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install_tilp.sh automatically updates files from SVN (soon Git), then compiles them
1°) It is possible to install TI-Connect(tm) / TI-Nspire Computer (Link) Software(tm)and TILP side by side, but this requires a manual configuration.The following steps assume that TI-Connect / TINC(L)S is already installed:* download the filter driver installer and install it, using the instructions given at http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/libusb-win32/wiki , section "Filter Driver Installation";* launch the filter wizard (accessible from the new entry in the Start menu) when the device (SilverLink, 84+, 89T, 84+SE, Nspire) you want to use with both TILP and TI-Connect / TILP and (TINCLS or TINCS) is plugged *in*;* install the filter driver for that particular device;* run the TILP installer.After that, the device ought to work in both TILP and TI-Connect / TILP and (TINCLS or TINCS).
Full Path: c:\documents and settings\albert\my documents\tilp_setup.exe________________________________________________________On computers as of:8/20/2011 at 11:49:22 AMLast Used:8/20/2011 at 11:49:21 AMStartup Item:NoLaunched:No________________________________________________________Very Few UsersFewer than 5 users in the Norton Community have used this file.____________________________MediumThis file risk is medium.____________________________Threat DetailsThreat type: Insight Network Threat. There are many indications that this file is untrustworthy and therefore not safe____________________________OriginDownloaded from http://lpg.ticalc.org/prj_tilp/beta/setup.exehttp://lpg.ticalc.org/prj_tilp/beta/setup.exe Downloaded File tilp_setup.exe(WS.Reputation.1) from: ticalc.orgtilp_setup.exe____________________________File ActionsFile: c:\documents and settings\albert\my documents\tilp_setup.exeRemoved____________________________File Thumbprint - SHA:4638cb5c3fd0be3d5e0187955f68f36bcba64bf7817c079052b7cfe1a51fc161____________________________File Thumbprint - MD5:dfcdff1d389271e405ec2717efff3fba____________________________
WARNING: Improper use of libusb-win32 install-filter can cause devices to malfunction and in some cases complete system failure.DISCLAIMER: THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED IN AN "AS IS" CONDITION. NO WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE APPLY TO THIS SOFTWARE. THE ORGANIZATION SHALL NOT, IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER.USAGE: install-filter [install|uninstall|list] <-ac> <-dc> <-ad> <-c=> <-d=> <-f=> <-p=> <-w=>Commands: Compatible Switches: install (i/-i) <-ac> <-c=> <-d=> <-f=> <-p=> <-w=> uninstall (u/-u) <-ac> <-c=> <-d=> <-f=> <-p=> <-w=> <-ad> list (l/-l) <-ac> <-dc> <-c=> <-p=> <-w=>NOTE: * If no switches are specified, the default class key list is used. * 64bit OSes must use the 64bit version of this application.Switches For Class Filters: --all-classes (-ac) install : Adds libusb-win32 as an upper class filter for all classes in the USB enumerator. (Same as -dc in install mode) uninstall: Removes libusb-win32 as an upper class filter for all known classes. This is a FULL class removal. list : Displays all known classes. --device-classes (-dc) install : Adds libusb-win32 as an upper class filter for all classes in the USB enumerator. uninstall: Removes libusb-win32 as an upper class filter for all classes in the USB enumerator. list : Displays all classes in the USB enumerator and the devices contained within them. --class=<nameOrGuid> (-c=) install : Adds libusb-win32 as an upper class filter for the specified class only. Classes can be specified by name or guid. uninstall: Removes libusb-win32 as an upper class filter for the specified class only. Classes can be specified by name or guid. list : Displays information about the specified classes and the devices contained within them.Switches For Device Filters: --device=<hwid> (-d=) install : Adds libusb-win32 as an upper device filter for the specified device. uninstall: Removes libusb-win32 as an upper device filter for the specified device. list : <NA> --all-devices (-ad) install install : <NA> uninstall: Removes libusb-win32 device filters from all devices in the USB enumerator. list : <NA>Switches For INF Files: --inf=<your_file.inf> (-f=) install : Installs usb device(s) from an inf file. uninstall: Attempts to roll back a device driver installation. If rollback fails or is unavailable, the device is removed and all root hubs are restarted. list : <NA>Common Switches: --prompt=<your_prompt_string> (-p=) Prompts the user with the specified string before running. To include spaces in the prompt string, place the entire switch in double quotes. Example: "-p=Are you sure?" --wait=<your_wait_string> (-w=) After the operation completes, displays the specified string and waits for user input. To include spaces in the prompt string, place the entire switch in double quotes. Example: "-w=Press any key.."Examples: install-filter install --device-classes install-filter uninstall --all-classes install-filter list --device-classes install-filter install --class={00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} install-filter install "--device=USB\Vid_04d8&Pid_000c&Rev_0000" install-filter install --device=USB\Vid_04d8.Pid_000c.Rev_0000 install-filter install --inf=your_file.inf
Unable to execute file:C:\Users\olivier\AppData\Local\Temp\is-3PC28.tmp\gtk-2.12.9-win32-2.exeCreateProcess failed; code 740.The requested operation requires elevation.
@runeazn: well, I haven't seen this behaviour myself, and the other people in this topic don't seem to have seen it (on older versions, at least). I'll try to reproduce it...@alberthro:1) Thanks for the report.At least one of the files used to be invalid, but I thought I had uploaded a fixed file... Maybe the one I uploaded on ticalc.org is better. Anyway, you have already found the newer beta in this topic 2) Ah, the joys of false positives produced by the defective products of the highly lucrative AV software industry scam / circus...Looks like some members of the AV industry scam allow random people to indicate that a piece of software (at that, one generated under Linux by a cross-compiler and assembled by InnoSetup running in Wine...) is malware, without screening the results. Why would they trust anyone - even a maintainer - to indicate that the report is incorrect, as far as he knows ? Authors of genuine malware (the one that only at best 20% of AV software can detect - over the years, I've fixed a number of computers of relatives that were struck despite the presence of various AV software made by various members of that bunch of crooks...) could do exactly the same with their products, since the AV vendor evidently doesn't check the results.It's like the no-fly list: it's very easy to be put in it, but it's nearly impossible to get out...3) Well, automatic installation of the libusb filter driver is not recommended by its authors, so I'd rather not go that route At least, not for TILP II 1.16, all the more it may indeed increase the AV false positive rate even further (I had never thought of that downside of embedding the filter driver installer, but since you mention it...).