 keypad gives you more access to assembly then why not try and find a way to bypass the emulator and go strait for the hardware IE the screen, keypad, memory - flash and ram
what if you could just redefine the emulators parameters and then it would basically be an extreme ti-84
better screen resolution more ram faster CPU and so on

in a nutshell just redefine the emulators parameters

just ideas - sorry i think of things as just inputs and outputs I'm still young and just want to learn

Title: Re: question/idea for tinspire - first post ever
Post by: JosJuice on January 22, 2011, 03:00:21 pm
since the ti-83/84 keypad gives you more access to assembly then why not try and find a way to bypass the emulator and go strait for the hardware IE the screen, keypad, memory - flash and ram
what if you could just redefine the emulators parameters and then it would basically be an extreme ti-84
better screen resolution more ram faster CPU and so on

in a nutshell just redefine the emulators parameters
As far as I know, that would only be possible if we hack the 84 emulator from the Nspire software - we can't really hack it that way from the emulator itself. So if it's possible, hacking the Nspire software would still be required.