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Offline DrDnar

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You can help us solve a few mysteries!
« on: July 10, 2011, 08:40:31 pm »
In the past few weeks, we've resolved many important mysteries concerning the hardware of the TI-83+ series of calculators. However, there are still questions remaining. There are three questions that I cannot answer without amassing data from other people. They are:
  • What does port 15h mean?
  • What does port 3Ah mean?
  • Do the autoselect commands work on all units?
  • Is the boot sector of the TI-83+ locked by the flash chip?
By giving me some simple information and running a small program on your calculator, you can help answer these questions. People with any model, from the TI-83+ to the TI-84+SE, can help.

Skip to the How to Help heading if you're super lazy or just have no curiosity.

Current Theories
Port 15h has a non-zero value on the TI-83+SE and above. Its value never changes on any one particular unit, but it seems to be different on different units. Also, I've heard nothing about its value on a TI-83+. I think port 15h may be some kind of ASIC hardware version indicator. To verify this, I need data from many units. I'd also like to know whether it reports anything of interest on the TI-83+.

By request of thepenguin77, I've added a test concerning port 3A. It has something to do with USB. DanE (the prophet from the Kingdom of USB) believed it was a USB driver revision ID. We may ask you additional questions if we see an interesting value, because we have some evidence to indicate that it means something really important.

Similarly, I need data from many units too see if the autoselect commands work. I'm particularly interested in the TI-83+, because autoselect hasn't been tested on it. What is autoselect, you ask? It's a special command that allows you to query the flash chip for its manufacturer ID and device ID. The manufacturer ID will probably change from unit to unit, but the device ID should be the same for all models:
  • 23h or 0B9h for the TI-83+
  • 0DAh for the TI-84+
  • 0C4h for the TI-83+SE and the TI-84+SE
Previously, we used port 21 to distinguish between the TI-84+ and the TI-84+SE, but port 21 can be programmed to lie. If autoselect is reliable, we have a way to be certain. (I also believe that the TI-84+ and the TI-84+SE and fully identical except for the flash chip.)

Finally, you may be aware that we've succeeded in unlocking the boot sector of the TI-83+SE and TI-84+/SE. <technical stuff> However, the hardware of the TI-83+ is different. We're not sure if the boot sector on that model can be unlocked. The data sheet for the flash chip says that the chip can be configured, using a piece of hardware known as an external flash programmer, to permanently lock any combination of sectors from being written to or erased. The TI-83+SE and above don't use this method of protection, and it's possible that the TI-83+ doesn't, either. The bad news is that this can only be undone by applying 12 V to one particular pin. </technical stuff>

The good news is that there is a way to find out whether or not the flash chip's internal protection--and therefore if the boot sector can be changed--is being used: there is one additional autoselect command that allows you to query whether any particular sector is has been protected with the flash chip's internal protection. If the boot sector of the TI-83+ is locked with this protection, it will return 01; if not, 00. If you get a 00 on a TI-83+, then there may be a way to unlock the TI-83+'s boot sector.

How to Help
First, answer a few questions about your calculator.
  • 1. What is the model? (TI-83+, TI-83+SE, TI-84+, or TI-84+SE)
  • 2. What is the HW revision? (This is the last six digits of the serial number on the back of your calculator. Mine is S-0605D.)
  • 3. Do you need ALCDFIX? If you've never had any issues with corrupted graphics in games, you don't need it. Optional: If you do need ALCDFIX, how much delay does it add? (check ports 29 and 2A in Calcsys) Just say "yes" if you have a TI-83+.
Next, run the attached program (hwtests.8xp) on your calculator, using the Asm( token found under 2nd+0. The source is attached below, too. This program will report some information:
  • 4. The program version number
  • 5. Do you have the full 128 K of RAM?
  • 6. The value in port 15
  • 7. The value in port 3A
  • 8. The manufacturer ID and the device ID returned by the autoselect commands
  • 9. The protection status of sectors 1F, 3F, and 7F
Post your answers here.

Mine are
  • 1. TI-84+SE
  • 2. S-0605D
  • 3. No LCD issues.
  • 4. Version #2
  • 5. Do you have the full 128 K of RAM? Yes.
  • 6. The value in port 15: 45
  • 7. The value in port 3A: 00
  • 8. The manufacturer ID and the device ID returned by the autoselect commands: 04 (Fujitsu) C4 (2048 K chip, top boot)
  • 9. The protection status of sectors 1F, 3F, and 7F: all 00

Other Mysteries
There are still other unknown ports. If you have hardware that can supply your calculator with a carefully variable voltage (from 2.9 to 5.0 VDC), let me know and I'll send you another program. I believe that the calculator can test the voltage down to at least half a volt of accuracy by writing to port 04, but I don't have the hardware to test this.

