LET THE SPOILERS BEGINOh ya! cant get much worse than this!

if you want to be able to see anything, your gonna have to go to
http://putfile.com/pic.php?pic=4/11923251531.gif&s=x402marked on the map are the six dungeons
1: im thinking of naming this Bottle Grotto, like in Link's Awakening.
the theme here is, well, bottles! Once you find the sword, smash'em all!
the boss comes out of one and even the map is shaped like one!
2: Deku City (inside the deku guy!) the bottom floor houses its citizens. no one dares goes further up as monsters lurk in the branches and pits of the great deku! Use the hookshot to clear the pits!
3: De
ssert Island; use your newly aquired hookshot to cling to the candy canes. once you reach candy cove, beware the molten hot chocolate! use your bombrang to hit the orbs controling the new peg obstacles.
4: On the highest mountain, on the highest tower lies your next relic. to climb to the top, you'll need to find wings (roc's feather). dont let the illusions fool you, they will be
5: Next is the site of some mysterious ruins (ironic cuz it looks like a 4...). bombs will come in handy with rocks everywhere. prepare for many puzzles and enemies
6: Peak of Fangs is the final dungeon. use your bow to fight off an endless horde of opponents! suceed and release the master sword from its slumber!
each of the bosses drop a heart piece instead of a container. ill have to hide the remaining 14 pieces throughout hyrule and the other 3 small villages. you will have to buy some, so be sure to save those rupees ;P
the trading sequence will probably end with a bottle, the other will either be bought, or won in a minigame if i actually have enough memory at the end (matricies are taking up more memory than i though)
the Medallion has three lvls. you gain a new skill with each lvl. not sure where these will be gotten yet. i might just hide these in the scenery...
a mystery item! this will replace your shield. you can always trade it back for your sheild if you remember the guy you traded with ;P
most of this has not yet been implemented, these are mostly ideas. tell me which ones you liked and which ones you didnt!