...*ding*! opps...got to get the microwave....
10 right now im doing work on a prgm that adds/subtracts hearts on screen. it uses pxl-change( but it runs really fast and im wondering whether or not its worth adding sprites of hearts instead. i think i only hv like 95 left...and then i would only hv 8 hearts and....ya, i might do that instead. anyone care if there are only 8 instead of 16 pieces of heart. there are only like 32 screens for the overworld (BIG BIG DUNGEONS) sry ppl, i think i just sold myself, time to reprogram... so i guess 8 hearts now. THE POST
I think its fine, 8 hearts, 32 screen for overworld will do I think. Ithink you should use pxl on/off for hearths if its fast enough and not too huge or use anothe rsprite picture THE POST
I was just thinking of a way to do that, actually, I think I'll test it, but I'll explain too... You draw the first tile map... You scroll the screen up 8... You draw the second tile map at the bottom (8th row)... You scroll up 8... Redraw the second tile map no at the 7th row... Repeat...
That's for moving to a map below you, you just change where to dray it for above, or left and right...
Now, you have a bar, so you just keep redrawing the bar... I will test this out, and tell you how it works, and you can test it out too, maybe the way you do it will be better... THE POST
i want to try more than one way to do this, so if you hv an idea, post the code and be sure i can read it. (make it short and change all the u's to ->'s) this is what im planning on doing. store the map your on at and get the map you need into [A]. then, keep displaying less of and more of [A]. i forgot that xLib can use different matrices. is this what you had in mind? its kinda hard to tell. THE POST
Yup, that's what I meant... THE POST
but does it scroll like the old Zelda game? or real time? THE POST
it will scroll when you go past the edge of the screen. if i had scrolling like in teh example xLib prgm. it would go way to slow whats the best way to invert text( commands? its the last thing i nd to finish the side bar... THE POST
I might try to help on scrolling once I finished porting D4TMQ to the 83+, for Text commands use BASIC tools found on this website or codex (also on this site), it has invert functions. :)  THE POST
QuoteBegin-Kevin+July 28, 2005, 19:49 -->QUOTE (Kevin @ July 28, 2005, 19:49) | I might try to help on scrolling once I finished porting D4TMQ to the 83+ |
what is D4TMQ?
This post has been edited by crzyrbl on 28 Jul, 2005, 20:08
wait a few mins, *gets TI PC cable then post new topic* EDIT: here we go: http://s7.invisionfree.com/Omnimaga/index.php?showtopic=702 THE POST
Ok, here's what I've done with scrolling... This one has six programs, is faster (can't tell much of a difference in the scree shot, but on calc you can), and is 33 bytes larger (not a whole lot):  This one has three programs, is slower (can't tell much of a difference in the scree shot, but on calc you can), and is 33 bytes smaller (not a whole lot):  And here are the files (one is .rar compressed, one is .zip compressed, both have all files): Click which one you want on the page...EDIT: You said past the screen, but these scroll when you to the edge of the screen... Easy to change, though... This post has been edited by Merthsoft on 29 Jul, 2005, 12:12 THE POST
thanx, but i want to see if i could figure it out first. if i get stuck, ill look at yours. looks nice :D  THE POST
I think i will take a look at them anyways... I don't feel like tryin to make something like that... :)  Looks good too! THE POST
time's up. i'm leaving for tahoe soon. see you all in about a week. as for scrolling...well...im going to experiment with it. @Merthsoft: if you change the last 1 in the first real( statements to a 0, your scrolling prgms should go about 25-50% faster. :D  THE POST
ya ya, i know, double post, but im leaving a farewell gift before i go, and no, its not flowers.... This post has been edited by crzyrbl on 30 Jul, 2005, 0:23 THE POST
Super Sweet! Can I get a demo of what you have...? I want to see what it looks like on calc... :)  :drools: THE POST
O_O  wow this is gonna be one of the greatest Hybrid game ever made so far, the sprites are awesome, it runs fast and look really sweet! I hope to see new progress in one week :)  Nice scroll routine Merthsoft btw :)  THE POST
QuoteBegin-crzyrbl+July 30, 2005, 00:38 -->QUOTE (crzyrbl @ July 30, 2005, 00:38) | @Merthsoft: if you change the last 1 in the first real( statements to a 0, your scrolling prgms should go about 25-50% faster. :D |
Yeah, I realized that, and it looks better too...
@Kevin: Thanks! You should see what I've been doing with it, I'll get some screenshots soon, and show you... THE POST
I should try it, altough I could be able to do my own, but you did it anyway :D  btw werent you working on a RPG as well? I saw some animated goodies earlier, I was thinking about adding it in the project section here but I didnt knew if it was an official project and I didnt even knew the game title at all. Lets hope to se new Zelda progress once crzyrbl come back next week :)  and I wish this would come true (old memories):  THE POST
It's possible...
Of course... HALO (the one Hays showed... (I've seen moving demos of a master cheif (no background) that's achived by masking 6 sprites to each other (all in ASM)) is possible... THE POST
Show me a 8xp file THE POST
This looks gorgeous! THE POST
Yeah, I had an RPG, but, because of my ADD, I stopped working on it, and started working on this:  It's a little bit older, but I've yet to take a newer screenie... PTI messed up the HUD, it looks better than that... THE POST
yeah I saw this a long while ago it looked nice, you should try to use your RPG sprites in it though.
and what is a ADD? THE POST
ADD:Attention Deficit Disorder, can't concentrate on things for a long time. THE POST
heh I have that... but somehow I finish things... (well :P  almost O.O) THE POST
I see, well I prefer to finish my current projects be4 starting a new one but I always feel impatient to start new ones as I get new ideas
did you stopped it forever or just for a long time? At least if you stopped forever did u backed up the engine in case you would use it for later games? THE POST
Not forever, I will work on it after either I get bored with this, or finish it... THE POST
cool to hear :)  it loked so cool O_O  THE POST
Well, thanks... I'll keep working on it intermittently... THE POST
im back! i did everything while i was there. I shopped, saw a movie, went on a Dixie boat, took a gondala up to the mountains and went hiking, rented a speed boat, went para-sailing, and white-water rafting! Its beautiful up there. i noticed a lot of you were worried about the game, so i did a little bit of work on it on the plane (5 hour flight). also, i showed a relative who was a past programmer what i was making and she decided to donate to me a BRAND NEW TI-84 SE!!!!!! Zelda goes mad sick faster on it :cry:  i will release the next screenie ONLY if i have kevin's permission to...um....borrow his menu background idea. i didnt want to spend a whole lot of time on it. like the rest of my screenies, this will blow you away! THE POST
Nice, sounds great! Can't wait to see it. THE POST
Nice to see ya back, I hope to see new screenshots of it soon. And you can use my menu idea, always cool to see that kind of stuff in other people game, I borrowed the idea from Zelda: A link to the past anyway so go for it :)  THE POST
how many weapons do you guys want me to spoil? THE POST
Hmm depends, just spoil for example the first sword and the first weapon of each kind if they are upgradable as well as the master sword since everyone who play zelda know about it and keep the final weapons secret :)  THE POST
only the sword is upgradable, the rest are unique. if it had like 8 dungeons i would do it. What would you rather have after completing a hard dungeon, a brand-new shiney weapon, or a hook-shot that could go two feet further then your old overused one. should i just hold off until i have some working enemies?
