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Zelda Secret Discussion
« Reply #15 on: January 06, 2006, 05:13:00 pm »
Pretty neat...I was thinking just cut scenes though and maybe a few panning/scrolling shots...oh, the semester is almost over!  No more Lit class or art appreciation!
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Zelda Secret Discussion
« Reply #16 on: January 06, 2006, 05:36:00 pm »
Yay!! as another goal for Zelda: i always wanted to make cutscenes that'll just blow the you away and are extremely good for calc. This was inspired by the PS2 game KingdomHearts which had amazing cutscenes and graphics, actually, just any FinalFantasy game. :)smile.gif We do have a large number of pic to work with Necro, so if we could have our quality up to that level...

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Zelda Secret Discussion
« Reply #17 on: January 06, 2006, 05:45:00 pm »
well...more or less having the scenes as just that can have a very diffrent effect from the movie.  Seeing the sceen before it fades to balc and words apear lets some of the scene be left to your imagination, just as some graphic novels have many frames, others pressent more with less.
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Zelda Secret Discussion
« Reply #18 on: January 06, 2006, 06:23:00 pm »
Do u think animation could be possible? that'd really up the level of the graphics :)smile.gif

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Zelda Secret Discussion
« Reply #19 on: January 06, 2006, 06:28:00 pm »
Of course it is "possible" but is it preferable?  *Sighs*  I could see places where animation would make sense, but lots of places where it would be...shall we say...hard to keep from being tacky.  I suppose it is a bit early to be putting all the eggs in any basket yet, as I haven't got the planned intro finished yet...
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Zelda Secret Discussion
« Reply #20 on: January 08, 2006, 02:15:00 pm »
True, guess we should get some more coding done first. Today i converted the door sytem to what u suggested, now all houses are just loacated on the outside of the map. Weirdly, it runs about same speed as before, but atlest we saved some ram :)smile.gif Now i'm thinking about plot again,
Plot(in order):
-Vaitti invades Hyrule Castle, extracts triforce from Zelda or King and shatters it, peices spread across Real World, Nightmare World, and His own heart.
-Link awakes from coma and is found by Saria in Deku Forest.
-go find Elder(guardian of Great Deku Tree), but he is lost within the Great Deku Tree, thus, must go inside to find him
-once elder is found, he tells of ancient quest about a hero who stood up to face evil, then tells Link and Saria their quest to find the triforce peices.Tell them to find woman named Impa at Hyrule Market
-At Hyrule market, impa tells u a clue(don't know what) that one triforce peice is hidden in Royal Tombs?
-...........(don't know what happens in middle)
-face vaitti down in his castle, link and saria both die, the sad ending u talked about.

As for overworld map, i think that ur's will work fine, just some tweaks i might make, like i think that we should move Hyrule Castle from middle of map, to the base of Death Mountain.

For Dungeons: i actually never played through a full game of Zelda so i'm little lacking info, wats a moblin? so i don't really know about moblin village, would it be ok if we turned that into the Forest Shrine/Temple in Nightmare World. Then in Nightmare world, the dungeons could be all elements: Wind, Fire, Water, and Forest. As for real world: Roc's Tower, Deku Tree(though thats more of a starting dungeon and won't contain a triforce peice), Royal Tombs, maybe Death Mountain?(though i don't really want the player to go through 2 mountain dungeons), maybe TimeShrine too?(though that might be in Nightmare world). one last thing, could u maybe write up a detailed walkthrough of full storyline when u have the time, thatd be great. Thanks.  

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Zelda Secret Discussion
« Reply #21 on: January 08, 2006, 05:02:00 pm »
Well, I think itd be good to try and have a story line in which there is a lot of "meaningless" that it would help people have a real bitter hate for vaatii, while you could then also create chacters which are evil, but either change or are so for a good reason (like G who will be merciless and has little pitty for hyrule early in the game as his people died and were cursed by hyrule)

I will put a full story together as soon as possible.
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Zelda Secret Discussion
« Reply #22 on: March 03, 2006, 10:47:00 am »
necro: if you could, can you make a sprite of:
-better vaitti
-a switch

thanks(this is urgent)

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Zelda Secret Discussion
« Reply #23 on: March 03, 2006, 08:23:00 pm »
will do, I will finish them tommorow (err...technicaly, today)

PS: use my aol email adress for urgent requests and stuff ([email protected]) as it always empty and the first thing I see when I log on

PSS:what kind of switch exactly? (describe it)
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Zelda Secret Discussion
« Reply #24 on: March 04, 2006, 05:43:00 pm »
user posted imageuser posted image
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Zelda Secret Discussion
« Reply #25 on: March 05, 2006, 11:54:00 am »
sweet!! that's awesome! here's the latest build of zelda
um, basically things are the same, but in final game form. Run prgmzintro to get started. I'm starting at the point where link wake up from nightmare(intro). If u notice, u can cut plants/jars and rubies/heart will appear. Also the entrances are blocked till u talk to the elder. I want to plan a item system? Do u think itd be viable to have a screen where link gets an item, or should it just be in the text box?Anyways, gonna start on Deku Forest now...(on 83+, the text doesn't run well, the screen will mysteriously clear before text is displayed?...on the SE's it seems to work fine thoiugh...)

Switch description:I'm planning kinda like Spencer's zelda, basically a little statue and when u hit it, it inverts color...or if u think itd be better to have a step on switch, both should work fine...

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Zelda Secret Discussion
« Reply #26 on: March 05, 2006, 04:20:00 pm »
I think that you ought to have both kinds because a switch in a master's room that locks a door would be a good idea...I don't get the ruby's purpose but the crystal switch and floor buttons both exist in zelda alread, and I could rip them for you if you'd like

also, looks like kerm plans on making a map maker
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Zelda Secret Discussion
« Reply #27 on: March 06, 2006, 02:12:00 pm »
cool, i guess both work. If kerm makes that map editor, would be tons easier! :)smile.gif Oh i forgot, when u run zintro, make sure to have zm11 and zm11a both archived, or else u'll run out of mem and get mem-error! so how's the prgm working for u? also, once u rip the sprites, could u also maybe rip some indoor castle tiles for the intro. Then maybe start working on the battle system...thanks

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Zelda Secret Discussion
« Reply #28 on: March 06, 2006, 06:57:00 pm »
I will try to get to em soon, got loads of stuff to do though...err, well, I just tested and only a 3X2 portion of the screen is tile mapped...which I bet has something to do with the fact the tile mapper uses S,T,0,6,0,4... as opposed to 0,12,0,4 and this may be a xlib version conlifct.  Do you have the one with the demo and credits in the readme on your calc, as it was the most recent and is what I am using.
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Zelda Secret Discussion
« Reply #29 on: March 08, 2006, 02:34:00 pm »
oh man, um, i'm still using the beta version of xlib u sent me, 0.601b. It works perfectly fine for me. You know ironically, you're the one who started me on this project. I remember when i was a noob, i was looking at maxcoderz forums. Then i saw ur signature which had a link to this awesome sprite place. There i found all the zelda sprites i needed and decided to make a game out of it! :)smile.gif Well, working on deku forest. My plan is to make a guardian block the path to the DekuTree. He wants u to bring him 3 deku nuts before u can pass. Then, u have to find the deku nuts in the forest in chests. All the while learning how to play the game, so like a tutorial dungeon. What do u think?