Author Topic: The Legend of Zelda: Relics of the past, Status:Working on whatever i feel like  (Read 65340 times)

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im using zbasic for other stuff too, so i guess i have to keep both.




HOLY CRAP!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!??!?!?
i tried advanced tagging like in spencer's zelda, only for the enemies.........




This post has been edited by crzyrbl on 10 Aug, 2005, 16:33

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dun dun dun DAAAAA GIMME A PIC!!!  

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just because it goes fast on the TI-84 SE, doesnt mean im going to accept it in the TI-83+. right now im adding an AI Library and am doing a little research in AI.  no screenies til then.  trust in me...  

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Offline DJ Omnimaga

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wow sound promising, I hope it will run fast enough on the 83+, :thumb:google.gif about ZBASIC, I though you were using ZSHADE program to change contrast, not ZBASIC, sry :Pblah.gif

i tried advanced tagging like in spencer's zelda, only for the enemies.........
what is "advanced tagging"?  

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w007, 100st post, awsome.

i dont know the term for it, so i just made one up  :oops:embarassed.gif .  i hv it so that every time the prgm (ZENEMY) runs once, a counter goes off.  depending on the value of teh counter, it depends which enemy will move, attack, or what ever ONCE. i remember him talkin bout tags with the animation, and this reminded me of it...

This post has been edited by crzyrbl on 10 Aug, 2005, 21:33

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Will the game you are working on work on a TI-89 Titanium? Also what games would you recommend for this calculator?

This post has been edited by SpAzZ on 10 Aug, 2005, 23:47

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nothing is free, equivilent exchange, and so-on and so-furth.
if a have a ton a enemies, they all have to wait til all the other ones moved in order to move again.  so you wont see a room with like 20 enemies, although that would be fun....
im still working on the other AI's.  i have it so that it they hit you, you lose a heart and get knocked back if nothing is there.
one last thing.  im thinking about changing the walking engine.  ill post screenie when im ready, and you guys tell me if it's better or worse...


all im going to say is that i do not plan on porting this game to the 89. 89 has plenty of games on or, better yet, the section of 89 games on this very site.

moving on...
i just found out the hard way that xLib has a very big bug problem with pix.  i now have to move a large section of sprites and now i am VERY SHORT ON SPRITE RESOURCES.  its like i planned for everything except on xLib screwing up.  :dang:banghead.gif:dang:banghead.gif:dang:banghead.gif

no screenies for a while  :paf:tripaf.gif:paf:tripaf.gif:paf:tripaf.gif:paf:tripaf.gif

This post has been edited by Kevin on 11 Aug, 2005, 7:19

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QuoteBegin-crzyrbl+10 August 2005, 22:32
QUOTE (crzyrbl @ 10 August 2005, 22:32)
w007, 100st post, awsome.

i dont know the term for it, so i just made one up

Offline merthsoft

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I'm assuming the problem here is the bottom line crap? Yeah, not xLib's fault, TI-OS doesn't allow the last line to be stored by a picture...  

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i was just thinking of changing the movement engine so that you dont hv to being facing the same direction to walk that way.  i tested it, but i wouldnt know had it would work with the weapons until i finished the game.
i asked tr1pl1ea, and he says the only way to fix it would be to make some major changes.  if i delete same useless sprites and move the menu sprites to a different tilemap, i should be fine.
by the way, if i have a lot of enemies, you could run circles around them.  but if i alter the ai to make them uber cheap....hehehe, its funny watching 3 skeletons going around, bumping into eachother.

@merthsoft: ya, but it would hv been nice if tr1p1ea warned us in the readme

(i know its not his fault, also, this takes up sprite room)

EDIT: xLib crisis, official over. i hv one-third of sprite for the main tilemap open now

This post has been edited by crzyrbl on 11 Aug, 2005, 17:06

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Offline DJ Omnimaga

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Nice, I dont understand how you want to change the map engine though, do you mean that it will now be 4 attack buttons like Dark Link Quest?

I think deleting useless sprites can be a good solution, also menu spruites needs to be on another pic. If you have sprites that never appear in maps data but only in regular sprite commands or animations move them to another pic as well.  that way you have more free rooms for new sprites for maps. Actually you could move the Link and enemies to a different pic than maps

Actually I dont think the AI needs to be very complex, I dont mind about monsters bumping into each other, its cool to see them dies all at once in one sword strike  :chainsaw:chainsaw.gif

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i was think of changing it so that if you click one direction your not facing, it will change your direction AND move you.  i still hvnt decided yet.  for now, im stuck with the original

i already moved all the menu sprite to another pic before, be i cant move link or the enemies.  the way my fast engine works, is that everything is stored in [A].  stuff under characters/enemies are stored.  default backgrounding for stuff like pots are stored in Q.  Q changes depending on where you are.

as for enemies bumping into eachother, i have it so that only one can occupy a space at a time.  otherwise, i feel it looks unprofessional.  i hv a dozen enemies, and i plan to put a different AI in almost all of them.  i hv it so each enemy has his own: type#, x-co, y-co, "Q", directional storage, status(for bomberang etc.), HP.  ive done all my AI testing on the SE, but ill post a pic with PTI soon.  the one you will see will have almost no AI (random movements).

EDIT: scratch that, i post when i hv a better AI

This post has been edited by crzyrbl on 11 Aug, 2005, 18:53

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Offline DJ Omnimaga

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oh nice, but I dont think its necessary to have to make link to change direction when clicking a button to attack, this will make things run a bit slower, but maybe this will make attacking a lot easier.

I hope to see a new screenie soon :)smile.gif

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thats not what i meant....  

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explain more <_<dry.gif

i am not native english speaker btw...  

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