This post has been edited by crzyrbl on 8 Aug, 2005, 19:21 THE POST
Wait for enemies... THE POST
wait for enemies, how is it goin so far with enemies? :)  THE POST
havent started yet. should i have them spawn in the same place everytime, or should i have them spawn randomly. THE POST
Randomly I guess, you could have them spawn at some specific places on some maps though with If statements, because in Dark Link qeust sometimes the game was loading abnormally because the enemies could only appear at like 3 or 4 different places on teh map (I used a while loop that loop until the enemies coordinates match a walk-on-able tile)
EDIT: hmm I still always forget that the Fast reply stay open so I accidently click "Add reply" because I alwasy think its the "Fast Reply" button... THE POST
i should probably stick with set spwn points then. @kevin: what was the MOST enemies you had at one time? THE POST
hmm.....ill see if i can fit in three. im going to have plenty of puzzles :)  THE POST
oh nice, maybe 3 will be a bit slow but who knows. Also maybe this game will win the 2005 ticalc.org POTY :)  thats if Spencer doesnt release his ASM Zelda this year as well tho O_O  THE POST
a BASIC game win a POTY...like that will happen. small news: i will be adding one more asm lib. its so small, no one will even notice what with all the other prgms this game will include (im up to about 20). im using it for the following reasons: 1. turn off run indicator 2. inverts text for, um, text 3. higher and lower contrast for cool effects 4. checking for avaliable RAM just in case someone is stupid enough to try to run the game with not enough RAM so that i can deny them 5. checking of ROM ver. and what model calc it is for compatiblity
just in case anyone is wondering, its called ZBASIC THE POST
QuoteBegin-crzyrbl+August 9, 2005, 01:19 -->QUOTE (crzyrbl @ August 9, 2005, 01:19) | a BASIC game win a POTY...like that will happen. |
why not? If the game is good enough we dont know, I had 2 BASIC game included in the 2004 POTY poll and they got more votes than some ASM games, again its not easy to win a POTY when you have more than one game included in the poll :?  about ZBASIC, I am wondering if it checks if your calc is a 83+ or 84+ like ZCALCVER? THE POST
This looks like it runs faster than DLQ, so you should probably be fine with 2. THE POST
QuoteBegin-Kevin+9 August 2005, 8:42 -->QUOTE (Kevin @ 9 August 2005, 8:42) | about ZBASIC, I am wondering if it checks if your calc is a 83+ or 84+ like ZCALCVER? |
it says that it puts either a 0 or 1 into X. if its a 0, it means its a TI-83+, and if its a 1, its a SE. although i guess it meant to says a TI-83+ family calc with 2.5 times speed. it says in the readme that if you want the calcver function only to just use ZCALCVER like you said, but i need more than half of ZBASIC's functions anyway. THE POST
oh so I guess Gambit didnt updated it, I am wondering if it would crash with teh 84+SE, mayeb for the time being you should use ZCALCVER as well (not the one on Omnimaga but the one on ticalc.org) because it can also output 2 if its a 84+ and 3 if its a 84+SE, or use ZBASIC (which hasnt been updated for that yet) but backup before trying in case THE POST
well I guess this would RAM clear or just domweird stuff, not harm the calc. The only thing to do now is to try (back up first) or use ZCALCVER for the time being. btw I updated ZCALCVER in the archive. THE POST
the whole point of using it was for the other functions though :( This post has been edited by crzyrbl on 9 Aug, 2005, 13:25 THE POST
is ZCOPY better or worse, faster or slower, than Flash Gordon? THE POST
Faster, smaller, maybe better as well since you can have more controls and no memory overflow eeors but the pb is that you have to delete the program with codex before running Zcopy again I need to get a talk with Gambit (the one who made the prgm) so he can fix that bug so we wouldnt need codex with ti anymore but its a bit hard because he only visits two of the forums I put on my black list and from which I banned myself and I only see him on #tcpa now :(  THE POST
 i used the constrast from zBasic in the beginning, but vti sorta ruined it. on the calc, the constrast goes in and out more smoothly also, notice that the scenery has been altered and the pickup function is completed THE POST
O_O  O_O  O_O  O_O  :crazy:  :crazy:  :crazy:  :crazy:  OMG, its so...so... soo... *speechless* sry I cant think of any words to describe how awesome it is, it's so... beautiful :woot:  :woot:  * Kevin
in case anyone is wondering, i actually completed ALL of the weapons, but i didnt want to spoil them... THE POST
yea I guess so, keep them as a surprise for the end ;)  , I dont want to have a heart attack O_O  EDIT:QuoteBegin -->QUOTE | i used the constrast from zBasic in the beginning, but vti sorta ruined it. |
Did u meant PTI? THE POST
ya, i guess i did... hehe, i hv the next screenie ready, but i think its to soon to show it. i'd rather make you guys wait :evil:  THE POST
I think I'll break a new record of news articles in 3 days soon O_O  cool to see this project always progressing. What are all the stuff (excluding secrets) that is done so far and what do you plan to add next? THE POST
* CDI drools... then looks at his 83+... then his broken 83+SE then sobs... :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :( This post has been edited by CDI on 10 Aug, 2005, 9:23 THE POST
uh... xLIB zeldas works on the 83+ you know ;)  THE POST
oh boy lets see here..... *gets out monocle 1.over 170 sprites 2.walking engine 3.prgms for displaying hearts, magic, rupees, keys, text, etc. 4.ALL weapons 5.a working menu 6.bottle usage 7.working fairies (use them auto when u die, when u catch'em, text appears) 8.ZSHADE for contrast (IE fall down pit, dims out, then fades in when ready 9.scrolling 10.working pickup fucnt 11.death animation and fairy revival animation 12.all code laid out very logical, it is coding and debugging is easy 13.when you displace a backgroud object, a default tile will take its place depending on location TODO: enemies (duh) ppl a better mapping system using the fg's strings treasure chests small graphical goodies :D  stuff like that... by the way....i might not release this game to the public right away. i might sell it at my school for 1 buck. they shouldnt be able to send to others cuz xLib comes uninstalled. game=free, installation=$1 :evil:  THE POST
LOL you are gonna make ppl pay for installing? well I guess it can be good when ppl annoy you to have the game on their calcs, fine, then, but if you would have said that you are going to sell the game for money I would have this thread locked and unfeatured right now, because Omnimaga wont promote shareware softwares. btw seems like there is lot of stuff alerady done in the game, I guess the dungeons are not done yet? And the current features are awesome :)  THE POST
Wow, that's amazing, all of it, the features, and the selling... As long as you release it here for free (here as in the online community, ticalc.org etc.)... Did you end up looking at my scrolling code for help, if so, I want to be in the credits ;)  THE POST
QuoteBegin-crzyrbl+10 August 2005, 12:19 -->QUOTE (crzyrbl @ 10 August 2005, 12:19) | 8.ZSHADE for contrast (IE fall down pit, dims out, then fades in when ready
you should use xLIB contrast changing function instead, this would save space and run faster than Asm programms ran with Asm(. Syntax is real(5,contrast_number , contrast_number is a number from 0 to 39 THE POST
@Kevin - the slownessssss THE POST
what do you mean? actually it would run faster with xLIB contrast setting than with ZSHADE.8xp (at least I think) THE POST
@kevin: i like how fast it contrasts now. if i change it, it will either go to slow, or to fast. i know the laws of shareware, and that selling it for over a dollar is illegal. since installation is more of a FEE, it really isnt shareware. if you dont want shareware on your site, i could understand. of course, you guys will all get it for free B)  @merthsoft: no, i didnt use your engine. i spent hours going through each direction just to find out that i would have come up with pretty much the idea you had :(  @kevin again: i have the B451C layout of the first two dungeons, none of it set in stone. i feel i did pretty good on them :)  edit: zbasic works fine, this game is god on an se... This post has been edited by crzyrbl on 10 Aug, 2005, 15:00 THE POST
Nice, but ZSHADE takes RAM, not much but with xLIB you could have a smaller syntax and it would take less space, but thats up to you well I dont know about shareware laws, I am just more into open source software, 90% of what I have on my PC is open source, the only thing that is shareware or sold for money is Windows and what came with windows :)  the only reason why I still use M$ software now is becuase I am too much used to them, I have used them for ages THE POST
@Kevin - the game would run slow... wouldn't it? THE POST
with zshade it would run fast enough, but by using xLIB instead you save some precious RAM space, since xLIB only take archive memory THE POST
im using zbasic for other stuff too, so i guess i have to keep both. .... ......... ..... ......... omg ................. ..i .......did ....it? HOLY CRAP!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!??!?!? i tried advanced tagging like in spencer's zelda, only for the enemies......... ...on ..my ......SE ...................NO ADDITIONAL SLOW DOWN WITH ALMOST ANY AMOUNT OF ENEMIES?!??!?!?!? %)  %)  %)  %)  %)  %)  %)  %)  %)  %)  %)  %)  %)  %)  %)  %)  %)  %)  %) This post has been edited by crzyrbl on 10 Aug, 2005, 16:33 THE POST
just because it goes fast on the TI-84 SE, doesnt mean im going to accept it in the TI-83+. right now im adding an AI Library and am doing a little research in AI. no screenies til then. trust in me... THE POST
wow sound promising, I hope it will run fast enough on the 83+, :thumb:  about ZBASIC, I though you were using ZSHADE program to change contrast, not ZBASIC, sry :P  QuoteBegin -->QUOTE | i tried advanced tagging like in spencer's zelda, only for the enemies......... |
what is "advanced tagging"? THE POST
w007, 100st post, awsome. i dont know the term for it, so i just made one up :oops:  . i hv it so that every time the prgm (ZENEMY) runs once, a counter goes off. depending on the value of teh counter, it depends which enemy will move, attack, or what ever ONCE. i remember him talkin bout tags with the animation, and this reminded me of it... This post has been edited by crzyrbl on 10 Aug, 2005, 21:33 THE POST
Will the game you are working on work on a TI-89 Titanium? Also what games would you recommend for this calculator?
This post has been edited by SpAzZ on 10 Aug, 2005, 23:47 THE POST
*sigh* nothing is free, equivilent exchange, and so-on and so-furth. if a have a ton a enemies, they all have to wait til all the other ones moved in order to move again. so you wont see a room with like 20 enemies, although that would be fun.... im still working on the other AI's. i have it so that it they hit you, you lose a heart and get knocked back if nothing is there. one last thing. im thinking about changing the walking engine. ill post screenie when im ready, and you guys tell me if it's better or worse... ######################################## all im going to say is that i do not plan on porting this game to the 89. 89 has plenty of games on ticalc.org. or, better yet, the section of 89 games on this very site. moving on... i just found out the hard way that xLib has a very big bug problem with pix. i now have to move a large section of sprites and now i am VERY SHORT ON SPRITE RESOURCES. its like i planned for everything except on xLib screwing up. :dang:  :dang:  :dang:  no screenies for a while :paf:  :paf:  :paf:  :paf: This post has been edited by Kevin on 11 Aug, 2005, 7:19 THE POST
QuoteBegin-crzyrbl+10 August 2005, 22:32 -->QUOTE (crzyrbl @ 10 August 2005, 22:32) | w007, 100st post, awsome.
i dont know the term for it, so i just made one up
I'm assuming the problem here is the bottom line crap? Yeah, not xLib's fault, TI-OS doesn't allow the last line to be stored by a picture... THE POST
i was just thinking of changing the movement engine so that you dont hv to being facing the same direction to walk that way. i tested it, but i wouldnt know had it would work with the weapons until i finished the game. i asked tr1pl1ea, and he says the only way to fix it would be to make some major changes. if i delete same useless sprites and move the menu sprites to a different tilemap, i should be fine. by the way, if i have a lot of enemies, you could run circles around them. but if i alter the ai to make them uber cheap....hehehe, its funny watching 3 skeletons going around, bumping into eachother.
