Author Topic: The Legend of Zelda: Relics of the past, Status:Working on whatever i feel like  (Read 61768 times)

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what is CODEX, please describe in full.  also, what is file locking and its uses?  

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Offline tifreak

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locking makes programs uneditable.

Codex is a utility that gives the basic programmer many options, like shifting the screen in 8 directions, clearing parts of a screen, built in sprite placer routine, inverse the screen, enable lower text and a bunch more stuff...

*Makes note to place this on TI-Freakware later...*  

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i dont think ill use it because i can lock prgms with graphlink and do the rest of the necessary stuff with xLib.  Also, im trying to keep the number of asm/app prgms i use down to a minimium.  (right now im using xLib and flash gordon)

EDIT:  small news
with a new trick i learned with xLib, i dont hv to use tags
Ex: since xlib ignores decimals, if i hv a block be #34, i can store #34.1 as a block that hasnt been moved.  Then, after you move it, it will become a #34 unmoveable and the sprite wont change!

This post has been edited by crzyrbl on 14 Jul, 2005, 11:51

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Offline tifreak

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I may have to look at xlib... Oh well, for now, codex will work for what I am doing...

I also agree with not wanting to rely too much on asm...  

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Offline DJ Omnimaga

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QuoteBegin-crzyrbl+July 14, 2005, 12:34
QUOTE (crzyrbl @ July 14, 2005, 12:34)
small news
with a new trick i learned with xLib, i dont hv to use tags
Ex: since xlib ignores decimals, if i hv a block be #34, i can store #34.1 as a block that hasnt been moved.  Then, after you move it, it will become a #34 unmoveable and the sprite wont change!  

 oh nice, I heard about that xLIB trick with decimals, it seems really useful, :)smile.gif but what do you mean by tags?

Also I prefer to use flash apps instead of ASM programs because the Asm( command is very slow :Pblah.gif

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Offline tifreak

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My only problem is that everytime I place an app on my calcs, the calcs becomes unstable. As long as I keep the apps clean, it never clears the mem...  

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QuoteBegin-Kevin+July 15, 2005, 08:55
QUOTE (Kevin @ July 15, 2005, 08:55)
Also I prefer to use flash apps instead of ASM programs because the Asm( command is very slow :Pblah.gif

 xLib IS AN APP!!  

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Offline DJ Omnimaga

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QuoteBegin-crzyrbl+July 15, 2005, 12:37
QUOTE (crzyrbl @ July 15, 2005, 12:37)
QuoteBegin-Kevin+July 15, 2005, 08:55-->
QUOTE (Kevin @ July 15, 2005, 08:55)
Also I prefer to use flash apps instead of ASM programs because the Asm( command is very slow :Pblah.gif

xLib IS AN APP!!  

 It used to be a regular 8xp program, like codex (see xLIB 0.1a and 0.3a in Omnimaga file archives). tr1p1ea only recently changed it to an app ;)wink.gif

Reuben Quest 1 and 2 still use xLIB 0.1a  :oops:embarassed.gif

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right now im prgming the second lvl.  one of my goals is to make this game really long and difficult, without getting annoying or repetitive.  i fingure if i make it too easy, ppl will just breeze by it and forget about it.  if i make ppl think, it challenges them (making it exciting) and makes the game last longer.  in order to accomplish this, i have many things at my disposal, including puzzles, trade sequences, innovative dungeons, and minigames.  wish me luck!!!

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Nice, keep up the good work and keep us updated, oh and about the first screenies on the first page, are they actuall calc screenshots or concepts? Also will the game be non-linear, like most other Zelda games?  

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concepts; i dont know how to work the captcalc and pti runs either too slow or too fast)  it looks like an exact copy, however, because i used the same 8x8 sprites.  i think i might hv changed some of them recently though.  Also, what do you mean by non-linear?  

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well its always good to see animated screenshots even if they are too slow or too fast, you just need to say that they arent the same speed than the real calc :)smile.gif

by non-linear I mean that you can visit dungeons in any order, instead of having to follow a certain pattern  

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i never remember that!!!  which zelda did that happen in?!?!?!?!?!?! :paf:tripaf.gif

This post has been edited by crzyrbl on 17 Jul, 2005, 13:01

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HEY KEV, did u forget to delete the other zelda in the announce your projects section?

This post has been edited by crzyrbl on 17 Jul, 2005, 13:09

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Offline DJ Omnimaga

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The other topic in the project section is now a link to this topic, notice the post/views arent shown on it. :)smile.gif

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