This is the project that I alluded to
here- a program to extract data from X-Link appvars into programs.
X-Link is potentially very useful in that it allows 83+/84+ calcs to receive data from all other TI calculators (the 85, 86, and 68ks- not Nspire though). But because the 89 Titanium has a very large archive memory, I would rather store TI-84+ programs on the Titanium and send them to an 84+ instead.
Rather than try to create an 89 version of X-Link, I decided to do something simpler. Make a computer program to package 8xp files as 89y custom variables (called "X-Packager"), and then make a z80 assembly program to unpack X-Link appvars and copy the contents into a program.
This would allow a TI-89 user to download TI-84+ games and share them with friends who have z80 calculators (the reason I wanted to do it).
I'd say it's about 50% complete. I've completed a Python program to make the 89y files (it uses ttbin2oth from the TI-68k Developer Utilities for the packaging, and a Python script I wrote to extract data). And I've written a z80 assembly program to extract data from an appvar and copy it to a program (I used Andree Chea's
ZCopy as an example for this- it basically did what I wanted, but it copied a program into another program.
I still need an X-Link appvar containing a TI-89 variable, however, to take this any further, for the reasons outlined in the other topic.