EDIT: @merthsoft: ya, but it would hv been nice if tr1p1ea warned us in the readme
(i know its not his fault, also, this takes up sprite room)
EDIT: xLib crisis, official over. i hv one-third of sprite for the main tilemap open now
This post has been edited by crzyrbl on 11 Aug, 2005, 17:06 THE POST
Nice, I dont understand how you want to change the map engine though, do you mean that it will now be 4 attack buttons like Dark Link Quest? I think deleting useless sprites can be a good solution, also menu spruites needs to be on another pic. If you have sprites that never appear in maps data but only in regular sprite commands or animations move them to another pic as well. that way you have more free rooms for new sprites for maps. Actually you could move the Link and enemies to a different pic than maps Actually I dont think the AI needs to be very complex, I dont mind about monsters bumping into each other, its cool to see them dies all at once in one sword strike :chainsaw:  THE POST
i was think of changing it so that if you click one direction your not facing, it will change your direction AND move you. i still hvnt decided yet. for now, im stuck with the original
i already moved all the menu sprite to another pic before, be i cant move link or the enemies. the way my fast engine works, is that everything is stored in [A]. stuff under characters/enemies are stored. default backgrounding for stuff like pots are stored in Q. Q changes depending on where you are.
as for enemies bumping into eachother, i have it so that only one can occupy a space at a time. otherwise, i feel it looks unprofessional. i hv a dozen enemies, and i plan to put a different AI in almost all of them. i hv it so each enemy has his own: type#, x-co, y-co, "Q", directional storage, status(for bomberang etc.), HP. ive done all my AI testing on the SE, but ill post a pic with PTI soon. the one you will see will have almost no AI (random movements).
EDIT: scratch that, i post when i hv a better AI
This post has been edited by crzyrbl on 11 Aug, 2005, 18:53 THE POST
oh nice, but I dont think its necessary to have to make link to change direction when clicking a button to attack, this will make things run a bit slower, but maybe this will make attacking a lot easier. I hope to see a new screenie soon :)  THE POST
thats not what i meant.... THE POST
explain more <_<  i am not native english speaker btw... THE POST
umm....like in desolate
aah now I understand, I misunderstood your previous post (why does I always need to read every post 3 times to understand them? :dang:  ) actually I think it would be better like this. One thing though: for example there is a hole right behing u and a wood stick on the other side of the hole and u want to use the hookshot to get to it, then if u change your direction you fall into the hole, with your old method you just rotate and stay at the same place so you can grab the stick with the hookshot fine, just stuff like this to think about, but of course if I understood correctly this time, I guess the new method could add even more challenge in the game :evil:  THE POST
i thought about that, but then i realized, how often would that happen? im not using 16x16 sprites, so teh area is usually pretty big. i wont try this until im done with EVERYTHING else though. hurrah for diverse AI's!! THE POST
yeah its not a big thing to worry about anyway hmm after looking again at your todo list I dont know but it seems that I am not the only one who makes a calc RPG at a so fast rate anymore, I mean you started like a bit before I left maxcoderz forums, back in early july, and you alerady have the map engine done, the hookshot, and other stuff done and alerady working on enemies O_O  THE POST
I think he means that when you press left, you'll turn to face left and move one space left if there's no wall there... (if there's a wall, I hope it just changes direction :D  ) THE POST
i tested it before, and no, he didnt go through the wall. as for the speed of this project being so fast, its cuz im inbetween jobs. THE POST
WOW!!! I posted that after kevin posted his thing about not understanding your post... hrm... did it lag? or did it just not show me a 12th page? THE POST
Hmm... I'm not sure what you're doing about the direction thing, but here's what I'm doing with mine: When you press the arrows, it moves you and changes your direction (left makes you look left, and move left), but then the keys Alpha, Mode, Stat, and Apps make you change irection (left, up, right, down, repectivley...) Make sence... This way you can change direction without moving, or you can do both... THE POST
the only problem with that one, is that it will go slow cuz it has to check a lot of buttons. also, dual-wielding would be weird cuz you wouldnt hv alpha. THE POST
true,. and you would run out of buttons, in other words you couldnt use the hookshot while the sword is equipped THE POST
AM REALLY, REALLY PO-ED RIGHT NOW!!! i keep trying to run the prgm with three or four enemies at once. nothing APPEARS wrong. kill one enemy. fun. shows sm. explosive animation. cool. kill the second one. drops a rupee or whatever. stabs the third one four times. NOTHING!!! IT WONT DIE!!! THIS BUG IS EEVVIILL!!!! :dang:  :dang:  :dang:  :dang:  :dang:  :dang:  :dang:  :dang:  :dang:  :dang:  :dang:  :dang:  :dang:  :dang:  :dang:  :dang:  :dang:  :dang:  :dang:  :dang:  i cant make an inch of progress until i have this problem completely analized. i hv a feeling this has to do with an unupdated section of legacy code (i think that's how you refer to it) i was looking forward to prgming AI :( This post has been edited by crzyrbl on 12 Aug, 2005, 14:35 THE POST
:(  that sucks... THE POST
after, while, a very long time, i think i finally killed it. also, in the progress, i happened to add a feature to the menu. now, if you try to equip a sword (or whatever) into the 2nd slot and you already hv it in the alpha slot, instead of just denying the action, it will switch the sword with whatever is in the alpha slot. very user friendly. now to start prgming more AI....
EDIT: feature #92 you can use your sword, hookshot and other TOP-SECRET weapons to pick up items. also i might have found a way to make push blocks push-able without killing the cpu. if there's enemies. worry about the emenies. but if enemies=0, check if theres a block in front of you, you lazy cpu, you.
This post has been edited by crzyrbl on 12 Aug, 2005, 23:30 THE POST
oh nice, glad you killed the bug :)  but actually does this mean you cant push block as long as there is monsters on the screen? Because if the monster appear out of reach you will never be able to push the block. Am I right? THE POST
um, ya, but why would the enemies be unreachable? im not using random spawn points. also, this is how they did it in the oracle zelda games for gameboy. (if i did use a rndm spwn point, you could just leave the room and enter it again....) THE POST
cool! * CDI
oh now I see, well I guess this should be fine then, the game need some challenge also and the blocks not movable as long as there is monsters in the screen reminds me of dungeons where u have to defeat all enemies in the room to open the doors or make the key appear THE POST
i now have three AI's done: 1.moves randomly. 2.changes dir., moves two spaces, repeats. if it sees you, it will attack viciously. 3.moves randomly. if it sees you, it will attack with spears.
i did a test where i had one of each type of enemies on the field, and it worked fine. THE POST
oh nice, will u also have a 4th one where enemies moves randomly once, then move in ur direction, then randomly, ur direction, etc, like the ''X''s in dark link quest? Also will u have trap statues, I mean enemies that look like the statues in a room and when u move near the fake it start pursuing u, like the vampire in DQL first dungeon? THE POST
no;yes; THE POST
im making this post to announce that i am considering making this game SE/84+ only. i think anyone who would play this on a ti-83+ would be gipped. nothing is for sure, im still considering things. if i did do this, this game would be 8-levels long and non-linear...(also, i could have a better overworld) THE POST
hmm maybe you could give it a try on the 83+, at least try to make it compatible, it will be a bit slower but ppl will still be able to play it on regular 83+. Some ppl actually liked Dark link quest a lot even if it was slow maybe you could make another Zelda project SE only then EDIT: I almost forgot to say that the first time I checked the today active topic list your featured project topic had exactly 1337 views O_O  THE POST
7h15 15 73h 1337 70p1c THE POST
PWNSOR DOSE AXSOR NUBZ FORUMZ!@! also, since a lot of ppl seem to have ti-83+'s, i guess i have to stick with this....but they're not getting off that easy. im gonna add so many lvls that they'll have to clear their ram and archive just to play it :evil:  although that might not be a lot cuz of the limit. hehehe, and if there's a movie or two, i wont allow the ti-83+ users to view it cuz of memory restrictions. (thank you zbasic for calcver.) im going to try to have at least 300 screens and at least 4 dungeons. im up to what i believe is my 5th AI. im not sure cuz i lost count. right now, the whole menu prgm is archived cuz itz like 2K, so im using flash gordon til gambit finishes zcopy. thats really about it. after AI comes block, sign, and chest detection/usage, then doors and stairs detection/usage, then mini-games, then mapping, then intro, then bosses, then testing, then *maybe* movies, then extra goodies, then some more testing, then...um....i guess that's it... This post has been edited by crzyrbl on 15 Aug, 2005, 11:35 THE POST
wow sound ncie, dont add too may thing though, for now you should stick with the features you planned a few weeks ago (3 dungeons for example), because actually this is what killed most calculator projects so far. THEN once you have finished all this you can consider adding more dungeons. If you cant you can make a new game using the same engine but with new features added. Also if you need help optimising the code feel free to post it, I cant guarantee I'll understand everything since I have issues reading other ppl code but I might be able to help optimising or making it run faster :)  THE POST
if you want to optimise it, i'll pm you the files after i finish the AI's. im not sure how i should get the player's name. if i go the flashy way, like in DLQ, im not sure if it would annoy ppl since they could easily type it in themselves. should i go for the flashy way, or the quick way? also, should i/how can i encode the list with the stats, so that the player cant alter them (cheaterz...)? THE POST
QuoteBegin-crzyrbl+15 August 2005, 13:20 -->QUOTE (crzyrbl @ 15 August 2005, 13:20) | if you want to optimise it, i'll pm you the files after i finish the AI's. im not sure how i should get the player's name. if i go the flashy way, like in DLQ, im not sure if it would annoy ppl since they could easily type it in themselves. should i go for the flashy way, or the quick way? also, should i/how can i encode the list with the stats, so that the player cant alter them (cheaterz...)? |
k, cool :)  the name could be typed like in DLQ and most other Zeldas, maybe start with one save file because they take lot of space, also you can encode the list if u want that way cheaters will not hack the game. RL3, Reuben and Reuben 2 does that actually and if I remember Diortem did but I'm not sure about it THE POST
should i bother hving the like like's if they cant eat your shield? THE POST
uh could you reprase that, idk what you mean :P  THE POST
like like = the yellow tube-shaped enemy that sucks you up and steals you shield are they worth having if they cant eat your shield? instead, i could hv it so that while your stuck in it, you slowly lose health. to get out, you would nd to press buttons really fast for encryption, im putting the list (how i store char info) into the str where i plan on storing the names.
