Author Topic: The Legend of Zelda: Relics of the past, Status:Working on whatever i feel like  (Read 65294 times)

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QuoteBegin-Kevin+16 August 2005, 18:41
QUOTE (Kevin @ 16 August 2005, 18:41)
@arti: yeah we all do them on calc, I guess its becaus ethe TI basic editor is better on the 83+ than on the 89, or maybe worse but easier and faster to use  

 Well, I code all of my BASIC games on-calc as well, but it's just hard to imagine coding large RPG projects directly on-calc, because of the small screen that only allows few lines of code to be displayed at a time. I mean it's efficient for small programs, but I guess it's hell for large ones.  

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yeah it is, altough since the 83+ text is bigger this also means its easier to read. Also onthe PC you have to select functions from a menu on the 83+/84+ since they are tokenised. On cale u just go in a menu veyr fast press a easy to remember number key and the whole function is pasted in the editor. I guess its the same for 68k but I think on 68k TI-OS menus are a bit slower

what is annoying on the 83+ is when your prgm is 5000 bytes long and u get an error at the end of the program it takes a minute to scroll down when you choose goto  :gotosuck:goto.gif

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well, the longest prgm i hv in this game isnt even 2k.  

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I guess you split up your prgms into sub routines a lot, right? cool. Try to keep the total under 80 though otherwise its very hard to send to calc :Pblah.gif

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im only up to 43.  i cant imagine adding even 20 more.  hehe, this is the funniest bug i've ever seen. you know those statues that when you go near them, they spring to life and start stalking you? well, i put a > when a < should have gone or something, and now all they do is run AWAY from you. they're so cowardly...

EDIT: not that this is needed, but if i use flash gordon cuz zcopy is taking to freakin long, i might have a way to archive all AI's...

This post has been edited by crzyrbl on 16 Aug, 2005, 20:06

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Offline DJ Omnimaga

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oh nice, yeah some bugs are wacky fun sometimes, everytime I get a bug in BASIC its something similar :Dbiggrin.gif

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it goes SO slow with my pti and looks like crap.  here they are....

user posted image

user posted image

nothing like the real deal.

i just dl-ed and beat doirtem.  the boss was awsome!  i couldnt kill even one of those metroids though.  they moved way too weird.

all AI programmed.  now i have to program hit detection for weapons other than teh two i hv.  my fav is the like like, hands down.

i just realized that flippers really nothing to do with time OR magic. any ideas on how i can incorporate this?

echo, echo, echo....

added block moving funct and sign reading funct.

This post has been edited by crzyrbl on 17 Aug, 2005, 12:58

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QuoteBegin-crzyrbl+16 August 2005, 23:23
QUOTE (crzyrbl @ 16 August 2005, 23:23)
it goes SO slow with my pti and looks like crap.  here they are....

user posted image

user posted image

nothing like the real deal.

 Oh nice, ... you even pout animation of enemies dying??   :woot:woot.gif

what was the attackk when you passed just under the slime like enemy, it killed link litteraly, was it a magic?

so far it seems to run still faster than DLQ, DLQ was uber slow with 2 enemies on screen and since PTI is 10% slower I guess yours run at least at 1.5 FPS, which should be fine for a zelda game in BASIC

seems that the project is progressing nicely I cant wait to try it, maybe this could be a christmas gift  :gift:party3.gif

i just dl-ed and beat doirtem.

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what was the attackk when you passed just under the slime like enemy, it killed link litteraly, was it a magic?

There were statue things in other games that shot lasers that hurt Link really bad... Maybe that is what it is?

oh nice, yeah some bugs are wacky fun sometimes, everytime I get a bug in BASIC its something similar

Most of my bugs either cause that part of the program to not work, or they cause a RAM reset...  

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wow, ive never had that serious a bug.  the eye statue is a copy of the beamos statue in most zelda games.  they shoot lasers.  @Kevin: how did you keep track of stuff like opened chests and door in your zelda?  

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I don't know how he does it, but I use a list. Say you plan on havin 50 chests, I would set 50/->/dim(L6:Fill(0,L6

When a chest is opened, you store one to it.  

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QuoteBegin-crzyrbl+17 August 2005, 18:56
QUOTE (crzyrbl @ 17 August 2005, 18:56)
wow, ive never had that serious a bug.  the eye statue is a copy of the beamos statue in most zelda games.  they shoot lasers.  @Kevin: how did you keep track of stuff like opened chests and door in your zelda?  

 Actually I got some ram resets when I started using ASM libs, and the worst thing is that I even got a RAM reset without EVEN using ASM libs, it was back when I coded Illusiat 10, in pure BASIC, on TI-83+SE OS 1.13, this OS had lot of bugs actually  :ihatemycomp:crash.gif

I remember the beamos enemy, I have it in drak link quest, actually when you are in his laser range (horizontal or vertical) it prepares to shoot and u only have a second left to avoid it or you lose 3 hearts.

And I had no chests/unlockable doors in DLQ, I actually had several switches to hit to open new walls passages and then the final door open (check the DLQ walkthrough), actually everytime you hitted a switch it incremented the main event variable in a list by 1, when you found a heart container it changed a list variable to 1 and incremented your max energy by 1, each hearts piece had a list variable  

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here's what a flickery ver. of my brand-new title screen looks like:
user posted image
notice how flickery the emulator makes it...  

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wait did you actually... also did 4 level GS? O_Oshocked2.gif

well I know a way to stop the flickering though but this isnt easy, you need to make a pattern in the pic and you need 3 pictures instead of 2 :(sad.gif

About the beta: I actually tried it and it was so awesome, it ran pretty fast with one enemy, but here was a few pb I encountered but I guess this might be easy to fix:

Actually the contrast is too light on my 83+SE, I barely see anything while playing and on my bro's regular 83+ I dont see anything at all. This is actually because the 83+ and 83+SE has lighter contrast, maybe you should add an option in the menu (like I did in Reuben Quest 1 and 2) that al;low you to set a default value for the contrast so if its too dark or light you can adjust it. For the fading in/out anims you just have to make them start or stop at that value.

Also I couldnt get the enemy to work at all, I kept getting DIM errors regardless of what I typed in the list you told me to add in the code :(sad.gif , could you PM me with a list that alerady has real values?

othe rthat that awesome work it run really fast and I liked the items and how good they were  :thumb:google.gif

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well, where do i start?  the constrast should be very easy to fix.  go to zshade and just change some numbers with zshade.  although this is weird, cuz it was plenty dark on my ti-83+....
here's an example with two enemies at once:{2,1,5,6,0,4,1,4,3,6,6,0,4,1,4->L4 i emailed you the wrong list
i im using 3 pics now.
anyone have any ideas for minigames?  

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