Other unknown ports are listed at WikiTI.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2011, 03:20:24 am by DrDnar »
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Re: You can help us solve a few mysteries!
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2011, 08:47:18 pm »
As I have a decent size collection of graphing calculators I'd be happy to help testing. I'll test and post results tomorrow. =)

Offline Runer112

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Re: You can help us solve a few mysteries!
« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2011, 08:48:10 pm »
Here's some information from my ancient calculator:

  • 1. TI-84+ SE
  • 2. S-0404
  • 3. ALCDFIX not needed
  • 4. Program version #2 used
  • 5. 128 K RAM: Yes
  • 6. Port 15: 44
  • 7. Port 3A: 0F
  • 8. IDs: 04C4
  • 9. P?: 000000
« Last Edit: July 10, 2011, 09:46:34 pm by Runer112 »

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Re: You can help us solve a few mysteries!
« Reply #3 on: July 10, 2011, 08:50:02 pm »
1. 84+
2. S-0406F
3. Yes ( although since I use DCS I haven't had to worry about it for a while )
4. Yes
5. 45
6. 00
7. 01DA
8. 000000
( Keep in mind I use ZStart and have modified my certificate with my name )
« Last Edit: July 10, 2011, 09:13:00 pm by Eeems »

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Re: You can help us solve a few mysteries!
« Reply #4 on: July 10, 2011, 08:54:39 pm »
DrDnar, this is a very good idea for a topic. I have one suggestion though, you should also check bit 3 of 3A. No one has any idea what it does, but if it is set, that means something special related to usb hardware and we really need to know what it means.

I'll edit in my tests when I finish them.

1. Ti-84+SE
2. P-0508M
3. Requires ALCDFIX
4. V2
5. Ram = no
6. Port 15 = 55
7. port 3A = 00
8. 01C4
9. P?: 000000

1. Ti-84+SE
2. P-0510O
3. Requires ALCDFIX
4. V2
5. Ram = no
6. Port 15 = 55
7. Port 3A = 00
8. 7FC4
9. 000000
« Last Edit: July 11, 2011, 09:59:12 am by thepenguin77 »
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Re: You can help us solve a few mysteries!
« Reply #5 on: July 10, 2011, 09:10:30 pm »
Okay, people, sorry to mess you all up, but I've just edited my post to include thepenguin's request for reading port 3A.

Interesting, TI really has used AMD flash chips (that's the 01 number some of you are reporting). I don't know who manufacturer 7F is, though.
« Last Edit: July 10, 2011, 09:12:21 pm by DrDnar »
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Re: You can help us solve a few mysteries!
« Reply #6 on: July 10, 2011, 09:13:08 pm »
Edited my post

Offline Runer112

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Re: You can help us solve a few mysteries!
« Reply #7 on: July 10, 2011, 09:45:05 pm »
Edited my post for port 3A. It reads as 0F on my calc, so it's different from everybody else's results so far. Although that's not the only thing different about my calculator compared to the other calculators tested so far.
« Last Edit: July 10, 2011, 09:47:46 pm by Runer112 »

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Re: You can help us solve a few mysteries!
« Reply #8 on: July 10, 2011, 09:47:05 pm »
Darn, now my installation of TiLP broke, somehow...

EDIT: Nevermind, posting my results soon.

1. TI-83+
2. S-0508K
3. No
4. v#2
5. 83+
6. Port 15: 00
7. Port 3A: No (oddly it doesn't show and goes right to No IDs: without a newline)
8. 01B9
9. P?: 000045
« Last Edit: July 10, 2011, 10:04:56 pm by Juju »

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Re: You can help us solve a few mysteries!
« Reply #9 on: July 10, 2011, 10:07:01 pm »
1. TI-84+SE
2. S-0606F
3. No, I've never had to.
4. 10 July 2011 v#2
5. yes, I have 128K
6. port 15: 45
7. port 3A: 00
8. 01C4
9. all zeros

I have the AMD flash chip then?

Oh, and anything you find about USB, I would love to know. Even if it's just ideas/discussions.
« Last Edit: July 10, 2011, 10:07:46 pm by graphmastur »

Offline DrDnar

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Re: You can help us solve a few mysteries!
« Reply #10 on: July 10, 2011, 10:50:19 pm »
7. Port 3A: No (oddly it doesn't show and goes right to No IDs: without a newline)
I've fixed that bug. I forgot to insert a new line. Also, it just displays "no" for that test on the TI-83+ and TI-83+SE because we don't expect it to read anything of interest anyway.

8. 01B9
9. P?: 000045
Very interesting! It took me a bit to find the data sheet for the B9 device code. Even more interesting is that autoselect reports that the boot sector isn't hardware locked, so there's still a possibility that we can reflash the boot code on the TI-83+. (The 45 is a read from RAM page 1, not any flash sector.)
« Last Edit: July 10, 2011, 10:50:31 pm by DrDnar »
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Re: You can help us solve a few mysteries!
« Reply #11 on: July 10, 2011, 11:31:22 pm »
8. 01B9
9. P?: 000045
Very interesting! It took me a bit to find the data sheet for the B9 device code. Even more interesting is that autoselect reports that the boot sector isn't hardware locked, so there's still a possibility that we can reflash the boot code on the TI-83+. (The 45 is a read from RAM page 1, not any flash sector.)

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Re: You can help us solve a few mysteries!
« Reply #12 on: July 11, 2011, 12:13:05 am »
I have the AMD flash chip then?
Yes. By the way, AMD's flash manufacturing division appears to be now run by a subsidiary called Spansion.

Also, the 23h for the TI-83+ chip was an in-theory thing only. It's what a very old data sheet said.
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Re: You can help us solve a few mysteries!
« Reply #13 on: July 11, 2011, 12:46:29 am »
1. TI-84+
2. K-0207E
3. Don't think so?
4. v#2
5. 128 K RAM: Yes
6. Port 15: 45
7. Port 3A: 00
8. IDs: C2DA
9. 000000
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Re: You can help us solve a few mysteries!
« Reply #14 on: July 11, 2011, 03:38:06 am »
1. TI-84PSE
2. S0306-F
3. Yes (10)
4. V2
5. Yes
6. 45
7. 00
8. 01C4
9. 000000