This post has been edited by crzyrbl on 15 Aug, 2005, 13:32 THE POST
oh nice, sound like a better idea, I would be annoyed by having to buy a new shield everytime I get eaten by one of those monsters :P  THE POST
right now i hv 8 enemies done, just 4 more. ill do the boss AI after i hv mapping. THE POST
Nice, actually boss in DLQ were ran by different programs becaus ethey wer ein empty areas, but that wasnt much fast and I like how you work on your project so far, one thing at time :)  THE POST
lol, that is how I make my game as well, when I am working on it anyways... I think I might be able to make some progress with it tonight... THE POST
right now, im considering taking out *one of the less exciting weapons* and switching it with the flippers. To save cpu time, you would have to have them equiped to swim. thoughts? THE POST
its a lot simplier to work on one time at a time cuz you cant run into a dozen bugs at once.
(where do i keep getting these ideas from?) i just though of something. for some bosses, i could turn it into sorta of a minigame. One of them could be a shooter. the boss could big a huge dragon or whatever. it would be vertical, like in Zelda II. since you cant jump, there would be a giant ladder all the way to the left. then you would fire arrows at him while he shoots fire at you. that's just one possibility. stop me if im going to far to change Zelda. im just thinking in writing.
This post has been edited by crzyrbl on 15 Aug, 2005, 16:01 THE POST
hmm sound like a good idea, actually too many weapons might be useless, sticking to a small amount might be a better option. Actually I like the new item idea, in reuben quest 2 there was a swimsuit allowing you to swim in less deeper water areas :)  EDIT: aaahhhh!!!!111one try to not double post with so few amount of time between your two posts instead use EDIT in this case. :?  Actualy I like the shooter idea, as long as you can use the Relic oft the past weapons or items in the battle to keep the zelda ambiance. In one of my earlier RPG there was some places that looked like platform games. I like the dragon idea, would be probably challengine enough :)  THE POST
Progress: i lost my calc :dang:  THE POST
O_O  did u got it stolen or did u just lost it at home or your parents took it away? * Kevin
i know its around here somewhere.... last backup i did was when i had 2 enemies. not recent enough for me to continue.
EDIT: i found it, rejoice
This post has been edited by crzyrbl on 16 Aug, 2005, 14:26 THE POST
phew, I was hoping you didnt got it stolen, I saw many projects die because of lost work :?  THE POST
that's how my warcraft game died... THE POST
Wait, you guys do all these awesome z80 BASIC games directly on calc? the sprites too? :o THE POST
yep, well the sprites i use MS paint. :)  *progress: added 1 enemy and fixed bug when you get hit and attack at the same time This post has been edited by crzyrbl on 16 Aug, 2005, 16:58 THE POST
@arti: yeah we all do them on calc, I guess its becaus ethe TI basic editor is better on the 83+ than on the 89, or maybe worse but easier and faster to use @crzyrbl: keep up the god work :)  THE POST
QuoteBegin-Kevin+16 August 2005, 18:41 -->QUOTE (Kevin @ 16 August 2005, 18:41) | @arti: yeah we all do them on calc, I guess its becaus ethe TI basic editor is better on the 83+ than on the 89, or maybe worse but easier and faster to use |
Well, I code all of my BASIC games on-calc as well, but it's just hard to imagine coding large RPG projects directly on-calc, because of the small screen that only allows few lines of code to be displayed at a time. I mean it's efficient for small programs, but I guess it's hell for large ones. THE POST
yeah it is, altough since the 83+ text is bigger this also means its easier to read. Also onthe PC you have to select functions from a menu on the 83+/84+ since they are tokenised. On cale u just go in a menu veyr fast press a easy to remember number key and the whole function is pasted in the editor. I guess its the same for 68k but I think on 68k TI-OS menus are a bit slower what is annoying on the 83+ is when your prgm is 5000 bytes long and u get an error at the end of the program it takes a minute to scroll down when you choose goto :gotosuck:  THE POST
well, the longest prgm i hv in this game isnt even 2k. THE POST
I guess you split up your prgms into sub routines a lot, right? cool. Try to keep the total under 80 though otherwise its very hard to send to calc :P  THE POST
im only up to 43. i cant imagine adding even 20 more. hehe, this is the funniest bug i've ever seen. you know those statues that when you go near them, they spring to life and start stalking you? well, i put a > when a < should have gone or something, and now all they do is run AWAY from you. they're so cowardly...
EDIT: not that this is needed, but if i use flash gordon cuz zcopy is taking to freakin long, i might have a way to archive all AI's...
This post has been edited by crzyrbl on 16 Aug, 2005, 20:06 THE POST
oh nice, yeah some bugs are wacky fun sometimes, everytime I get a bug in BASIC its something similar :D  THE POST
it goes SO slow with my pti and looks like crap. here they are....   nothing like the real deal. EDIT: i just dl-ed and beat doirtem. the boss was awsome! i couldnt kill even one of those metroids though. they moved way too weird. EDIT: all AI programmed. now i have to program hit detection for weapons other than teh two i hv. my fav is the like like, hands down. EDIT: i just realized that flippers really nothing to do with time OR magic. any ideas on how i can incorporate this? EDIT: echo, echo, echo.... EDIT: added block moving funct and sign reading funct. This post has been edited by crzyrbl on 17 Aug, 2005, 12:58 THE POST
QuoteBegin-crzyrbl+16 August 2005, 23:23 -->QUOTE (crzyrbl @ 16 August 2005, 23:23) | it goes SO slow with my pti and looks like crap. here they are....

nothing like the real deal.
Oh nice, ... you even pout animation of enemies dying?? :woot:  what was the attackk when you passed just under the slime like enemy, it killed link litteraly, was it a magic? so far it seems to run still faster than DLQ, DLQ was uber slow with 2 enemies on screen and since PTI is 10% slower I guess yours run at least at 1.5 FPS, which should be fine for a zelda game in BASIC seems that the project is progressing nicely I cant wait to try it, maybe this could be a christmas gift :gift:  QuoteBegin -->QUOTE | EDIT: i just dl-ed and beat doirtem.
QuoteBegin -->QUOTE | what was the attackk when you passed just under the slime like enemy, it killed link litteraly, was it a magic? |
There were statue things in other games that shot lasers that hurt Link really bad... Maybe that is what it is?
