Author Topic: The Legend of Zelda: Relics of the past, Status:Working on whatever i feel like  (Read 65357 times)

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With something like a 32x32 (that's more than 10000b of matrix) if you go into the bottom right corner and scroll it get's a little slow (on the normal 83+)  

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im going the try to avoid just using the first method i find, and then giving up cuz itz to slo.....i know this is possible....til then im working on the bar.  since i had to fit another weapon on it because of dual-wielding,  i got rid of the bottle display (move to reg. item use) and am adding the trading item in the empty slot.  ya....i guess im having a trading sequence....with something at the end.  By the way, when you die, if you hv a fairy, should you come back to life with 5 hearts, or 6 hearts? if i include a life potion, i doubt i could hv them gain all their hearts back and...*ding*! to get the microwave....  :microwave:microwave.gif
*cough* no slow down with weapons *cough*  

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Offline DJ Omnimaga

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QuoteBegin-CDI+July 27, 2005, 10:38
QUOTE (CDI @ July 27, 2005, 10:38)
With something like a 32x32 (that's more than 10000b of matrix) if you go into the bottom right corner and scroll it get's a little slow (on the normal 83+)

shouldnt be a prbl for this zelda game considering he only uses 12x8 maps so far.

...*ding*! to get the microwave....


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right now im doing work on a prgm that adds/subtracts hearts on screen.  it uses pxl-change( but it runs really fast and im wondering whether or not its worth adding sprites of hearts instead.  i think i only hv like 95 left...and then i would only hv 8 hearts and....ya, i might do that instead.  anyone care if there are only 8 instead of 16 pieces of heart.  there are only like 32 screens for the overworld (BIG BIG DUNGEONS) sry ppl,  i think i just sold myself, time to reprogram...
so i guess 8 hearts now.  

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Offline DJ Omnimaga

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I think its fine, 8 hearts, 32 screen for overworld will do I think. Ithink you should use pxl on/off for hearths if its fast enough and not too huge or use anothe rsprite picture  

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Offline merthsoft

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I was just thinking of a way to do that, actually, I think I'll test it, but I'll explain too...
You draw the first tile map...
You scroll the screen up 8...
You draw the second tile map at the bottom (8th row)...
You scroll up 8...
Redraw the second tile map no at the 7th row...

That's for moving to a map below you, you just change where to dray it for above, or left and right...

Now, you have a bar, so you just keep redrawing the bar... I will test this out, and tell you how it works, and you can test it out too, maybe the way you do it will be better...  

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i want to try more than one way to do this, so if you hv an idea, post the code and be sure i can read it. (make it short and change all the u's to ->'s)   this is what im planning on doing.  store the map your on at and get the map you need into [A].  then, keep displaying less of and more of [A].  i forgot that xLib can use different matrices.  is this what you had in mind? its kinda hard to tell.  

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Offline merthsoft

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Yup, that's what I meant...  

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but does it scroll like the old Zelda game? or real time?  

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it will scroll when you go past the edge of the screen.  if i had scrolling like in teh example xLib prgm. it would go way to slow
whats the best way to invert text( commands? its the last thing i nd to finish the side bar...  

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Offline DJ Omnimaga

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I might try to help on scrolling once I finished porting D4TMQ to the 83+, for Text commands use BASIC tools found on this website or codex (also on this site), it has invert functions. :)smile.gif

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QuoteBegin-Kevin+July 28, 2005, 19:49
QUOTE (Kevin @ July 28, 2005, 19:49)
I might try to help on scrolling once I finished porting D4TMQ to the 83+

what is D4TMQ?

This post has been edited by crzyrbl on 28 Jul, 2005, 20:08

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Offline DJ Omnimaga

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wait a few mins, *gets TI PC cable then post new topic*

EDIT: here we go:

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Offline merthsoft

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Ok, here's what I've done with scrolling...
This one has six programs, is faster (can't tell much of a difference in the scree shot, but on calc you can), and is 33 bytes larger (not a whole lot):
user posted image
This one has three programs, is slower (can't tell much of a difference in the scree shot, but on calc you can), and is 33 bytes smaller (not a whole lot):
user posted image
And here are the files (one is .rar compressed, one is .zip compressed, both have all files):
Click which one you want on the page...

EDIT: You said past the screen, but these scroll when you to the edge of the screen... Easy to change, though...

This post has been edited by Merthsoft on 29 Jul, 2005, 12:12

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thanx, but i want to see if i could figure it out first.  if i get stuck, ill look at yours.  looks nice  :Dbiggrin.gif

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