Calculator Community => Other Calc-Related Projects and Ideas => Topic started by: bfr on July 27, 2006, 07:08:00 am
MLC 83+ 1.0 GUI Demo:

MLC 68K Demo:

MLC 86 Help Program:
cool so far, I dunno what else could be added, if there are menus you should make them pop up it would be cool :)
I'd definitely use this over ti-basic. What's the current progress? :)
hiya scavenger and welcome here! :)
Actuallly there hasnt been much progress lately :(
because the author is working on a TI-89 RPG atm and I believe he still have his TI-Freakware contest entry
hawt menu, how did I miss this?
you need to visit the forum more %)
I visit it 9-10 times a day.....
then you need to pay attention %)

nah j/k ignore what I say here there is so many projects that its hard to keep track of everything :dazy:
lol...looks cool bfr
@xlibman: he finished his Ti-freakware entry I believe...but he still has Omnimaga: The RPG to work on.
yeah I didnt knew about the entry if it was finished or not, I knew about Omnimaga RPG, Metroid BASIC and some other project tho :)
And I know also started another (but very small and simple) project - Calcman Minigames. It's already finished though :P
(remember, it's called Calcman Minigames ;)
I also have some great news - Madskillz, the person who originally was going to port MLC to the TI-83+ series but never finished it, offered to help me.
ooooh sound very cool, i remember he was the only non staff member who had access to the staff forum on eps XD
WoOt! I've been looking forward for this project to have more progress for so long! Best of luck to you and Madskilllz, hope he posts more on the forums :D
yeah last time he barely posted at all anymore on revsoft as well O_O
he's on AIM sometimes tho
what up what up...I will try and post more I promise!
I will also post a screenshot of what I have so far for the shell soon.
awesome d00d
sound cool, I cant wait to see it!
Can't wait to see this done.