QuoteBegin -->QUOTE | oh nice, yeah some bugs are wacky fun sometimes, everytime I get a bug in BASIC its something similar |
Most of my bugs either cause that part of the program to not work, or they cause a RAM reset...
wow, ive never had that serious a bug. the eye statue is a copy of the beamos statue in most zelda games. they shoot lasers. @Kevin: how did you keep track of stuff like opened chests and door in your zelda? THE POST
I don't know how he does it, but I use a list. Say you plan on havin 50 chests, I would set 50/->/dim(L6:Fill(0,L6
When a chest is opened, you store one to it. THE POST
QuoteBegin-crzyrbl+17 August 2005, 18:56 -->QUOTE (crzyrbl @ 17 August 2005, 18:56) | wow, ive never had that serious a bug. the eye statue is a copy of the beamos statue in most zelda games. they shoot lasers. @Kevin: how did you keep track of stuff like opened chests and door in your zelda? |
Actually I got some ram resets when I started using ASM libs, and the worst thing is that I even got a RAM reset without EVEN using ASM libs, it was back when I coded Illusiat 10, in pure BASIC, on TI-83+SE OS 1.13, this OS had lot of bugs actually :ihatemycomp:  I remember the beamos enemy, I have it in drak link quest, actually when you are in his laser range (horizontal or vertical) it prepares to shoot and u only have a second left to avoid it or you lose 3 hearts. And I had no chests/unlockable doors in DLQ, I actually had several switches to hit to open new walls passages and then the final door open (check the DLQ walkthrough), actually everytime you hitted a switch it incremented the main event variable in a list by 1, when you found a heart container it changed a list variable to 1 and incremented your max energy by 1, each hearts piece had a list variable THE POST
here's what a flickery ver. of my brand-new title screen looks like:  notice how flickery the emulator makes it... THE POST
wait did you actually... also did 4 level GS? O_O  well I know a way to stop the flickering though but this isnt easy, you need to make a pattern in the pic and you need 3 pictures instead of 2 :(  About the beta: I actually tried it and it was so awesome, it ran pretty fast with one enemy, but here was a few pb I encountered but I guess this might be easy to fix: Actually the contrast is too light on my 83+SE, I barely see anything while playing and on my bro's regular 83+ I dont see anything at all. This is actually because the 83+ and 83+SE has lighter contrast, maybe you should add an option in the menu (like I did in Reuben Quest 1 and 2) that al;low you to set a default value for the contrast so if its too dark or light you can adjust it. For the fading in/out anims you just have to make them start or stop at that value. Also I couldnt get the enemy to work at all, I kept getting DIM errors regardless of what I typed in the list you told me to add in the code :(  , could you PM me with a list that alerady has real values? othe rthat that awesome work it run really fast and I liked the items and how good they were :thumb:  THE POST
well, where do i start? the constrast should be very easy to fix. go to zshade and just change some numbers with zshade. although this is weird, cuz it was plenty dark on my ti-83+.... here's an example with two enemies at once:{2,1,5,6,0,4,1,4,3,6,6,0,4,1,4->L4 i emailed you the wrong list {#enemies,type,x,y,0,direction,status,HP,repeat i im using 3 pics now. anyone have any ideas for minigames? THE POST
You could always set aside a variable for the contrast and then allow the user to change it: at the beginning store something neutral as the contrast, say 30, then put check for the plus and minus keys, and increment or decrement the contrast variable accordingly.
c1 -->CODE | ec1 3-C real(5,C While 1 getkey->K ... ... ... C-(K=85)+(K=95)->C ... ... ... Endc2 |
hmm... i think i'll have so that it remains at the user's original contrast, after all shading effects. THE POST
yeah or try to make like in reuben or like dys said. Yay the enemy works now !!!! Could you make the octorock enemy so that when you use your shield or your sword the rocks change direction and if they hit the enemy it dies or lose 1 energy? Also it would be cool if the rocks didnt flickered.
I'll try to come up with my title screen soon but you might have to change some stuff in your title screen so it wont flicker when contrast changes, I might post the code of it too
I dunno for mini games though THE POST
i was thinking about doing that, but i goes i forgot or something. i dont think its a big deal though. the original never had that. i was thinking of doing an archery game in hyrule, and a mine cart game in teh mountians. just ideas, no plans yet... THE POST
Nice, I'm glad to hear that you will have features like that! THE POST
I found a new screenshot at MC (did he stopped posting updates here?) , I got time to post it in my news of today, very few free time tho so the news is small... * Kevin
whoops, my bad. http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b189/crz...titlenstuff.gifi hvnt been around all weekend, so no progress or anything. I NEED IDEAS FOR MINI-GAMES!!! seriously, if you dont wanna see tic-tac-toe in zelda, just post something. no updates til the mapping system is complete. (we nd to make an xLib tilemapping prgm in C++) THE POST
how about the mini game from OoA? the claw game? THE POST
QuoteBegin-crzyrbl+21 August 2005, 23:08 -->QUOTE (crzyrbl @ 21 August 2005, 23:08) | we nd to make an xLib tilemapping prgm in C++ |
Merthsoft made a on calc tilemapper in xLIB, which works pretty well, I could maybe optimise it so it has Sam Heald Mario-like sprite selection and it would do the job like a C++ map editor, because if you wait until someone release one Zelda ROTP will never be finished :(  With reuben quest I had a Omnicalc map editor and I made 3 maps per minutes with it THE POST
where can i find it? is it avaliable for download? THE POST
You use 8x12 maps, right? I made one for 8x12 that works well, and I could edit it to your specifications, so tell me what you'd like... It already has a function where you press a button, and your sprite sheet comes up, and you select a sprite... THE POST
8*11 actually (the bar on the left takes a column). in order for it to work, i nd it to make a prgm that puts teh numbers into matrix [A]. i use decimals too, so if you could enable it to do that, that would save a lot of time. for extra credit, you could add a function that would allow me to add data to strings and lists too. THE POST
QuoteBegin-Merthsoft+22 August 2005, 12:38 -->QUOTE (Merthsoft @ 22 August 2005, 12:38) | You use 8x12 maps, right? I made one for 8x12 that works well, and I could edit it to your specifications, so tell me what you'd like... It already has a function where you press a button, and your sprite sheet comes up, and you select a sprite... |
could u PM me that version? Mines is back before I blacklisted MC and CG and it doesnt have a sprite selection screen, you need to press the XTON, STATS, APPS and PRGM to select your desired sprite IIRC THE POST
Yeah, that's correct, I'll see what I can do with that, crzyrbl. I always have decimal funcions... Kevin, I'll upload it sometime. THE POST
cool then :)  THE POST
awsome. til then, i'll take a break from this game. THE POST
dont give upon it though, lot of ppl are waiting for it and this will become a huge hit once released ;)  THE POST
Oh, wow, that means It's up to me to do this soon... Hmm, well, I guess I'll work on it tonight... I'll make a version, upload it, and then you tell me what else you'd like... THE POST
time to start redesigning maps and dungeons again after its done. i've thought about it, and i decided to have only one big weapon per dungeon. this means A. more dungeons B. smaller, easier dungeons in teh beginning. (mine were huge) C. more weapons hidden in the overworld. (i had 0) THE POST
hmm nice, then you would have one quest per dungeon at least. Maybe you should have a secret dsungeon with teh final weapon :)  THE POST
this is a stupid question, but i dont hv a lot of experience in da field. im thinking of getting a powerbook from apple. it'll hv 1 gig of ram 128mb of vRAM in a RADEON 9700 grafx card 80 gigs of storage a backlit keyboard airport extreme card fire wire and usb support Mac OS X 8x drive for RE/WR CD/DVD's mini Ipod free $30 or $80 scanner printer coppier $53 wireless mouse the laptop is 2K now, that wasnt the question. the question is, will merthsoft's tilemapper work on it? (and will i be able to play w0w on it?)
