First for every line of pixels you want to create you must create 2 lists and save separately to 2 variables, 1 will determine the x coordinate, 1 for the y coordinate eg: px1, py1
Ok here's more now
As you have looked at my screenshots from my first topic for HBs, there are 2 health bars. I zoomed the graphing window in so that my values for the variables would line up. with me so far? window x min -10 x max 10. y min -2 y max 5.44 I adjusted the window for the best fit and so that the bars wouldn't look too fat or thin
Now onto how it works
I created 4 'lines' of pixels for each bar so the first bar has variables px1 - px4 and py1 - py4 that determine how much health is in the bar. got it?
You have to trial and error to see which coordinates will work. you can also zoom in to see more clearly and zoom back out to see how it will look to the rest of the people who try the program
How to get pixels to display???
Not many people have discovered how to do this. Only Elliot way with his graphical card games and some others have got it. It took me a while before i got it too.
To get the points to plot you go to the graphing window. Press menu and change the type of graph from function to scatter plot. This is how you can put in x and y coordinates. Got it?
Then go down the bottom to the function bar, you will see s1 { ->
something like that. at the top put in px1 at the bottom put in py1
when you have put in lists in for these two variables, the pixels should start showing
1 function for each line of pixels so s2 will have px2 and py2 and so on...