
Calculator Community => Other Calc-Related Projects and Ideas => Topic started by: Jonius7 on October 08, 2010, 06:36:26 am

Title: The Secret of the Health Bars for the TI-nspire! 2nd topic for HBs
Post by: Jonius7 on October 08, 2010, 06:36:26 am
sneakpeek here!!! more coming soon!
Sneakpeek here!!!
Spoiler For Spoiler:
First for every line of pixels you want to create you must create 2 lists and save separately to 2 variables, 1 will determine the x coordinate, 1 for the y coordinate eg: px1, py1

Ok here's more now
As you have looked at my screenshots from my first topic for HBs, there are 2 health bars. I zoomed the graphing window in so that my values for the variables would line up. with me so far? window x min -10 x max 10. y min -2 y max 5.44 I adjusted the window for the best fit and so that the bars wouldn't look too fat or thin

Now onto how it works
I created 4 'lines' of pixels for each bar so the first bar has variables px1 - px4 and py1 - py4 that determine how much health is in the bar. got it?
You have to trial and error to see which coordinates will work. you can also zoom in to see more clearly and zoom back out to see how it will look to the rest of the people who try the program

How to get pixels to display???
Not many people have discovered how to do this. Only Elliot way with his graphical card games and some others have got it. It took me a while before i got it too.
To get the points to plot you go to the graphing window. Press menu and change the type of graph from function to scatter plot. This is how you can put in x and y coordinates. Got it?
Then go down the bottom to the function bar, you will see s1 { ->
something like that. at the top put in px1 at the bottom put in py1
when you have put in lists in for these two variables, the pixels should start showing
1 function for each line of pixels so s2 will have px2 and py2 and so on...
Title: Re: The Secret of the Health Bars for the TI-nspire! 2nd topic for HBs
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on October 08, 2010, 09:39:09 am
Cool, I'll check again for more info. For 8 pixel bars can you simply do a For() loop btw?
Title: Re: The Secret of the Health Bars for the TI-nspire! 2nd topic for HBs
Post by: Snake X on October 08, 2010, 09:58:08 am
yay! the secret is coming... :D
Title: Re: The Secret of the Health Bars for the TI-nspire! 2nd topic for HBs
Post by: yunhua98 on October 08, 2010, 10:21:45 am
who's betting that if TI search bots find out about this they will have it disabled for the next OS version?

jk, just put the code in code tags, though
Title: Re: The Secret of the Health Bars for the TI-nspire! 2nd topic for HBs
Post by: willrandship on October 08, 2010, 11:11:49 am
Why would TI be against this? It's not like it's an OS bug to run ndless :P

So, it sounds like you can plot horizontal lines of any length, am I right? This would be so nice for programming.
Title: Re: The Secret of the Health Bars for the TI-nspire! 2nd topic for HBs
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on October 08, 2010, 05:48:05 pm
Darn if TI would do that they would sink to a new all-time low x.x

Also nice you are still around Willrand :D
Title: Re: The Secret of the Health Bars for the TI-nspire! 2nd topic for HBs
Post by: Jonius7 on October 08, 2010, 09:19:53 pm
ooh lots of commenets!
for DJ omni, i think i kind of get whtat you mean the For( loop can create animating health bars!!!
also one note, my cdalc right now is dead and i have to wait to get new batteries, fortunately i have the program on my computer i can run it through the emulator and write my tutorial from there. stay tuned!

I don't think ti would be actually against this since it's just using their incapable BASIC language. just a BASIC program. however if i were to use assembly (coding in C which i don't know how to) well that would be more prone to TI suspicion

but if they did actually sue me or something, well after TI-84SE discontinuation and the rest... it's probably getting unethical. seriously, i think Casio doesn't even go nearly as far as limiting TI-nspire BASIC language in the first place

Then again i think TI doesn't really care about what programs are released in BASIC language anyway (look at all the ones on i think it's the assembly programs ti's worried about...
Title: Re: The Secret of the Health Bars for the TI-nspire! 2nd topic for HBs
Post by: meishe91 on October 08, 2010, 10:04:28 pm
Ya, there is no reason TI would sue you. You haven't done anything wrong. It is only the Ndless stuff and such that they want to stop, or at least that's what we think.
Title: Re: The Secret of the Health Bars for the TI-nspire! 2nd topic for HBs
Post by: Jonius7 on October 08, 2010, 10:45:50 pm
Thanks for that, now when my calc gets back online (new batteries i mean) ill make the health bars animating, i think ill post it in the original health bars topic (RPG Style Health bars for the TI-nspire)
Title: Re: The Secret of the Health Bars for the TI-nspire! 2nd topic for HBs
Post by: willrandship on October 09, 2010, 01:11:27 pm
Any chance at a code example of how it's done? or at least, what the plotting command is called? I can't figure out how to graph them :P The library doesn't have any commands I can find for this sort of thing.

Does it have to be OS 2.0/2.1 or does it work with lower ones?
Title: Re: The Secret of the Health Bars for the TI-nspire! 2nd topic for HBs
Post by: Jonius7 on October 10, 2010, 12:32:26 am
ah im getting to that, there is no actual command however... check my first post soon for the big revelation!