This post has been edited by crzyrbl on 26 Aug, 2005, 20:20 THE POST
My tilemapper is oncalc O_O  THE POST
....oh. i guess the answer is yes then...so are you doing it in assembly? i nd it to create prgms. THE POST
You need the map editor to create programs? This just makes a map onscreen using the matrix for work with xLib... Nothing to extreme. THE POST
guess im back to square one. :crazy:  now i dont know whats gonna be harder. hand coding every line in school, or making a C++ prgm to do it for me. i was hoping i could get through this quick, like the other stages of this project, but now i dunno. for now, i'll make some maps (or start) until something pops up. it always does... THE POST
merthsoft map editor actually let u make a map by selecting sprites and oput them on the map. Once its done you just paste the matrix [A] data into a program and you have a map. With it I was able to make about 10 reuben maps in less than 2 minutes and its cool cuz you dont need to go to the computer everytime you make a map to send it to the calc, its done directly on calc THE POST
im still confused. how do you get [A] into a prgm that makes that [A] :???:  THE POST
open the map editor (once merthsoft send it to u), make your map, press ON, create a new program in the PRGM menu, press 2nd+STO, press 2nd+x-1, select the matrix [A] then press enter twice. Now add ->[A] at the end to store it to a matrix
once I get alll the stuff on my old compy to my new one I might post a screenshot of it THE POST
:crazy:  :crazy:  :crazy:  :crazy:  :crazy:  :crazy:  :crazy:  :crazy:  :crazy:  :crazy:  :crazy:  :crazy:  :crazy:  omg :crazy:  :crazy:  :crazy:  :crazy:  :crazy:  :crazy:  :crazy:  :crazy:  :crazy:  :crazy:  :crazy:  :crazy:  :crazy:  :crazy:  i nvr knew this! this should save alot of time! THE POST
QuoteBegin-crzyrbl+27 August 2005, 14:37 -->QUOTE (crzyrbl @ 27 August 2005, 14:37) | i nvr knew this! |
i guess i probably could hv made a tile mapper...oh well. hows it coming along merthsoft? THE POST
Well, I got one version done, I hope it's what you like: Click on Map Editor 1Something I left out on the readme: Clear quits. This post has been edited by Merthsoft on 27 Aug, 2005, 15:02 THE POST
nice, I'll try it asap, I think it will help crzyrbl a lot . :)  THE POST
I wouldn't recommend a Powerbook, they're very expensive for what they are... if you get a PC notebook with a 64-bit Athlon you'll be able to run OSX on it (OSX for X86 requires SSE2 and iirc only 64-bit AMD cpus have it). THE POST
do they overheat? EDIT: i cant open .rar files <_< This post has been edited by crzyrbl on 27 Aug, 2005, 15:59 THE POST
:(  my comp cant handle anymore crap on it...would it be hard to get it to a .zip format? THE POST
:x  no :x  more :x  prgms :x  for :x  this :x  computer :x  THE POST
sry we posted at the same time I think :D  I unrared the .rar file and made a zip formta, here is it: http://omnimaga.earthforge.com/merthsoftME.zip THE POST
i gotz it working now. i adjusted it so it no longer flickers so im ready to go on elipsy-free. THE POST
QuoteBegin-crzyrbl+27 August 2005, 19:35 -->QUOTE (crzyrbl @ 27 August 2005, 19:35) | it no longer flickers |
something was flickering? Do u mean the arrows weapon? THE POST
the cursor quickly goes back and forth from the background to your tile, but im sure its because im running this on the SE. THE POST
QuoteBegin-crzyrbl+27 August 2005, 20:11 -->QUOTE (crzyrbl @ 27 August 2005, 20:11) | the cursor quickly goes back and forth from the background to your tile, but im sure its because im running this on the SE. |
oh yeah I had this problem on my old tile mapper (the one that uses Omnicalc), but I think this make the cursor easier to distinguish from the rest THE POST
all i did was add
c1 -->CODE | ec1if K=0 then for(theta,1,25 end endc2 |
much easier on the eyes THE POST
Wow, not a bad idea, I made it on an SE, but the flickering never bothered me that much... THE POST
c1 -->CODE | ec1if K=0 then for(theta,1,25 end endc2 |
ec2I think I need to do some change in the website CSS O_O  EDIT: fixed (code was uber small and hard to read) THE POST
QuoteBegin-Kevin+26 August 2005, 8:06 -->QUOTE (Kevin @ 26 August 2005, 8:06) | hmm nice, then you would have one quest per dungeon at least. Maybe you should have a secret dsungeon with teh final weapon :) |
i'm thinking about having a silver edition ONLY dungeon. THE POST
hmm sound like a nice idea, as long as the game stay 83+ compatible :)  THE POST
hehehhe, i hv an idea for a dungeon. mimic rooms. they copy the last room you were in and mess with your head. plus, it saves me space in the memory. it also could be used for climbing several rooms in a row that are all the same (like on the way to the final boss). thoughts? (im still lookin for mini-game ideas, crane game anyone?) THE POST
I think its a cool idea, you should have a pattern (which would require a map given by someone in Hyrule) u must follow and at the end there would be the final boss THE POST
i dont know how to break this, so im just going to have to say it. i used without permission, some sprites from an old game i thought was dead. i tried contacting the author, but i was never able to. i realize i made a bad desision and now that the author, duck (i had NOOOO idea it was him) has found out, has isnt allowing me to use the sprites. all in all, it was about 9 sprites. now there will be a wait for either permission or new sprites. sorry to all. THE POST
ouch that sucks, but its better to ask permission first. What I hate though is when the author never reply to your permission request (like what happened) so you wait and you wait... forever. I am not a very patient person so I dont like to wait too long :(  I hope you'll be able to find (or make) new sprites soon. I guess the game you are talking about is Corbin, right? THE POST
yep. seriously, if i knew it was duck, i would have just asked him. i actually copied less sprites than previously expected. like 6 all together (including big sprites like trees and houses) THE POST
yeah, actually for trees I guess you can take the big trees from link awakening or oracle of ages/seasons and resize them THE POST
i think hes just being hard on me cuz someone did this to him before (only it was his WHOLE PROGRAM) and hes just taking his revenge on me. im sure whatever i change my sprites to, he'll just claim its too much like his because 1. we use 8x8's (not much to change...) and 2. our graphics are BOTH LIKE ZELDA'S!!! he copied his trees to look like zelda's too, so there's really no way to have the trees for instance look completely different from his, yet similiar to zelda's. he either going to let me use his sprites and get in the credits (which i doubt considering how pissed off he is) or is going to have to accept the new sprites and be pissed off anyway. im not in a good position right now, i just have to believe that the TI-community will have enough sense to see that im TRYING to do the right thing.
edit: @merthsoft:can i still use your scrolling routine if i put u in the credits? i need to free up some RAM and i remember yours was shorter.
This post has been edited by crzyrbl on 29 Aug, 2005, 15:58 THE POST
if you can get him to know you were going to give credits maybe u dont need to redo much sprites. :)  THE POST
alright, the crisis is over. i PMed him and he understands now. im glad this whole mess is over with. school starts tomorrow, along-side the begininng of mapping. the overworld might be twice the original size. THE POST
Nice, I hope you'll do fine and never give up on that project, lot of ppl are looking forward for it (including me) :)  THE POST
Yeah, use the routines I make, that's what they're there for. THE POST
Glad the crisis was averted. Duck's a good guy, I figured he'd understand once he realized what had happened. THE POST
I hope this hasnt killed the project though O_O  THE POST
that may have not, but getting a job and WoW (world of warcraft) sure has. I was planning on working on it during my study hall, but my AP calc homework has taken over. going straight from summer into this chaos is crazy. :imbeciles:  THE POST
yeah I can guess, I still hope to see this finished though. :)  EDIT: Try to not get addicted too much to WoW though, last time bram got addicted to it 40% of EPS projects died all at once :(  THE POST
I understand the AP calc, I have it too :(  THE POST
I dunno what it is though, USA school system loks a whole lot different than the one in Canada, I dunno what I'll do and how I will do it but if he doesn't finish it I will. it would be sad to see such awesome game never come out to public :(  THE POST
Do not let this project die O_O  It is imperative that you continue! All of us (programmers) hit road blocks at times. We must encourage, provide ideas, and help our fellow programmer whenever we can. This will help get over those road blocks. THE POST
i still plan to finish it once i get back into the hang of things. right now im sorta hv to look at colleges. THE POST
I have had the same thoughts with Ultima V. I have so much done; however, there is still soooo much more to do :(  It can be a little overwhelming at times. Believe me, I know. Hang in there. Are you stuck somewhere? Let us know... I am sure everyone here at Omnimaga would be more than happy to help :)  THE POST
Im happy to announce now that the SATs are over, im free to work on Zelda again. For the next couple weeks ill be going over legacy code (its all legacy code to me by now...) and come up with a better map storage system. Feel free to post any comments or suggestions. THE POST
oo nice to see its not dead :D  what is a SAT btw? THE POST
standardized achievement test (for college)
This post has been edited by crzyrbl on 8 Oct, 2005, 15:45 THE POST
ah I see :)  THE POST
looks fricken awsome keep up the good work THE POST
Thanks. Ive been trying to work on it when i can. btw Kevin, did you have your enemy AIs in Archive or did you just keep them in RAM in Zelda:DLQ (which i still havent been able to play <_<  )? Same queston for weapon code. i more RAM i could have bigger map blocks. i figure the bigger the map blocks, the better. i will not allow this game to have to load every other scene at the cost of the gamer. right now i have them planned out at 4x4 scenes (similiar to shattered oasis, which is unforunately dead for like the fourth time), but i dont know if i will be able to hit that mark. Also, i heard a rumor that the more RAM the calc has avaliable the faster it performs. can some one verify this rumor? EDIT: 222 posts, WOOT This post has been edited by crzyrbl on 17 Oct, 2005, 22:36 THE POST
QuoteBegin-crzyrbl+8 October 2005, 15:42 -->QUOTE (crzyrbl @ 8 October 2005, 15:42) | ... and come up with a better map storage system. |
The original Ultima V Britannia world map data was stored like this.... - World Map is a grid of 256x256 tiles (64 Kb) and each tile is coded as a single byte (because there are 256 tiles for map data in Ultima V) - The Map is divided into 256 blocks of 16x16 tiles -- these blocks are called chunks (256 bytes per chunk) - A total of 4 chunks are loaded into RAM at a time (1Kb) - When the player crosses a chunk boundary, new chunks are loaded into RAM. These specs can be altered to best fit your need. You could have chunks of 8x8 tiles (64 bytes), then loading 4 chunks only requires 256 bytes. Hope this helps :)  THE POST
Thats what i have now, but im trying to get 16 "chunks" instead of four. visual:
00 00 vs 0000 0000 0000 0000
i feel that hving it in 4 scene (chunk) blocks is not good in basic (fg takes foreva). this means every other room you go in, you have to sit and wait for it to be loaded. 16, or 4x4 blocking can be used to make a floor of a dungeon which is perfect because as you climb up a stairs or fall down a pit, during the "constrast animation" the loading will happen seemlessly. Also, note that the 16 block style allows for a dungeon shape instead of just a square. IE: _00 00000 00000 (i had to use _ cuz space doesnt work here) _00 _00 the upper right part of what could be a castle, possibly with stairs going up to a tower. if you cannot see it, consider that each 0 represents a scene or chunk with its own 15x12 tile map. before i dive back into any of this, i nd to reclaim some much needed RAM, based on the what response i get from Kev.
Edit: 15x12 of 8x8 sprites is what im using.
