Author Topic: The Legend of Zelda: Relics of the past, Status:Working on whatever i feel like  (Read 65323 times)

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Offline DJ Omnimaga

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aah now I understand, I misunderstood your previous post (why does I always need to read every post 3 times to understand them?  :dang:banghead.gif ) actually I think it would be better like this. One thing though: for example there is a hole right behing u and a wood stick on the other side of the hole and u want to use the hookshot to get to it, then if u change your direction you fall into the hole, with your old method you just rotate and stay at the same place so you can grab the stick with the hookshot fine, just stuff like this to think about, but of course if I understood correctly this time, I guess the new method could add even more challenge in the game :evil:devil.gif

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i thought about that, but then i realized, how often would that happen?  im not using 16x16 sprites, so teh area is usually pretty big.  i wont try this until im done with EVERYTHING else though. hurrah for diverse AI's!!  

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Offline DJ Omnimaga

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yeah its not a big thing to worry about anyway

hmm after looking again at your todo list I dont know but it seems that I am not the only one who makes a calc RPG at a so fast rate anymore, I mean you started like a bit before I left maxcoderz forums, back in early july, and you alerady have the map engine done, the hookshot, and other stuff done and alerady working on enemies O_Oshocked2.gif

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I think he means that when you press left, you'll turn to face left and move one space left if there's no wall there... (if there's a wall, I hope it just changes direction :Dbiggrin.gif)  

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i tested it before, and no, he didnt go through the wall.  as for the speed of this project being so fast, its cuz im inbetween jobs.  

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WOW!!! I posted that after kevin posted his thing about not understanding your post... hrm... did it lag? or did it just not show me a 12th page?  

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Offline merthsoft

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Hmm... I'm not sure what you're doing about the direction thing, but here's what I'm doing with mine:
When you press the arrows, it moves you and changes your direction (left makes you look left, and move left), but then the keys Alpha, Mode, Stat, and Apps make you change irection (left, up, right, down, repectivley...) Make sence...
This way you can change direction without moving, or you can do both...  

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the only problem with that one, is that it will go slow cuz it has to check a lot of buttons.  also, dual-wielding would be weird cuz you wouldnt hv alpha.  

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Offline DJ Omnimaga

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true,. and you would run out of buttons, in other words you couldnt use the hookshot while the sword is equipped  

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AM REALLY, REALLY PO-ED RIGHT NOW!!!  i keep trying to run the prgm with three or four enemies at once.  nothing APPEARS wrong. kill one enemy. fun. shows sm. explosive animation. cool.  kill the second one.  drops a rupee or whatever.  stabs the third one four times.  NOTHING!!! IT WONT DIE!!! THIS BUG IS EEVVIILL!!!!  
i cant make an inch of progress until i have this problem completely analized.  i hv a feeling this has to do with an unupdated section of legacy code (i think that's how you refer to it)  i was looking forward to prgming AI  :(sad.gif

This post has been edited by crzyrbl on 12 Aug, 2005, 14:35

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:(sad.gif that sucks...  

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after, while, a very long time, i think i finally killed it.  also, in the progress, i happened to add a feature to the menu. now, if you try to equip a sword (or whatever) into the 2nd slot and you already hv it in the alpha slot, instead of just denying the action, it will switch the sword with whatever is in the alpha slot.  very user friendly.  now to start prgming more AI....

feature #92 you can use your sword, hookshot and other TOP-SECRET weapons to pick up items. also i might have found a way to make push blocks push-able without killing the cpu.  if there's enemies. worry about the emenies.  but if enemies=0, check if theres a block in front of you, you lazy cpu, you.

This post has been edited by crzyrbl on 12 Aug, 2005, 23:30

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Offline DJ Omnimaga

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oh nice, glad you killed the bug :)smile.gif but actually does this mean you cant push block as long as there is monsters on the screen? Because if the monster appear out of reach you will never be able to push the block. Am I right?  

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um, ya, but why would the enemies be unreachable? im not using random spawn points. also, this is how they did it in the oracle zelda games for gameboy.  (if i did use a rndm spwn point, you could just leave the room and enter it again....)  

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