I have now uploaded it to, check it in the next few days for the program.
now i made myself a promise to give SnakeX a first opportunity...
well i owe him one and have sent the program to him! The program shall be available to everyone else very soon!
Title: Re: The Secret of the Health Bars for the TI-nspire! 2nd topic for HBs
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on October 10, 2010, 01:41:13 am
Cool! I'Ll check out soon. Next: Starcraft in TI-Nspire BASIC ;D
Title: Re: The Secret of the Health Bars for the TI-nspire! 2nd topic for HBs
Post by: Jonius7 on October 10, 2010, 01:42:35 am
Ooh starcraft... Possibly
[rest deleted]
Title: Re: The Secret of the Health Bars for the TI-nspire! 2nd topic for HBs
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on October 10, 2010, 01:53:03 am
I like how you said you wanted to move on from the whole code theft issue and even begged for the topic to be split, yet now you launch a provocative remark at me because I wanted to move on too by changing my mind about trying the program or not.
Title: Re: The Secret of the Health Bars for the TI-nspire! 2nd topic for HBs
Post by: Jonius7 on October 10, 2010, 02:08:28 am
sorry i didn't exactly mean that. It was meant to be an informal question...
Arrgh this is exactly what i feared... If i got myself banned a second time then I know it would be a permanent one...
This hasn't felt like a tutorial, i might need to restart...
Title: Re: The Secret of the Health Bars for the TI-nspire! 2nd topic for HBs
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on October 12, 2010, 04:54:42 am
Mhmm could you post what you had so far? It's up to you, though. Also can grayscale be used in such bars (knowing the OS itself is in grayscale0?
Title: Re: The Secret of the Health Bars for the TI-nspire! 2nd topic for HBs
Post by: Jonius7 on October 17, 2010, 06:25:51 am
That's the thing, it's very disappointing, TI-84 axe parser can do greyscale, however while Ti-nspire should do grey scale, it can't. Edit: yes it can now, new discoveryBasically it's already hard to create graphical games for it because you have to put it as a scatter plot (a bit inefficient, but works), however, what i think is REALLY so very disappointing is that the OS doesn't allow you to put in different color pixels. I mean seriously, the CAsio 9850 allowed it, if Ti didn't have grey scale plotting to show different line equations for example, then it really is shameful.

Yet another reason why the OS is limiting the TI-nspire's potential. A custom OS or Skin like doorscs7 should be made for it in Assembly. It would do TI good.

After saying all that, I think, DJ, I should post stuff like that time when I said i made a great discovery and stuff in my Introduce Yourself Section, remember. Thanks, DJ Omni for the inspiriation!

So listing/summarising the stuff still to be developed:

1: animating health bars (possible)
2: This is an idea to simulate the grey scale colour as realistically as possible: for darker colours, put each pixel closer together, for lighter colours put each pixel further away, this would be even harder to implement than what I have already done as when changing colour the plots would have to be recalculated, still it would look like polka dot patterns instead of true greyscale.
3: Greyscale plotting

Next post: more details on my current progress
Title: Re: The Secret of the Health Bars for the TI-nspire! 2nd topic for HBs
Post by: apcalc on October 17, 2010, 09:10:42 am
Change the color of any graph like so:

Title: Re: The Secret of the Health Bars for the TI-nspire! 2nd topic for HBs
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on October 22, 2010, 09:55:33 pm
Wow that's great! I didn't notice those posts before so I kinda missed it.
Title: Re: The Secret of the Health Bars for the TI-nspire! 2nd topic for HBs
Post by: Jonius7 on October 23, 2010, 09:51:25 pm
as i have announced on the other topic, #3 is now already implemented, greyscale bars! thanks to apcalc
Title: Re: The Secret of the Health Bars for the TI-nspire! 2nd topic for HBs
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on October 24, 2010, 06:42:30 pm
Cool :D
Title: Re: The Secret of the Health Bars for the TI-nspire! 2nd topic for HBs
Post by: yunhua98 on November 04, 2010, 04:59:32 pm
I noticed something similar today uploaded to ticalc:
Title: Re: The Secret of the Health Bars for the TI-nspire! 2nd topic for HBs
Post by: qazz42 on November 04, 2010, 05:01:28 pm
lol, already the idea was stolen O_o
Title: Re: The Secret of the Health Bars for the TI-nspire! 2nd topic for HBs
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on November 04, 2010, 09:29:42 pm
Maybe he had a similar idea and it's a coincidence? But you may want to check his program to make sure.
Title: Re: The Secret of the Health Bars for the TI-nspire! 2nd topic for HBs
Post by: Jonius7 on November 06, 2010, 11:18:06 pm
oh it's by elementcoder. don't worry guys, we both keep email contact with each other and he told me that he was working on something similar. id better try his program...

Ok now ive tried it...
his health bars are quite different and the same to mine... a advantage of his is that they can be dragged around without affecting the bar... he uses some geometry method that i haven't figured out yet...

Also i am releaseing early a newer version of my health bars that should be on
Title: Re: The Secret of the Health Bars for the TI-nspire! 2nd topic for HBs
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on November 07, 2010, 04:09:37 am
Oh I see, I am really curious what you guys will come up with again in the future. ;D