This post has been edited by crzyrbl on 18 Oct, 2005, 0:26 THE POST
QuoteBegin-crzyrbl+18 October 2005, 0:20 -->QUOTE (crzyrbl @ 18 October 2005, 0:20) | Thats what i have now, but im trying to get 16 "chunks" instead of four.
actually I leave all my maps into archived programs, and whenever I need a matrix (I recommend to stay with 11x8 or 10x8 maps) I do Delvar [A] then I run the program using flash gordon and it store the map into [A]. Enemy AI is never archived, except during boss fight. When a boss fight startys all enemy programs are archived and bnoss programs are unarchived and when its over they are re-archived and enemies are unarchived again. Weapons stay in the RAM, but you could run the weapons that doesnt require much speed from FG, scroll routines are archived (and run from FG), same for shops, NPCs convos, title screen, menu, main menus DLQ is quite old though so I dont remember everything :D  and there are things I really coded badly in this game and that because instead of rewriting the whole engine when its unoptimised I have the bad habit of continuing building over the current one :paf:  THE POST
QuoteBegin-Kevin+18 October 2005, 15:06 -->QUOTE (Kevin @ 18 October 2005, 15:06) | and there are things I really coded badly in this game and that because instead of rewriting the whole engine when its unoptimised I have the bad habit of continuing building over the current one :paf: |
I know what u mean... :D  there are older parts of my engine that I didn
rewriting can make a huge difference though, thats how Illusiat 1 shrinked down from 19 KB to 10 KB on calc and I did that back in early 2002 I am curious how small it would be if I rewriten it now :D  btw edited your sig (added some censoring) THE POST
huh... there wasn
well I wanted to let it but one staff suggested me that it should be removed in case it provocate other ppl but instead I decided to let it and just censor it like on TV :evil:  THE POST
hmpf... I
Certain things run faster with more RAM. In general, you will only notice a slowdown with very little RAM left, however. Although, any program you run with the asm( command will slow down a lot with less free RAM. THE POST
also they tend to slow down even more when you have like 3-100 programs in the PRGM menu THE POST
QuoteBegin-Ranman+18 October 2005, 5:44 -->QUOTE (Ranman @ 18 October 2005, 5:44) | Do you mean your chunk size is 15x12? |
i meant 8 rows and 11 columns of sprites for each screne, sry for the confusion. 9 still seems like too small of a number. too bad the firefox pic was turned down. where did it you find it? THE POST
is there any more progress? THE POST
there was some news a wek ago but I dunno for now, I hope to see new stuff soon THE POST
nothing very exciting is in the works right now. just moving some stuff around to save RAM. I made a rigview slide show with pictures from the internet involving a fight scene between ganon and link, but it lacks a story and every thing else. meh... THE POST
Look everywhere you might find even more rooms in RAM by moving prgm to archive. Thanks to flash gorgon and Resource ;)  THE POST
??....Resource....!!......appears to be yet another way to access archived prgms. only one prgm, not bad. it looks like there's some extra syntax though, does this one run any slower? THE POST
i havent tried it yet, hopefully its faster, I am wondering if it delete the temporary program though or if you need to do it manually THE POST
QuoteBegin-Kevin+24 October 2005, 14:15 -->QUOTE (Kevin @ 24 October 2005, 14:15) | i havent tried it yet, hopefully its faster, I am wondering if it delete the temporary program though or if you need to do it manually |
I tested it: 1. It is way faster... 2. It requires more syntax, because the author implemented two ways of file acessing: for users and for programmers (I use both in my project, btw... ^^) In general, you first call Asm(prgmRESOURCE with the syntax to copy a prgm into RAM, then execute prgmTEMP (is automatically created by Resource and contains a link to the latest program copied), after execution, u use the syntax for deleting the latest made prgm (prgmTEMP is updated to the next newest prgm made)... easy deasy... 3. The temporary programs are NOT deleted automatically, but u can use a simple input to delete the latest program made by Resource... (I found that quite useful... u can execute the same program twice without having to copy it twice like with Flash Gordon... <_< RESOURCE downloadI wrote a "fixed" syntax explanation for it... (Kevin, review my post there so others don
yeah the readme was posted in the file review section as well <_<  so I deleted it because people are not allowed to post anything else than reviews in the archives <_<  here is it tho QuoteBegin -->QUOTE | Here my "fixed" version of readme part where the syntaxes are explained:
Actually I think the author just wasn
ok ^^ THE POST
wait...so how much faster is this then FlashGordan and is this also faster than Zcopy? THE POST
I dunno yet I neeed to try it, sound like an interesting prgm :)  now if only it was implemented in xLIB O_O  THE POST
QuoteBegin-dragon_lance+ -->QUOTE (dragon_lance) | wait...so how much faster is this then FlashGordan and is this also faster than Zcopy? |
Yeah, a lot faster than FlashGordon, I
* Kevin
tested Zcopy... Zcopy can
hmmm....ill definitely try this once im free again. btw, using flash gordon, i hv about 5900 RAM (not counting maps) while running. THE POST
u should definitely switch to Resource, i just tested it and it ROCKS and is faster. Thx SpellShaper for telling us about it :)  THE POST
I'll defitively try it as soon as I am more into calc stuff (right now I am afraid of fading away once more) this sound a lot better than FG and maybe less buggy. I hope it doesnt also use the theta symbol in prgm names tho O_O  THE POST
Oh, I'll have to try out Resource as well. It can use assembly programs 0_0 THE POST
QuoteBegin-Kevin+27 October 2005, 15:21 -->QUOTE (Kevin @ 27 October 2005, 15:21) | I hope it doesnt also use the theta symbol in prgm names tho O_O |
It doesn
is this project still progressing or dead? THE POST
seems dead. Last time he claimed it wasnt but recently there has been some kind of new curse in the TI community. Basically if you buy WoW it means you are retired from the TI community. Ppl seems to be addicted to that :P  THE POST
dont be so melodramatic, ive just been wasting some time while tr1p1ea makes his xLib set for uber pwnage. the new beta xLib now has support for acessing the archived prgms. now i dont need resource or flash gordon. im wondering what else his has up his sleeves. i might start again after the next official ver. of xLib comes out. til then all i can do is plan the layout of the maps. THE POST
QuoteBegin-crzyrbl+1 December 2005, 6:17 -->QUOTE (crzyrbl @ 1 December 2005, 6:17) | dont be so melodramatic, ive just been wasting some time while tr1p1ea makes his xLib set for uber pwnage. the new beta xLib now has support for acessing the archived prgms. now i dont need resource or flash gordon. im wondering what else his has up his sleeves. i might start again after the next official ver. of xLib comes out. til then all i can do is plan the layout of the maps. |
Good new from two fronts -- xLib and ROTP %)  THE POST
QuoteBegin-crzyrbl+1 December 2005, 1:17 -->QUOTE (crzyrbl @ 1 December 2005, 1:17) | dont be so melodramatic, ive just been wasting some time while tr1p1ea makes his xLib set for uber pwnage. the new beta xLib now has support for acessing the archived prgms. now i dont need resource or flash gordon. im wondering what else his has up his sleeves. i might start again after the next official ver. of xLib comes out. til then all i can do is plan the layout of the maps. |
awesome, same here. THE POST
sound nice THE POST
Ah, you coulda let us know that earlier. Still, I did the same thing, waiting for the new version of xLib before starting up again. Fortunately I've got the beta, and let me tell you, it adds more features than you could believe. THE POST
Any updates? THE POST
The new official version of xib is out, I think... THE POST
Not quite, he needs to make a few changes to the readme and ademo I believe. THE POST
yeah but he can use the one in metroid for the time being i think. I am gonna prbly delete this forum soon tho since its have been almost two months since last news THE POST
When did the new xLib come out?? I guess i better download it... THE POST
It came out 1.5 weeks ago, was released at omnimaga then a week later it was added on ticalc.org :)  THE POST
This game seems pretty sweet. * Chu
welcome to the forums, at first I was confused because you had the same avatar than crzyrbl :D  indeed it look nice I am curious how fast it will run with the new xLIB, if its finished THE POST
*kalan_vod wellcomes chu, and also hopes to see new progress on this with the new xlib.* Btw that avatar is in the image gallery of UTI, if not all InvisionFree boards. THE POST
it is on all IF boards i think THE POST
Well at least UTI. THE POST
QuoteBegin-xlibman+Feb 19 2006, 12:43 -->QUOTE (xlibman @ Feb 19 2006, 12:43) | I am curious how fast it will run with the new xLIB, if its finished |
I tested it out, and although you guys cant see it, trust me, it goes even faster.
Btw, ive been looking over the old code, and i realize im gonna have to change a few things. i keep getting a weird bug that makes a shadow of Link! although another link might come in handy in game, its been driving me crazy trying to get rid of him. im gonna have to reprogram much of the attack and enemy code, which i would hv had to hv done anyway since the new xLib came out.
long story short, its not dead, at least not yet.
if you want to help me out, feel free to respond to my upcoming sprite requests if thats your thing. i can do ok 8x8's, but anything larger and i lose it.
