Super Mario ASCII pure basic is dead. Vaporware'd
Super Mario with Omnicalc support has been born from it.
Why Omnicalc? There's nothing good for omnicalc, that gives it a bad name. If just one omniprogram was great, people would see how good it can be.
Why Omnicalc from a programming perspective? The custom font option allows for great sprites (not talking about size/detail) and they're small: built in to the calc technically. Also, the sound capabilities. Super Mario is THE ONLY low quality beeping sound song to have.
Why else? A break in tradition... other than those reasons I'd never reccommend Omnicalc to someone...
So what to do now? Just make the sprites, engine, level editor, and wait for you guys to do the rest. >
Thus if you want to say smASCII is dead, fine, but its still ASCII sort of... Omni Mario ASCII?