Great to hear that it's not dead! I hope you get to finish it, I think you will be finishing it ^.^ (at least I hope so). Yeah I am happy xLIB helped the speed, as it did also in my games :D  . THE POST
me 2, been waiting for a long time!! i think i'm gonna take a break from my zelda project, just too busy right now :(  THE POST
update: (Ya, its been AWHILE) I have successfully replaced all of teh functions used in ZBasic and FlashGordon with the new xLib ones. ive been waiting to do this for so long. hving four less prgms and and more RAM will surely help in the long run. THE POST
:D  , I a happy you have updated that. And soon to see more updates! THE POST
Awesome I'm really looking forward to this game, ask me when you need sprites! THE POST
Wow awesome, its cool that xlib have everything packed up together now we only need one app for everything ,no more sub programs in ASM :D  THE POST
Here is my new sprite request: Remember Roc's Feather from Link's Awakening? Well, i think it would be a cool item to include in this game. For those of you who are not familiar with the feather, it allows Link to jump over trecherous pits of doom (TPD, jk). I nd the sprites for the animation of this. Feel free to post what you can. THE POST
 well, there isnt really a big speed increase from the new xLib. Heres a peek at what i can now do with switches. It wasnt my intention to make what you see a reality, but one thing lead to another... btw, i still nd some sprites of Link jumping with roc's feather THE POST
wow pretty nice I like the animation when u make the treasure chest appear. Sry I am not good much at sprites :(  * xlibman
Wow, I think your zelda sprites are great! I really like your 8x8 zelda too :P  . THE POST
QuoteBegin-xlibman+Feb 23 2006, 20:21 -->QUOTE (xlibman @ Feb 23 2006, 20:21) | wow pretty nice I like the animation when u make the treasure
where is roc's animation feather? so far i think your game looks great!! i'd love to discuss with u sometime some zelda programming stuff...could help both our games :)  THE POST
Great! I am glad you got the feather thing added. What sprite did you use? THE POST
really cool I am curious about the sprite THE POST
 it runs faster on calc, blah blah, yada yada it now takes 19780 bytes (with only the maps youve seen) ive archived the enemy AI, the maps, the menu weapons, even the ASM greyscale title screen THE POST
Dude this look so cool! O_O  . Btw is that weapon using rotating sprites? and also the contrast change looks awsome! THE POST
it does, sweet!!!! Nice job Crzyrbl!! Can't wait for the Game!! :thumb:  i'm really curious about how you did entering doors? for me, i have them saved in the map storage prgm, then you access it and the main map [A]-> and the inside of house gets stored to [A] THE POST
The reason why I think this game is working so well it that i make everything universal Whenever i want a new map, i call prgmZMAP that calls a temp prgm based on String5, where in the overworld, or which dungeon link is in then its puts the map->[A] based on if statements where I=x loc,J=y loc, and U=depth of the map in the overworld so if i wanted to make a pit that leads to the floor below it, all i nd to do is U-1->U and call prgmZMAP hey...that gives me an idea.... THE POST
yay! He has ideas...now we will have fall through (not die) floors! THE POST
OMG this game has stuff old zelda doesnt even have, awesome crzyrbl ^^
nice jumping animation THE POST
What zelda had jumping? THE POST
QuoteBegin-kalan_vod+Feb 28 2006, 13:45 -->QUOTE (kalan_vod @ Feb 28 2006, 13:45) | What zelda had jumping? |
Link's Awakening for the GB. Its really old, but AS GOOD AS ANY ZELDA OUT THERE. its really amazing what they were able to do on that little GB's Z80 processor. This is why recreating it for the calc has been the goal for sooooo many asm coders. but i am not trying to recreate it, this is a stand-alone zelda.
btw, for the story, i was thinking of instead of having Ganon for the last boss, having some new enemy....A GIANT BASILISK! In fact, all the bosses might end up being snakes in one way or another...
Sounds cool! And yeah we should be able to recreate any GB game! THE POST
Ooh! Can you do scorpions too?
and 1000th post in the featured project section! edit: nevermind, that's kalan's honor! This be 1001.
This post has been edited by Radical Pi on 28 Feb, 2006, 17:32 THE POST
dang, i just realized bombs are the only thing that use magic right now! now what... the first thing that comes to mind is adding those cool medallions from A Link to the Past. what does everyone think? THE POST
A basilisk could be done really well... I can't wait to see how bosses turn out, they should be able to run a lot faster than in Diortem or Metroid BASIC because you don't have to worry about vertical movement. THE POST
I don't think I ever faced a boss in zelda, hence I haven't played it much :D  . But yeah medallions would be cool! THE POST
maybe the mantis in Dark Link Quest, it should be a whole lot faster in xLIB as you wouldnt need to display 3 rows of animated ascii text @Radical Pi: yeah I noticed some new admin try to reach my post count lately %)  QuoteBegin -->QUOTE | Post stats March 2006
Update: added mini magic potions can now be dropped by enemies and pots. they will increase your magic. added rumble effect, which is evident in all explosions! added bombos medallion from A Link To The Past (I think Kevin had this too) when you select it, you press a series of button presses. depending on the combo YOU input, a different pattern of explosions will ensue. (the medallion is 60%done and it pwns EVERYTHING) THE POST
AWESOME!!! can't wait for a new screenshot showing it off. Your amazing cryzbl, a true inspiration... :D  THE POST
cool stuff... btw crzyrbl I just realised I still have the old demo u sent me 6 months ago on my SE :D  sometiems I play again :D  THE POST
heh, does it have the old shadow link and unkillable enemy errors? btw, try to resist the urge to redistribute it. I still hvnt decided whether or not to release a demo... oh ya, awsome news, a friend i know at school has decided to help with the cutscenes! He will draw pics in greyscale and ill use rigview to port it to the calc. Hes a real good artist and specializes in drawing anime/comic book characters. THE POST
sound cool, I believe the version u sent me required me to input a list and number to change to another enemy THE POST
Wow, both updates sound great! So the rumble effect is the screen moving in all directions? or what....Do I have to wait for a new ss :(  :D  . THE POST
the screen doesnt move in ALL directions; if it did, all the non-tilemap data would get corrupted. you will definiately be able to see it in the next ss. I can also use it to show oversized bosses stomping around, maybe...
quick question to kev: At how many prgms do i expience problems such as not being able to scroll the prgm menu or whatever. Try to be specific in numbers and problems so i can try to prgm around them ;D THE POST
the program menu crashing when scrolled with over 50 programs approximately only happens on OS 1.13. If u are using any other calc OS you shouldnt not have any problems. Hence why there is a notice in RL1-RL2-RL3-DLQ readmes saying that the game has problem with OS 1.13.
This post has been edited by xlibman on 4 Mar, 2006, 20:22 THE POST
Great. Thats one less thing i hv to worry about. But before I post the next ss, i got two more questions:
1: I hear that youre NEVER supposed to use goto and lbl, but i used it in my menu prgm in the main loop so that the key detection is dramatically increased. Can this cause a problem, or even a memory leak?
2: Can this "Basic Builder" call prgms outside of the app? if so, is it usable with xLib or even viable to turn the nonmap prgms into an app? im really curious!
it would be shocking if i could show the next ss being started off of an app! THE POST
I don't believe it is suggested to run a program using xlib inside an app as it may use some RAM being used by xlib and may become unstable. One lbl/goto willn't cause too much of a memory leak, but if you are just useing it in this way c1 -->CODE | ec1Lbl M getkey->K If not(Ans Goto Mc2 |
ec2 if that's the case then you could simple do this c1 -->CODE | ec1Repeat Ans getkey->K Endc2 |
ec2 Which will be faster and more stable. THE POST
the beginning is messed up cause i entered in the wrong combo. the other random pauses are the spots where i enter in the combo.  Bombos medallion combos: If your facing ^ for ex, ^ < > ^ or ^ > < ^ will make a cone shaped AoE if your facing > for ex, > < > > will attack enemies in a line. no matter where you facing, you can press < ^ > v for the nova AoE (AoE == Area of Effect) Its a little slow for the 83, but on the 83+/84/84+ its much better. It wont be that big a deal however because it wont be used alot because of the magic it takes to cast. also, this weapon will be bought, NOT found in a dungeon, which makes it even more optional. THE POST
That's AWSOME! I really think all the zelda games coming out look really cool! This is a great feature, and I don't think anyone else has this feature :O. It being buyable sounds really cool! And I can't wait to play this! I know I said really alot, but this game really looks/sounds really really cool B)  . THE POST
I completely agree!! sweet work!! :thumb:  so how far are you into dungeons? THE POST
Thanks for all the support! I havent really started on the dungeons yet, but that is the next thing on my list after making the overworld. I wanted to be sure everything non-map-related was working so I would not have to change every map if forgot something. the bosses will be interesting to have to prgm to say the least. I have a sketch on what the overworld will look like, now i nd to draw it with sprites THE POST
Looks very good! Can't wait to try out ^^ THE POST
:bow:  THIS IS AMZING!!!!!!!!!! :bow:  can't wait to play it THE POST
awesome man, awesome :bow:  THE POST
i finally have a working, universal way to keep track of all events. i plan on using the same method to track unlocked doors. prgms added: ZTAG ZBIN
the calc can only hold 10 or so digits of a number. one number is designated per area. broken down to binary, it allows 32 "on's" or "off's" aka 1/0. each number covers the area of 4 rows and 4 columns over 2 floors (4*4*2=32!!!) after an event, ZTAG adds to the number based on your MAP location using 2^( + 4 + 32fPart( /2) ) Whenever i need to know about an scene's switch, i call ZBIN to automatically analyze the area's number and the scene location to return a 1 or 0. THE POST
very cool idea, do you use temp programs with xlib? (Nice to see nhew progress on this btw)
This post has been edited by xlibman on 7 Apr, 2006, 17:50 THE POST
yep, i use XLib's temp prgm creator THE POST
Sweet! More progress! :D  Keep it up! THE POST